Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2017 | The bottleneck problem in large scale IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBeenetworks | Chih-Min Chao ; Wang, H. H. | International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing | | |
2024/8/1 | A Channel Usage Probability Awareness Anti-Jamming Channel Hopping Protocol for Cognitive Radio Networks | Lei, Sheng-Wei; Chao, Chih-Min | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING | | |
2014 | A Channel-Hopping Multichannel MAC Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | Chih-Min Chao ; Tsai, H. C. | Ieee Transactions on Vehicular Technology | | |
2007 | A clock synchronization algorithm for multihop wireless ad hoc networks | Sheu, J. P.; Chih-Min Chao ; Hu, W. K.; Sun, C. W. | Wireless Personal Communications | | |
2002 | Code Placement and Replacement Strategies for Wideband CDMA OVSF Code Tree Management | Yu-Chee Tseng; Chih-Min Chao | | | |
2014 | Design of structure-free and energy-balanced data aggregation in wireless sensor networks | Chih-Min Chao ; Hsiao, T. Y. | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | | |
2017 | DRP: An energy-efficient routing protocol for underwater sensor networks | Chao, Chih-Min ; Jiang, Cheng-Hong; Li, Wei-Che | INT J COMMUN SYST | 20 | |
2005 | Dynamic bandwidth allocation for multimedia traffic with rate guarantee and fair access in WCDMA systems | Chih-Min Chao ; Tseng, Y. C.; Wang, L. C. | Ieee Transactions on Mobile Computing | | |
2002 | Dynamic channel allocation with location awareness for multi-hop mobile ad hoc networks | Yu-Chee Tseng; Chih-Min Chao ; Shih-Lin Wu; Jang-Ping Sheu | | | |
2016 | Efficient Asynchronous Channel Hopping Design for Cognitive Radio Networks | Chih-Min Chao ; Hsu, C. Y.; Ling, Y. T. | Ieee Transactions on Vehicular Technology | | |
2006 | An Efficient Channel Assignment for a Multi-Channel Mobile Ad Hoc Network Based on Location Information | Tseng, Yu-Chee; Wu, Shih-Lin; Chih-Min Chao ; Sheu, Jang-Ping | | | |
2006 | An efficient MAC protocol for multi-channel mobile ad hoc networks based on location information | Tseng, Y. C.; Wu, S. L.; Chih-Min Chao ; Sheu, J. P. | International Journal of Communication Systems | | |
2018 | Energy Efficient Protocol for Corona-Based Wireless Sensor Network | Chih-Min Chao ; Cheng-Hong Jiang | | | |
2015 | Energy-efficient broadcast in multihop cognitive radio networks | Chih-Min Chao ; Huang, D. J.; Peng, Y. R. | Computer Communications | | |
2015 | Energy-Efficient Multichannel MAC Protocol Design for Bursty Data Traffic in Underwater Sensor Networks | Ming-Wei Lu ; Lin, Y. C.; Chih-Min Chao | Ieee Journal of Oceanic Engineering | | |
2013 | Energy-efficient transmissions for bursty traffic in underwater sensor networks | Ming-Wei Lu ; Chih-Min Chao | International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing | | |
2015 | A Fast Rendezvous-Guarantee Channel Hopping Protocol for Cognitive Radio Networks | Chih-Min Chao ; Fu, H. Y.; Zhang, L. R. | Ieee Transactions on Vehicular Technology | | |
2018 | A Flexible Anti-Jamming Channel Hopping for Cognitive Radio Networks | Chih-Min Chao ; Wei-Che Lee; Cong-Xiang Wang; Shin-Chung Huang; Yu-Chich Yang | | | |
2019 | High-Reception-Rate Transmission by Dynamic Scheduling for Wireless Body Area Networks | Wei-Ting Yeh; Chih-Min Chao ; Cong-Xaiang Wang | | | |
2006 | A Joint Code/Time Assignment Strategy with Minimal Fragmentations for CDMA Systems | Chih-Min Chao ; Shih-Han Wang | | | |