Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2019 | API Prober – A Tool for Analyzing Web API Features and Clustering Web APIs | Shang-Pin Ma ; Ming-Jen Hsu; Hsiao-Jung Chen; Yu-Sheng Su | ICEBE 2019: Advances in E-Business Engineering for Ubiquitous Computing | | |
2015 | Applying Genetic Programming for Time-Aware Dynamic QoS Prediction | Yang Syu; Yong-Yi FanJiang; Jong-Yih Kuo; Shang-Pin Ma | 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services | | |
2013 | Applying hybrid learning approach to RoboCup's strategy | Kuo, J. Y.; Huang, F. C.; Shang-Pin Ma ; Fanjiang, Y. Y. | Journal of Systems and Software | | |
2010 | An Aspect-Oriented Approach for Mobile Embedded Software Modeling | Yong-Yi FanJiang; Jong Yih Kuo; Shang-Pin Ma ; Wong-Rong Huang | Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2010 | | |
2009 | BPEL Extensions to User-Interactive Service Delivery | Lee, J.; Lin, Y. Y.; Shang-Pin Ma ; Lee, S. J. | Journal of Information Science and Engineering | | |
2018 | Building Mobile Apps by Ordinary Users: A Service-Brick-Based Approach | Shang-Pin Ma ; Peng-Zhong Chen; Yang-Sheng Ma; Jheng-Shiun Jiang | Journal of Information Science and Engineering | | |
2021 | Cache-Enabled and Context-Aware Approach to Building Composite Mobile Apps | Ma, Shang-Pin ; Li, Chi-Chia; Lee, Shin-Jie; Chen, Hsi-Min; Lee, Wen-Tin | JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING | 1 | |
2016 | CARSB Portal: A Web-Based Software Tool to Composing Service Bricks and RESTful Services as Mobile Apps | Shang-Pin Ma ; Peng-Zhong Chen; Yang-Sheng Ma; Jheng-Shiun Jiang | 2016 International Computer Symposium (ICS) | 0 | |
2024/12/1 | ChatOps for microservice systems: A low-code approach using service composition and large language models | Wang, Sheng-Kai; Ma, Shang-Pin ; Lai, Guan-Hong; Chao, Chen-Hao | FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE | | |
2021 | Collaborative Security Annotation and Online Testing for Web APIs | Hsiao-Jung Chen; Shang-Pin Ma ; Hsueh-Cheng Lu | | | |
2015 | Configurable RESTful Service Mashup: A Process-Data- Widget Approach | Shang-Pin Ma ; Chun-Ying Huang; Yong-Yi Fanjiang; Jong-Yih Kuo | Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences | | |
2014 | Context-Aware RESTful Service Delivery Mechanism for Smartphones | Shang-Pin Ma ; Ping-Chang Chen; Chi-Chia Li; Wen-Tin Lee | Intelligent Systems and Applications | | |
2015 | Contextual service discovery using term expansion and binding coverage analysis | Shang-Pin Ma ; Lan, C. W.; Li, C. H. | Future Generation Computer Systems-the International Journal of Escience | | |
2018 | Cost-Driven Cloud Service Recommendation for Building E-Commerce Websites | Chia-Ying Wang; Shang-Pin Ma ; Shou-Hong Dai | ICS 2018: New Trends in Computer Technologies and Applications | | |
2015 | Designing Software Architecture with Service Components using Design Structure Matrix | Wen-Tin Lee; Kuo-Hsun Hsu; Shang-Pin Ma | International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) | | |
2014 | Dynamic Service Composition Using Core Service Identification | Shang-Pin Ma ; Fanjiang, Y. Y.; Kuo, J. Y. | Journal of Information Science and Engineering | | |
2008 | Dynamic service composition: A discovery-based approach | Lee, J.; Shang-Pin Ma ; Lin, Y. Y.; Lee, S. J.; Wang, Y. C. | International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | | |
2012 | An Effective Flood Forecasting System Based on Web Services | Ya-Hui Chang ; Pei-Shan Wu; Yu-Te Liu; Shang-Pin Ma | | | |
2013 | Efficient Service Discovery Using Similarity-Distance-Based Relaxation | Shang-Pin Ma ; Chih-Chun Ma; Wen-Tin Lee | 2013 Fifth International Conference on Service Science and Innovation | | |
2012 | Execution Plan for Software Engineering Education in Taiwan | Jonathan Lee; Alan Liu; Yu Chin Cheng; Shang-Pin Ma ; Shin-Jie Lee | 2012 19th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference | 0 | |