Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1995 | 2 FOOD POISONING INCIDENTS DUE TO INGESTING THE PURPLE CLAM OCCURRED IN TAIWAN | Deng-Fwu Hwang ; Tsai, Y. H.; Cheng, C. A.; Liao, I. C.; Jeng, S. S.; Noguchi, T.; Hashimoto, K. | Journal of Natural Toxins | | |
2018 | A Novel Hybrid Boundary-Type Meshless Method for Solving Heat Conduction Problems in Layered Materials | Xiao, J. E.; Wei-Po Huang ; Su, Y.; Tsai, Y. H.; Cheng-Yu Ku | Applied Sciences-Basel | | |
2012 | Baicalein loaded in tocol nanostructured lipid carriers (tocol NLCs) for enhanced stability and brain targeting | Tsai, M. J.; Wu, P. C.; Huang, Y. B.; Jui-Sheng Chang ; Lin, C. L.; Tsai, Y. H.; Fang, J. Y. | International Journal of Pharmaceutics | | |
2012 | Baicalein loaded in tocol nanostructured lipid carriers (tocol NLCs) for enhanced stability and brain targeting (vol 423, pg 461, 2012) | Tsai, M. J.; Wu, P. C.; Huang, Y. B.; Jui-Sheng Chang ; Lin, C. L.; Tsai, Y. H.; Fang, J. Y. | International Journal of Pharmaceutics | | |
2004 | The characterization and biodistribution of cefoxitin-loaded liposomes | Wu, P. C.; Tsai, Y. H.; Liao, C. C.; Jui-Sheng Chang ; Huang, Y. B. | International Journal of Pharmaceutics | | |
2011 | Deciphering the neuroprotective mechanisms of Bu-yang Huan-wu decoction by an integrative neurofunctional and genomic approach in ischemic stroke mice | Wang, H. W.; Liou, K. T.; Wang, Y. H.; Lu, C. K.; Lin, Y. L.; Lee, I. J.; Sheng-Teng Huang ; Tsai, Y. H.; Cheng, Y. C.; Lin, H. J.; Shen, Y. C. | Journal of Ethnopharmacology | 73 | |
2016 | Degradation of Histamine in Salted Fish Product by Halotolerant Bacillus Polymyxa | Kung, H. F.; Lee, Y. C.; Tseng, Y. L.; Huang, Y. L.; Tai-Yuan Chen ; Tsai, Y. H. | Journal of Food Safety | 4 | |
2019 | Depression increases the risk of rotator cuff tear and rotator cuff repair surgery: A nationwide population-based study | Kuo, L. T.; Hong-Ming Chen ; Yu, P. A.; Chen, C. L.; Hsu, W. H.; Tsai, Y. H.; Chen, K. J.; Chen, V. C. H. | Plos One | | |
2004 | Determination of xanthonolol by high performance liquid chromatography for pharmacokinetic studies in rats | Huang, Y. B.; Jui-Sheng Chang ; Wu, P. C.; Tsai, Y. H. | Journal of Food and Drug Analysis | | |
2022 | Development and verification of the coaxial heterogeneous hyperspectral imaging system | Tsai, Y. H.; Yan, Y. J.; Li, Y. S.; Chang, C. H.; Haung, C. C.; Chen, T. C.; Lin, S. G. ; Ou-Yang, M. | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS | 0 | |
2010 | The effect of component of microemulsion for transdermal delivery of nicardipine hydrochloride | Wu, P. C.; Lin, Y. H.; Jui-Sheng Chang ; Huang, Y. B.; Tsai, Y. H. | Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy | | |
2011 | The Effect of Component of Microemulsions on Transdermal Delivery of Buspirone Hydrochloride | Tsai, Y. H.; Chang, J. T.; Jui-Sheng Chang ; Huang, C. T.; Huang, Y. B.; Wu, P. C. | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | | |
2007 | The effect of mixed-solvent and Terpenes on percutaneous absorption of meloxicam gel | Jui-Sheng Chang ; Tsai, Y. H.; Wu, P. C.; Huang, Y. B. | Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy | | |
2012 | Electrically-Assisted Skin Delivery of Buspirone Submicron Emulsions | Tsai, Y. H.; Chang, J. T.; Huang, C. T.; Jui-Sheng Chang ; Huang, Y. B.; Wu, P. C. | Journal of Food and Drug Analysis | | |
2015 | Embedding of silymarin/zein nanoparticles to bacterial cellulose for extending fish shelf life | Jhan, Y. T.; Tsai, Y. H.; Mi, F. L.; Tsai, M. L. | | | |
2012 | Erlotinib Treatment in Patients with Advanced Lung Adenocarcinoma with CISH-positive and CISH-negative EGFR Gene Alterations | Hou, M. M.; Huang, S. F.; Kuo, H. P.; Yang, C. T.; Tsai, Y. H.; Yu, C. T.; Lin, H. C.; Chen, C. H.; Wang, C. L.; Chung, F. T.; Hsieh, J. J.; Todd Hsu ; Cheng, H. Y.; Ou, L. Y.; Wang, H. M.; Lin, Y. C.; Chang, N. J.; Chang, J. W. C. | Anticancer Research | | |
2007 | Evaluation of ketoprofen formulations via penetration rate and irritation in vivo study | Huang, Y. B.; Wang, R. J.; Jui-Sheng Chang ; Tsai, Y. H.; Wu, P. C. | International Journal of Pharmaceutics | | |
2001 | Evaluation of percutaneous absorption and skin irritation of ketoprofen through rat skin: in vitro and in vivo study | Wu, P. C.; Jui-Sheng Chang ; Huang, Y. B.; Chai, C. Y.; Tsai, Y. H. | International Journal of Pharmaceutics | | |
2000 | Evaluation of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of captopril from transdermal hydrophilic gels in normotensive rabbits and spontaneously hypertensive rats | Wu, P. C.; Huang, Y. B.; Chang, J. J. F.; Jui-Sheng Chang ; Tsai, Y. H. | International Journal of Pharmaceutics | | |
1996 | Food poisoning due to ingestion of goby Yongeichthys nebulosus Forsskal | Lin, S. J.; Cheng, C. A.; Tsai, Y. H.; Sa, C. H.; Deng, J. F.; Deng-Fwu Hwang | Journal of Food and Drug Analysis | | |