Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2024/6/27 | A 4D printed nanoengineered super bioactive hydrogel scaffold with programmable deformation for potential bifurcated vascular channel construction | Nain, Amit; Joshi, Akshat; Debnath, Souvik; Choudhury, Saswat; Thomas, Jobin; Satija, Jitendra; Huang, Chih-Ching ; Chatterjee, Kaushik | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B | | |
2007 | A Chaos Detectable and Time Step-Size Adaptive Numerical Scheme for Non-Linear Dynamic Systems | Yung-Wei Chen ; Chein-Shan Liu ; Jiang-Ren Chang | Journal of Sound and Vibration | 6 | |
2001 | A general review on aquaculture in Asia: a focus on Anguilla eel. | I-Chiu Liao | | | |
2005 | A group preserving scheme for inverse heat conduction problems | Chang, C. W.; Jiang-Ren Chang ; Chein-Shan Liu | Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences | | |
2007 | A new shooting method for quasi-boundary regularization of backward heat conduction problems | Jiang-Ren Chang ; Chang, C. W.; Chein-Shan Liu | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer | | |
2009 | A NEW SHOOTING METHOD FOR QUASI-BOUNDARY REGULARIZATION OF MULTI-DIMENSIONAL BACKWARD HEAT CONDUCTION PROBLEMS | Chang, C. W.; Jiang-Ren Chang ; Chein-Shan Liu | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers | | |
2008 | A New Shooting Method for Solving Boundary Layer Equations in Fluid Mechanics | Chang, C. W.; Jiang-Ren Chang ; Chein-Shan Liu | Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences | | |
2009 | A Novel Method for Solving the Cauchy Problem of Laplace Equation Using the Fictitious Time Integration Method | Chi, C. C.; Wei-Chung Yeih ; Chein-Shan Liu | Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences | | |
2010 | A Quasi-Boundary Semi-Analytical Approach for Two-Dimensional Backward Heat Conduction Problems | Chang, C. W.; Jiang-Ren Chang ; Chein-Shan Liu | Cmc-Computers Materials & Continua | | |
2010 | A QUASI-BOUNDARY SEMI-ANALYTICAL METHOD FOR BACKWARD HEAT CONDUCTION PROBLEMS | Chang, C. W.; Jiang-Ren Chang ; Chein-Shan Liu | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers | | |
2009 | A Quasi-Boundary Semi-Analytical Method for Backward in Time Advection-Dispersion Equation | Chan, C. W.; Jiang-Ren Chang ; Chein-Shan Liu | Cmc-Computers Materials & Continua | | |
2018 | A regularized Fourier sine series solution of a 3D backward heat conduction problem with extremal long time span | Jiang-Ren Chang ; Chein-Shan Liu ; Yung-Wei Chen | Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals | | |
2009 | A Scalar Homotopy Method for Solving an Over/Under-Determined System of Non-Linear Algebraic Equations | Wei-Chung Yeih ; Kuo, C. L.; Atluri, S. N.; Chein-Shan Liu | Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences | | |
2013 | A Scalar Homotopy Method with Optimal Hybrid Search Directions for Solving Nonlinear Algebraic Equations | Wei-Chung Yeih ; Chan, I. Y.; Cheng-Yu Ku ; Chein-Shan Liu | Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences | | |
2017 | A simple spatial integration scheme for solving Cauchy problems of non-linear evolution equations | Chang, C. W.; Jiang-Ren Chang ; Chen, H. T.; Chein-Shan Liu | Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering | | |
2009 | A Three-Point BVP of Time-Dependent Inverse Heat Source Problems and Solving by a TSLGSM | Wei-Chung Yeih ; Chein-Shan Liu | Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences | | |
2001 | Achievements and prospects of fisheries research in Taiwan. In:I C. Liao and J. Baker (eds.) | I-Chiu Liao | | | |
2012 | Adaptive multilayer method of fundamental solutions using a weighted greedy QR decomposition for the Laplace equation | Shigeta, T.; Young, D. L.; Chein-Shan Liu | Journal of Computational Physics | | |
2022 | Advanced Development of Grey Mullet Fishery in Taiwan | C.C. Tseng; I Chiu Liao | | | |
2015 | An algorithm with m-step residual history for solving linear equations: Data interpolation by a multi-shape-factors RBF | Chein-Shan Liu | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | | |