Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2024/8/1 | An Advanced Soil Classification Method Employing the Random Forest Technique in Machine Learning | Liu, Chih-Yu; Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Wu, Ting-Yuan; Ku, Yun-Cheng | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL | | |
2024/3/1 | Charactering Human-Caused Fires Using GIS-Based Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in Keelung City, Taiwan | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Lu, Hsueh-Chuan; Tu, Yi-Tse; Liu, Chih-Yu | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL | | |
2021 | A collocation method with space-time radial polynomials for inverse heat conduction problems | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Liu, Chih-Yu; Xiao, Jing-En; Hsu, Shih-Meng ; Yeih, Weichung | ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS | 8 | |
2024/5/1 | Deep Neural Networks with Spacetime RBF for Solving Forward and Inverse Problems in the Diffusion Process | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Liu, Chih-Yu; Chiu, Yu-Jia ; Chen, Wei-Da | MATHEMATICS | | |
2021 | A GIS-Based Artificial Neural Network Model for Flood Susceptibility Assessment | Khoirunisa, Nanda; Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Liu, Chih-Yu | INT J ENV RES PUB HE | 21 | |
2021 | Infinitely Smooth Polyharmonic RBF Collocation Method for Numerical Solution of Elliptic PDEs | Liu, Chih-Yu; Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Hong, Li-Dan; Hsu, Shih-Meng | MATHEMATICS | 3 | |
2021 | A Meshless Method with Radial Basis Function for Solving Unsaturated Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Liu, Chih-Yu; Huang, Wei-Po ; Xiao, Jing-En | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TAIWAN | 0 | |
2020 | Modeling Tide-Induced Groundwater Response in a Coastal Confined Aquifer Using the Spacetime Collocation Approach | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Liu, Chih-Yu; Su, Yan; Yang, Luxi; Huang, Wei-Po | APPL SCI-BASEL | 3 | |
2021 | Modeling Transient Flows in Heterogeneous Layered Porous Media Using the Space-Time Trefftz Method | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Hong, Li-Dan; Liu, Chih-Yu; Xiao, Jing-En; Huang, Wei-Po | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL | 5 | |
2020 | Multiquadrics without the Shape Parameter for Solving Partial Differential Equations | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Liu, Chih-Yu; Xiao, Jing-En; Hsu, Shih-Meng | SYMMETRY-BASEL | 4 | |
2022 | A Novel Space-Time Marching Method for Solving Linear and Nonlinear Transient Problems | Hong, Li-Dan; Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Liu, Chih-Yu | MATHEMATICS | 0 | |
2023 | A Novel Spacetime Boundary-Type Meshless Method for Estimating Aquifer Hydraulic Properties Using Pumping Tests | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Liu, Chih-Yu | MATHEMATICS | | |
2021 | On solving elliptic boundary value problems using a meshless method with radial polynomials | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Xiao, Jing-En; Liu, Chih-Yu; Lin, Der-Guey | MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION | 0 | |
2024/4/1 | Predictive Modeling of Fire Incidence Using Deep Neural Networks | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Liu, Chih-Yu | FIRE-SWITZERLAND | | |
2023 | Reconstructing missing time-varying land subsidence data using back propagation neural network with principal component analysis | Liu, Chih-Yu; Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Hsu, Jia-Fu | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | | |
2022 | A Simplified Radial Basis Function Method with Exterior Fictitious Sources for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems | Liu, Chih-Yu; Ku, Cheng-Yu | MATHEMATICS | 3 | |
2022 | Solving Inverse Problems of Stationary Convection-Diffusion Equation Using the Radial Basis Function Method with Polyharmonic Polynomials | Xiao, Jing-En; Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Liu, Chih-Yu | APPL SCI-BASEL | 0 | |
2020 | Solving Transient Groundwater Inverse Problems Using Space-Time Collocation Trefftz Method | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Hong, Li-Dan; Liu, Chih-Yu | WATER | 5 | |
2021 | Space-time polyharmonic radial polynomial basis functions for modeling saturated and unsaturated flows | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Hong, Li-Dan; Liu, Chih-Yu; Xiao, Jing-En | ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS | 4 | |
2020 | Space-Time Radial Basis Function-Based Meshless Approach for Solving Convection-Diffusion Equations | Ku, Cheng-Yu ; Xiao, Jing-En; Liu, Chih-Yu | MATHEMATICS | 2 | |