Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2021 | Direct measurements reveal instabilities and turbulence within large amplitude internal solitary waves beneath the ocean | Ming-Huei Chang; Yu-Hsin Cheng ; Yiing Jang Yang; Sen Jan; Steven R. Ramp; D. Benjamin Reeder; Wan-Ting Hsieh; Dong S. Ko; Kristen A. Davis; Huan-Jie Shao; Ruo-Shan Tseng | communications earth & environment | 11 | |
2023 | Diurnal sea surface temperature warming along the Kuroshio off Taiwan under easterly wind conditions | Ming-Huei Chang; Yu-Hsin Cheng ; Yu-Yu Yeh; Je-Yuan Hsu; Sen Jan,; Yu-heng Tseng; Chung-Hsiung Sui; Yiing Jang Yang; Po-Hsiung Lin | Geophysical Research Letters | ||
2022 | Internal hydraulic transition and turbulent mixing observed in the Kuroshio over the I-Lan Ridge off northeastern Taiwan | Ming-Huei Chang; Yu-Hsin Cheng ; Yu-Yu Yeh; Yiing Jang Yang; Sen Jan; Chih-Lun Liu; Takeshi Matsuno; Takahiro Endoh; Eisuke Tsutsumi; ia-Lin Chen; Xinyu Guo | Journal of Physical Oceanography | 0 | |
2021 | Mooring observed intraseasonal oscillations in the central South China Sea during summer monsoon season | Sen Jan; Ming-Huei Chang; Yiing Jang Yang; Chung-Hsiung Sui; Yu-Hsin Cheng ; Yu-Yu Yeh; Chung-Wei Lee | Scientific Reports | 0 | |
2020 | Submesoscale Eddy and Frontal Instabilities in the Kuroshio Interacting With a Cape South of Taiwan | Yu-Hsin Cheng ; Ming-Huei Chang; Dong S. Ko; Sen Jan; Magdalena Andres; Anthony Kirincich; Yiing Jang Yang; Jen-Hua Tai | Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans | 6 | |
2018 | Zonal migration and transport variations of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan induced by eddy impingements | Ming-Huei Chang; Sen Jan; Vigan Mensah; Magdalena Andres; Luc Rainville; Yiing Jang Yang; Yu-Hsin Cheng | Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers | 26 |