Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2019 | Evaluation of the Ba-137 mass-marking technique and potential effects in the early life history stages of Sepioteuthis lessoniana | Chiang, Chun-, I; Chung, Ming-Tsung; Shih, Tung-Wei; Chan, Tin-Yam ; Yamaguchi, Atsuko; Wang, Chia-Hui | MAR FRESHWATER RES | 3 | |
2020 | Seasonal Movement Patterns of the Bigfin Reef Squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana Predicted Using Statolith delta O-18 Values | Chiang, Chun-, I; Chung, Ming-Tsung; Shiao, Jen-Chieh; Wang, Pei-Ling; Chan, Tin-Yam ; Yamaguchi, Atsuko; Wang, Chia-Hui | FRONT MAR SCI | 7 | |
2023 | Stable isotopes in scales of mangrove snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus as an indicator for origin discrimination | Chiang, Chun-, I; Lu, Chian-Yu; Wang, Chia-Hui | AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL | | |
2022 | Systematic evaluation of oxygen isotopes in cephalopod statoliths as thermal proxies | Martino, Jasmin C.; Chung, Ming-Tsung; Chiang, Chun-, I; Wang, Chia-Hui ; Shirai, Kotaro; Doubleday, Zoe A. | ICES J MAR SCI | 1 | |
2023/12/7 | Thermal histories reveal spatiotemporal distribution and population overlapping of Sepioteuthis lessoniana | Chiang, Chun-, I; Chung, Ming-Tsung; Shiao, Jen-Chieh; Wang, Pei-Ling; Wang, Chia-Hui | ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE | | |