Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1997 | Learning recognition and reproduction of complex sequences using dynamic-weight neural network | M. C. Tsa; J. H. Wang | | | |
1998 | Learning recognition of temporal sequences by coding temporal distance in neural networks | Jung-Hua Wang ; Ming-Chieh Tsai | | | |
2001 | Learning temporal sequences using dual-weight neurons | Jung-Hua Wang ; Tsai, MC; Su, WS | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers | | |
1994 | Live reversible and bounded petri nets for modeling automated manufacturing systems | M. D. Jeng; Jung-Hua Wang | Advances in manufacturing systems: design, modeling and analysis | | |
2016 | MAXIMUM-LIKELIHOOD DIRECTIVITY FOR DEPICTING PERCEPTUAL CONTOURS | Tseng, C. S.; Jung-Hua Wang ; Huang, R. J. | Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan | | |
2015 | Method for auto-depicting trends in object contours | C. S. Tseng; J. H. Wang; S. C. Tsai; C. W. Lin; C.T. Lin; Jung-Hua Wang | | | |
2017 | Method for fast locating decipherable pattern | C. S. Tseng; Y. Y. Jheng; M. C. Jhuang; S. H. Chen; H. P. Cheng; T. H. Hsiang; Jung-Hua Wang | | | |
2013 | Method for fast locating decipherable pattern | C. S. Tseng; Y. Y. Jheng; M. C. Jhuang; S. H. Chen; H. P. Cheng; T. H. Hsiang; Jung-Hua Wang | | | |
2022 | Modified Yolov3 for Ship Detection with Visible and Infrared Images | Chang, Lena ; Chen, Yi-Ting; Wang, Jung-Hua ; Chang, Yang-Lang | ELECTRONICS-SWITZ | | |
2008 | Multi-object Segmentation Using Probabilistic Labeling | Jhan-Syuan Yu; Ming-Ci Jhuang; Kai-Chieh Yang; Jung-Hua Wang | | | |
2004 | A New Region-Based Approach for Image Segmentation | F. C. Chang; F. W. Su; J. H. Wang | | | |
1999 | A new robust clustering algorithm-density-weighted fuzzy c-means | Jin-Liang Chen; Jung-Hua Wang | | | |
2013 | Novel boundary determination algorithm for lane detection | Shan-Chun Tsai; Bo-Yu Huang; Yi-Hua Wang; Chiao-Wei Lin; Chang-Te Lin; Chun-Shun Tseng; Jung-Hua Wang | | | |
2001 | A novel cellular search algorithm for block-matching motion estimation | J. Hung; Hung-Shung Wong; Jung-Hua Wang | | | |
2000 | A novel self-creating neural network for learning vector quantization | Jung-Hua Wang ; Peng, CY | NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS | | |
1992 | On a neural network associative memory that uses indirect convergence | J.-H. Wang | | | |
1999 | On disparity matching in stereo vision via a neural network framework | Jung-Hua Wang ; Chih-ping Hsiao | Proceedings of the National Science Council : Part A, Physical Science and Engineering | | |
1999 | On the characteristics of growing cell structures (GCS) neural network | Jung-Hua Wang ; Sun, WD | NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS | | |
1991 | On the Characteristics of the Autoassociative Memory with Nonzero-Diagonal Terms in the Memory Matrix | Jung-Hua Wang ; Thomas F. Krile; John F. Walkup; Tai-Lang Jong | Neural Computation | | |
1996 | On the characteristics of the quadratic order associative memory that uses synchronous update and direct convergence | Jung-Hua Wang | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEURAL SYSTEMS | | |