Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2016 | Ganoderma lucidum beta 1,3/1,6 glucan as an immunomodulator in inflammation induced by a high-cholesterol diet | Wu, Yu-Sheng; Ho, Shu-Ying; Nan, Fan-Hua ; Chen, Shiu-Nan | BMC COMPLEM ALTERN M | 25 | |
2014 | Gene Ontology based housekeeping gene selection for RNA-seq normalization | Chen, C. M.; Lu, Y. L.; Sio, C. P.; Guan-Chung Wu ; Tzou, W. S.; Pai, T. W. | Methods | | |
2013 | Genetic characterization and in vivo image analysis of novel zebrafish Danio rerio pigment mutants | Hsu, C. C.; Pai, W. Y.; Lai, C. Y.; Ming-Wei Lu ; Her, G. M. | Journal of Fish Biology | | |
2017 | Genetic Differentiation and the Problems of Conservation of Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou Brevoort, 1856 (Pisces: Salmonidae)) Populations | Zhivotovsky, L. A.; Rubtsova, G. A.; Nikitin, V. D.; Prokhorov, A. P.; Shaikhaev, E. G.; Kotkin, K. S.; Jin-Chywan Gwo ; Afanasiev, K. I. | Russian Journal of Marine Biology | 2 | |
2020 | Genetic diversity and clonality of the Asian clam Corbicula fluminea are reflected by inner shell color pattern | Hsu, Te-Hua ; Komaru, Akira; Gwo, Jin-Chywan | AQUAT INVASIONS | 4 | |
2017 | Genetic diversity and stock identification of small abalone (Haliotis diversicolor) in Taiwan and Japan | Hsu, Te-Hua ; Gwo, Jin-Chywan | PLOS ONE | 10 | |
2017 | Genetic Diversity of a Novel Oil Crop, Camellia brevistyla, Revealed by ISSR DNA Markers | Su, Mong-Huai; Hsu, Te-Hua ; Wang, Chun-Neng; Kuan-Hung Lin; Chiang, Ming-Chang; Kang, Ren-Dong; Nguyen, Khiem M.; Hoang Nguyen | HORTICUL SCI TECHNOL | 5 | |
2018 | Genetic Diversity of Rabbitfish (Siganus) and Cobia (Ranchycentron Canadum) From Indonesia and Taiwan | Jin-Chywan Gwo ; Yudha Trinoegraha Adiputra; Te-Hua Hsu | Jurnal Kelitbangan | | |
2008 | Genetic integrity of black sea bream (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) sperm following cryopreservation | T.‐H. Hsu ; K.‐H. Lin; J.‐C. Gwo | Journal of Applied Ichthyology | 7 | |
2024/9/11 | Genetic management of small abalone (<i>Haliotis diversicolor</i>) by using ISSRseq technology | Chang, Yung-Cheng; Nan, Fan-Hua ; Hsu, Te-Hua | AQUACULTURE REPORTS | | |
2016 | Genetic mapping and quantitative trait loci analysis of growth-related traits in the small abalone Haliotis diversicolor using restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing | Ren, Peng; Peng, Wenzhu; You, Weiwei; Huang, Zekun; Guo, Qing; Chen, Nan; He, Peiru; Ke, Jinwei; Gwo, Jin-Chywan ; Ke, Caihuan | AQUACULTURE | 28 | |
2008 | Genetic relationship among four subspecies of cherry salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) inferred using AFLP | Jin-Chywan Gwo ; Te-Hua Hsu ; Kuan-Hung Lin; Yii-Cheng Chou | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 23 | |
2011 | Genetic relationship of milkfish (Chanos chanos) from Indonesia, the Philippines and Taiwan using mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences | Adiputra, Y. T.; Hsu, T. H.; Jin-Chywan Gwo | Journal of Applied Ichthyology | | |
2017 | Genome Sequence of a Marbled Eel Polyoma-Like Virus in Taiwan | Chiu-Ming Wen; Ping-Chung Liu,; Fan-Hua Nan | | 0 | |
2014 | Genome sequences characterizing five mutations in RNA polymerase and major capsid of phages phi A318 and phi As51 of Vibrio alginolyticus with different burst efficiencies | Liu, W. T.; Lin, Y. R.; Ming-Wei Lu ; Sung, P. J.; Wang, W. H.; Lin, C. S. | Bmc Genomics | | |
2021 | A genome-wide association study of heat tolerance in Pacific abalone based on genome resequencing | Yu, Feng; Peng, Wenzhu; Tang, Bin; Zhang, Yifang; Wang, Yi; Gan, Yang; Luo, Xuan; You, Weiwei; Gwo, Jin-Chywan ; Chen, Nan; Ke, Caihuan | AQUACULTURE | 23 | |
2023 | Geographic Distribution and Genetic Structures of the Tideland Snails<i> Pirenella</i><i> nipponica</i> and<i> P.</i><i> asiatica</i> in Taiwan and Japan | Kato, Shintaro; Ohta, Mizuki; Fukumori, Hiroaki; Hsu, Te-Hua ; Chan, Tin-Yam ; Kojima, Shigeaki | ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES | | |
2012 | Germ Cell Development in the Scleractinian Coral Euphyllia ancora (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) | Chen, C. J.; Liou, J. Y.; Shao, Z. F.; Chung, Y. J.; Lee, Y. H.; Ching-Fong Chang ; Shinya Shikina | Plos One | 27 | |
2015 | Glass formation and FTIR spectra of CeO2-doped 36Fe(2)O(3)-10B(2)O(3)-54P(2)O(5) glasses | Wang, F.; Liao, Q. L.; Chen, K. R.; Pan, S. Q.; Ming-Wei Lu | Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids | | |
2016 | Glucosyl epi-cyclophellitol allows mechanism-based inactivation and structural analysis of human pancreatic alpha-amylase | Caner, S.; Zhang, X. H.; Jiang, J. B.; Hong-Ming Chen ; Nguyen, N. T.; Overkleeft, H.; Brayer, G. D.; Withers, S. G. | Febs Letters | | |