Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2012 | Suffering and recovery of fishery resources from climatic extreme - a case study of exceptional cold water intrusion in Penghu archipelagic waters in year 2008. | Ming-An Lee ; Yi Chang | | | |
2010 | Summer and winter distribution and composition of ichthyoplankton associated with the environment in the Southern East China Sea | Yi-Chen Wang ; Ming-An Lee ; Wen-Yu Chen; Liu-Chi Chen | | | |
2013 | SUMMER ASSEMBLAGES OF ICHTHYOPLANKTON IN THE WATERS OF THE EAST CHINA SEA SHELF AND AROUND TAIWAN IN 2007 | Ming-An Lee ; Yi-Chen Wang ; Yu-Kai Chen; Wen-Yu Chen; Long-Jing Wu; Don-Chung Liu; Ji-Lun Wu; Sheng-Yuan Teng | Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan | 7 | |
2012 | Summer assemblages of ichthyoplankton in waters of the East China Sea shelf and Taiwan in 2007. | Ming-An Lee ; W.-Y. Chen; Y.-K. Chen; Y.-C. Lan; G.C. Gong; N. Lo; D.C. Liu | | | |
2014 | Summer composition and distribution of fish larvae in the upwelling zone off northeastern Taiwan | Yi-Chen Wang ; Ming-An Lee | | | |
2006 | Summer distribution and diversity of copepods in the upwelling waters of the southeast East China Sea | Cheng-Hsin Liao ; Wan-Ju Chang; Ming-An Lee ; Kuo-Tien Lee | Zoological Studies | | |
2006 | Summer Distribution and Diversity of Copepods in Upwelling Waters of the Southeastern East China Sea | Cheng-Hsin Liao ; Wan-Ju Chang; Ming-An Lee ; Kuo-Tien Lee | Zoological Studies | | |
2017 | Summer spatial distribution of Benthosema pterotum larval on the continental shelf of the East China Sea | Yi-Chen Wang ; Ming-An Lee ; Lo Kuo-Cheng | | | |
2015 | Summer species composition and abundance of fish larvae possibly influencing by the Changjiang River runoff in the East China Sea | Yi-Chen Wang ; Ming-An Lee ; Wen-Yu Chen | | | |
2016 | Summer variation of fish larvae assemblages in the coastal waters off the Changjiang River estuary, East China Sea | Yi-Chen Wang ; Ming-An Lee ; Wen-Yu Chen | | | |
2009 | Summertime sea surface temperature fronts associated with upwelling around the Taiwan Bank | Kuo-Wei Lan ; Hiroshi Kawamura; Ming-An Lee ; Yi Chang; Jui-Wen Chan; Cheng-Hsin Liao | Continental Shelf Research | 28 | |
2008 | Summertime sea surface temperature fronts ssociated with upwelling around the Taiwan Bank. | Kuo-Wei Lan ; H. Kawamura; Ming-An Lee ; Y. Chang; J.-W. Chan; C.H. Liao | | | |
1997 | Surface layer biomass distribution characteristics using optical and hydroacoustic remote sensing methods in the waters of northeastern Taiwan. | Cheng-Hsin Liao ; Kuo-Tien Lee; Ming-Anne Lee ; Hsueh-Jung Lu | | | |
2018 | The Taiwan Global Yushan AIS CubeSat for Marine and Land Big Data Applications | Sheng-Long Kao ; Ming-An Lee ; Anson Tai; Hsun-Tsan Shen; Chih-Chien Liu; Alex Ming; Randson Huang; Chen-Joe, Fong; Albert Lin; Ming-Shong Chang; Henry Chen | | | |
2012 | TAIWAN GROUP ON EARTH OBSERVATIONS (TGEO) | Yuei-An Liou; Ming-An Lee ; J.K. Liu; F.P. Lin; C.C. Lin; K.T. Shao | | | |
2006 | The Temporal and Spatial Change in Position of Squid Fishing Ground in Relation to Oceanic Features in the Northeastern Waters of Taiwan | 廖正信(Cheng-Hsin Liao) ; 李明安(Ming-An Lee) ; 藍揚麒(Yan-Chi Lan); 李國添(Kuo-Tien Lee) | Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan | | |
2016 | Temporal habitat suitability modeling of Caspian shad (Alosa spp.) in the southern Caspian Sea | Haghi Vayghan, Ali; Fazli, Hasan; Ghorbani, Rasul; Lee, Ming-An ; Nasrollahzadeh Saravi, Hasan | J LIMNOL | 5 | |
2009 | Time series analyses reveal transient relationships between abundance of larval anchovy and environmental variables in the coastal waters southwest of Taiwan | Hsieh, C. H.; Chih-Shin Chen ; Chiu, T. S.; Lee, K. T.; Shieh, F. J.; Pan, J. Y.; Ming-An Lee | Fisheries Oceanography | | |
2010 | Time series analysis of fishing condition of yellowfin tuna and environmental variables based on Taiwanese regular and deep tuna longlines in the Arabian Sea. | K.W. Lan; Ming-An Lee ; T.J. Yan; T. Nishida; H. J. Lu | | | |
2007 | Torch-light Fishery in association with upwelling in southwest Taiwan waters. | Rui-Min Weng; Yi-Hui Cai; Nian-Zu Shi; Aketa M. Taanga; Ming-An Lee ; I-Hsun Ni | | | |