Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2019 | A case study of a Kuroshio main path cut-off event and impacts on the South China Sea in fall-winter 2013-2014 | Zheng, Quanan; Ho, Chung-Ru ; Xie, Lingling; Li, Mingming | ACTA OCEANOL SIN | 14 | |
1997 | Centroid motion of the Western Pacific warm pool during three recent El Nino Southern Oscillation events | Yan, X. H.; He, Y.; Liu, W. T.; Zheng, Q. N.; Chun-Ru Ho | Journal of Physical Oceanography | | |
2011 | Change of sea surface height in the East Asia seas from satellite altimeter data | Chung-Ru Ho ; Yu-Hsin Cheng ; N.-J. Kuo; S.-J. Huang | | | |
2021 | Characteristic Analysis of Sea Surface Currents around Taiwan Island from CODAR Observations | Tseng, Yu-Hao; Lu, Ching-Yuan; Zheng, Quanan; Ho, Chung-Ru | REMOTE SENSING | 7 | |
2024/9/1 | Characteristics Analysis of Acoustic Doppler Current Profile Measurements in Northeast Taiwan Offshore | Ho, Chung-Ru ; Cheng, Kai-Ho; Zheng, Zhe-Wen; Lee, Hung-Jen ; Hsu, Tai-Wen | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING | | |
2013 | Characteristics of meso-scale eddies interacting with Kuroshio around the eastern Luzon Strait | Chung-Ru Ho ; Yu-Hsin Cheng ; N.-J. Kuo | | | |
2012 | Characteristics of oceanic eddies in the North Pacific | Chung-Ru Ho ; Yu-Hsin Cheng ; N.-J. Kuo; Y.-T Lo; C.-C. Tsao | | | |
1998 | Coastal Lee waves on ERS-1 SAR images | Zheng, Q. N.; Yan, X. H.; Klemas, V.; Chun-Ru Ho ; Kuo, N. J.; Wang, Z. M. | Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans | | |
2011 | Cold patched on the sea off northeastern Taiwan | Yu-Hsin Cheng ; Chung-Ru Ho | | | |
1995 | Cold-core eddy detected in South China Sea | Yin S. Soong; Jian‐Hwa Hu; Chung-Ru Ho ; Pearn P. Niiler | Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union | 0 | |
1999 | A comparison of OCI and SeaWiFS satellite imagery in the waters adjacent to Taiwan | Li, H. W.; Chun-Ru Ho ; Kuo, N. J.; Chen, C. T.; Tsai, W. P. | Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | | |
2009 | Construction and application of automatic oil detection system around Taiwan | Tsao, Y.-H.; Z.-W. Zheng; Chung-Ru Ho | | | |
2010 | Detecting Surface Kuroshio Front in the Luzon Strait From Multichannel Satellite Data Using Neural Networks | Su, F. C.; Tseng, R. S.; Chun-Ru Ho ; Lee, Y. H.; Zheng, Q. N. | Ieee Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters | | |
2011 | Detecting the phytoplankton bloom from satellite images | Kuo, N.-J.; Chung-Ru Ho ; S.-J. Huang | | | |
2008 | Distribution of internal waves in South China Sea from satellite ocean color imager | Chung-Ru Ho ; F.-C. Su; N.-J. Kuo | | | |
2008 | Distribution of internal waves in the South China Sea from satellite ocean color imagery | Chung-Ru Ho ; F.-C. Su; N.-J. Kuo; C.-C. Tsao | | | |
1998 | The distribution of pigment in the seawater adjacent to Taiwan | Chun-Te Chen; Jia-Ming Horng; Tien-Hsi Fang ; Chung-Ru Ho | 臺灣水產學會刊 | | |
2020 | Diurnal to Seasonal Variations in Ocean Chlorophyll and Ocean Currents in the North of Taiwan Observed by Geostationary Ocean Color Imager and Coastal Radar | Hsu, P. C.; Lu, C. Y.; Tai-Wen Hsu ; Chun-Ru Ho | Remote Sensing | | |
2000 | Dynamically active areas in the South China Sea detected from TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimeter data | Chun-Ru Ho ; Kuo, N. J.; Zheng, Q. N.; Soong, Y. S. | Remote Sensing of Environment | | |
2014 | Earth Observations and Societal Impacts | Liou, Y. A.; Chun-Ru Ho ; Kuleshov, Y.; Barriot, J. P. | Advances in Meteorology | | |