Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2016 | Fast Travel and Technology Acceptance Model, Airport Self-Service Options for Travel | Wen-Hung Wang ; Freya H. Hung | Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities- BESSH-2016 | | |
2015 | Hello Kitty livery is just a glimpse of Hello Kitty experiential package: The effects of celebrity-themed aircraft on purchase intention | Wen-Hung Wang ; Waros Ngamsiriudom | Journal of Service Theory and Practice | 0 | |
2008 | How Managers Assure Financial Performance from the View of Attributes and Benefits – An Application of BSC | Chiung-Ju Liang; Wen-Hung Wang | 2008 ACME/FBD Conference | | |
2008 | How managers in the financial services industry ensure financial performance | Chiung‐Ju Liang; Wen-Hung Wang | The Service Industries Journal | 0 | |
2008 | Influence of Attitude, Anxiety and Self-Efficacy toward Statistics and Technology on Statistical Package Software Usage Behavior | Maxwell K. Hsu; Wen-Hung Wang ; Kevin Kuan-Shun Chiu | 2008 SWDSI/FBD Conference | | |
2009 | The influence of customer perceptions on financial performance in financial services | Chiung‐Ju Liang; Wen-Hung Wang ; Jillian Dawes Farquhar | International Journal of Bank Marketing | 0 | |
2007 | An insight into the impact of a retailer's relationship efforts on customers' attitudes and behavioral intentions | Chiung‐Ju Liang; Wen-Hung Wang | International Journal of Bank Marketing | 0 | |
2007 | An Insight into the Impact of Retailer’s Relationship Efforts on Consumer’s Attitude and Behavior--Financial Services Industry in Taiwan | Chiung-Ju Liang; Wen-Hung Wang | 2007 Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators Conference | | |
2005 | Integrative research into the financial services industry in Taiwan: Relationship bonding tactics, relationship quality and behavioural loyalty | Chiung-Ju Liang; Wen-Hung Wang | Journal of Financial Services Marketing | 0 | |
2008 | The interrelationship of retailer's relationship efforts and consumers' attitude and behavior | Wen-Hung Wang | Measuring Business Excellence | 0 | |
2017 | Key account relationship management: the moderating effects of relationship duration and transaction volume | Jian He Yeh; Wen-Hung Wang ; Maxwell K. Hsu; Scott Swanson | The Service Industries Journal | 0 | |
2020 | Modeling Airline Crisis Management Capability: Brand attitude, brand credibility and intention | GraceHsiu-Ying Kao; Wen-Hung Wang ; Jillian DawesFarquhar | Journal of Air Transport Management | 0 | |
2020 | Modeling Airline Crisis Management Capability: Brand attitude, brand credibility and intention | Kao, Grace Hsiu-Ying; Wang, Stephen W. ; Farquhar, Jillian Dawes | JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT | 10 | |
2014 | The moderating effects of involvement with respect to customer relationship management of the airline sector | Wen-Hung Wang | Journal of Air Transport Management | 0 | |
2018 | Positive moods and word-of-mouth in the banking industry: A moderated mediation model of perceived value and relational benefits | Che-Hui Lien; Jyh-Jeng Wu; Maxwell K. Hsu; Wen-Hung Wang | International Journal of Bank Marketing | 0 | |
2017 | Real-Cargo Information Tracking Technology (RCI), Perceived Value and Intention to Use | Andrew Peng; Wen-Hung Wang | The 2017 ICABMIT International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Technology | | |
2016 | Relational based customer relationship management in the cruise line vacations sector | Wen-Hung Wang | The 2016 ICBTS International Advance Innovation Business and Tourism Research Conference | | |
2012 | A Research of Service Outcomes in Taiwan: The Role of Patients’ Quality Perceptions and Wait Time | Kishwar Joonas; Wen-Hung Wang | Hospital Topics | 0 | |
2007 | A Research of the Behavioral Sequence of Information Education Services Industry in Taiwan | Chiung-Ju Liang; Wen-Hung Wang | 2007 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference | | |