Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2013 | CASE STUDY OF ASIAN DUST EVENT ON MARCH 19-25, 2010 AND ITS IMPACT ON THE MARGINAL SEA OF CHINA | Fu-Jung Tsai ; Shih-Jen Huang ; Fang, Y. S. | Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan | 10 | |
2013 | COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT WIND STRESS EFFECTS ON SST AND SSS IN THE EAST CHINA SEA REGION | Hung-Jen Lee ; Chao, S. Y.; Liu, K. K.; Shih-Jen Huang | Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan | | |
2015 | Dissolved organic nitrogen in wet deposition in a coastal city (Keelung) of the southern East China Sea: Origin, molecular composition and flux | You-Xin Chen; Hung-Yu Chen ; Wei Wang; Jun- Jun Yeh; Wen-Chen Chou ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Fu-Jung Tsai ; Shih-Jen Huang ; Cheng-Ting Lin | Atmospheric Environment | 13 | |
2015 | Distribution of Atmospheric Aerosol over the South China Sea | Shih-Jen Huang ; Lin, C. C. | Advances in Meteorology | | |
2016 | Effects of Cold Eddy on Kuroshio Meander and Its Surface Properties, East of Taiwan | Hsu, Po-Chun; Lin, Chen-Chih; Huang, Shih-Jen ; Ho, Chung-Ru | IEEE J-STARS | 11 | |
2015 | AN EXPERIMENTAL FIELD STUDY USING A FLEXIBLE HIGH-STRENGH NET BREAKWATER FOR SHORE PROTECTION | Jan, C. D.; Peng, T. H.; Shih-Jen Huang ; Hsu, H. C. | Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan | | |
2016 | Impacts of coastal upwelling off east Vietnam on the regional winds system: An air-sea-land interaction | Zheng, Z. W.; Zheng, Q. N.; Kuo, Y. C.; Gopalakrishnan, G.; Lee, C. Y.; Chun-Ru Ho ; Kuo, N. J.; Shih-Jen Huang | Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans | | |
2015 | Impacts of Two-Type ENSO on Rainfall over Taiwan | Lin, C. C.; Liou, Y. J.; Shih-Jen Huang | Advances in Meteorology | | |
2017 | Investigation of the island-induced ocean vortex train of the Kuroshio Current using satellite imagery | Po-Chun Hsu; Ming-Huei Chang; Chen-Chih Lin; Shih-Jen Huang ; Chung-Ru Ho | Remote Sensing of Environment | 15 | |
2024/5/1 | Monsoons and Tide-Induced Eddies Deflect the Dispersion of the Thermal Plume in Nan Wan Bay | Lee, Hung-Jen ; Huang, Shih-Jen ; Meng, Pei-Jie; Chen, Chung-Chi; Ho, Chia-Ying; Tsai, Yi-Chen | WATER | | |
2012 | Observation of typhoon eyes on the sea surface using multi-sensors | Cheng, Y. H.; Liu, A. K.; Chun-Ru Ho ; Kuo, N. J.; Shih-Jen Huang | Remote Sensing of Environment | | |
2004 | Observations and conditions for occurrence of dangerous coastal waves | Tsai, C. H.; Su, M. Y.; Shih-Jen Huang | Ocean Engineering | | |
2022 | On the Reconstruction of Missing Sea Surface Temperature Data from Himawari-8 in Adjacent Waters of Taiwan Using DINEOF Conducted with 25-h Data | Yang, Yi-Chung; Lu, Ching-Yuan; Huang, Shih-Jen ; Yang, Thwong-Zong; Chang, Yu-Cheng; Ho, Chung-Ru | REMOTE SENS-BASEL | 3 | |
2013 | An overview of regional experiments on biomass burning aerosols and related pollutants in Southeast Asia: From BASE-ASIA and the Dongsha Experiment to 7-SEAS | Lin, N. H.; Tsay, S. C.; Maring, H. B.; Yen, M. C.; Sheu, G. R.; Wang, S. H.; Chi, K. H.; Chuang, M. T.; Ou-Yang, C. F.; Fu, J. S.; Reid, J. S.; Lee, C. T.; Wang, L. C.; Wang, J. L.; Hsu, C. N.; Sayer, A. M.; Holben, B. N.; Chu, Y. C.; Nguyen, X. A.; Sopajaree, K.; Chen, S. J.; Cheng, M. T.; Tsuang, B. J.; Tsai, C. J.; Peng, C. M.; Schnell, R. C.; Conway, T.; Chang, C. T.; Lin, K. S.; Tsai, Y. I.; Lee, W. J.; Chang, S. C.; Liu, J. J.; Chiang, W. L.; Shih-Jen Huang ; Lin, T. H.; Liu, G. R. | Atmospheric Environment | | |
1999 | An overview of ROCSAT-1 OCI science team and science data distribution center | Hsien-Wen Li; Chung-Ru Ho ; Nan-Jung Kuo; Wei-Peng Tsai; Shih-Jen Huang | COSPAR Colloquia Series | 0 | |
1996 | A Preliminary Result of Measurements of Optical Properties in the Northeast Taiwan Coastal water | 何宗儒 ; 蔡為鵬; 呂麗華; 陳俊德; 郭南榮; 黃世任 ; 李賢文 | 臺灣海洋學刊 | | |
2016 | RECONSTRUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF SURFACE VELOCITY FROM DRIFTERS IN THE KUROSHIO REGION EAST OF TAIWAN | Cheng, K. H.; Lin, C. C.; Hsu, P. C.; Shih-Jen Huang | Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan | | |
2014 | Spatial-temporal scales of Green Island wake due to passing of the Kuroshio current | Chun-Ru Ho ; Lin, S. L.; Shin-Jye Liang ; Shih-Jen Huang | International Journal of Remote Sensing | | |
2016 | A study of radar backscattering from water surface in response to rainfall | Liu, X.; Zheng, Q. A.; Liu, R.; Wang, D.; Duncan, J. H.; Shih-Jen Huang | Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans | | |