Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2005 | The China Coastal Current as a driving force for transporting Calanus sinicus (Copepoda : Calanoida) from its population centers to waters off Taiwan and Hong Kong during the winter northeast monsoon period | Jiang-Shiou Hwang ; Wong, C. K. | Journal of Plankton Research | 96 | |
2015 | Dietary analysis on the shallow-water hydrothermal vent crab Xenograpsus testudinatus using Illumina sequencing | Ho, T. W.; Jiang-Shiou Hwang ; Cheung, M. K.; Kwan, H. S.; Wong, C. K. | Marine Biology | 10 | |
2015 | Microbial diversity in shallow-water hydrothermal sediments of Kueishan Island, Taiwan as revealed by pyrosequencing | Wang, L.; Cheung, M. K.; Kwan, H. S.; Jiang-Shiou Hwang ; Wong, C. K. | Journal of Basic Microbiology | 17 | |
1999 | On k-ary spanning trees of tournaments | Lu, X. Y.; Wang, D. W.; Chang, G. J.; In-Jen Lin ; Wong, C. K. | Journal of Graph Theory | | |
2008 | Spatial and seasonal variations in chaetognath assemblages in two subtropical marine inlets with different hydrographical characteristics | Tse, P.; Souissi, S.; Jiang-Shiou Hwang ; Chen, Q. C.; Wong, C. K. | Zoological Studies | | |
2006 | Study of selective feeding in the marine cladoceran Penilia avirostris by HPLC pigment analysis | Wong, C. K.; Liu, X. J.; Siu, Y. Y.; Jiang-Shiou Hwang | Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology | 10 | |
1998 | Taxonomic composition and grazing impact of calanoid copepods in coastal waters near nuclear power plants in northern Taiwan | Wong, C. K.; Jiang-Shiou Hwang ; Chen, Q. C. | Zoological Studies | | |
1998 | Taxonomic composition and grazing rate of calanoid copepods in coastal waters of northern Taiwan | Jiang-Shiou Hwang ; Chen, Q. C.; Wong, C. K. | Crustaceana | 40 | |
2003 | Taxonomic composition, density and biomass of free-living copepods in the coastal waters of southwestern Taiwan | Jiang-Shiou Hwang ; Chen, Q. C.; Wong, C. K. | Crustaceana | 19 | |