Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2013 | Vaccination Enhances Early Immune Responses in White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei after Secondary Exposure to Vibrio alginolyticus | Yong-Chin Lin; Jiann-Chu Chen ; Wan Zabidii W. Morni; Dedi Fazriansyah Putra; Chien-Lun Huang; Chang-Che Li; Jen-Fang Hsieh | PLOS ONE | 55 | |
2013 | Various Predictors of Sustained Virologic Response in Different Age Groups of Patients With Genotype-1 Chronic Hepatitis C | Lin, C. Y.; Sheen, I. S.; Chen, J. Y.; Chang-Wen Huang ; Huang, C. H.; Jeng, W. J.; Chen, W. T. | Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology | | |
2004 | Vibrio alginolyticus infection in the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei confirmed by polymerase chain reaction and 16S rDNA sequencing | Chun-Hung Liu; Winton Cheng; Jung-Ping Hsu; Jiann-Chu Chen | DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS | 180 | |
2003 | Vibrio parahaemolyticus infectious for both humans and edible mollusk abalone | Lee, K. K.; Ping-Chung Liu ; Huang, C. Y. | Microbes and Infection | | |
2002 | The virulence of Enterococcus to freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii and its immune resistance under ammonia stress | WintonCheng; Jiann-Chu Chen | FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY | 92 | |
2003 | Virulence of Photobacterium damselae subsp piscicida in cultured cobia Rachycentron canadum | Ping-Chung Liu ; Liu, J. Y.; Lee, K. K. | Journal of Basic Microbiology | | |
1996 | Virulence of Vibrio alginolyticus isolated from diseased tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon | Lee, K. K.; Yu, S. R.; Chen, F. R.; Yang, T. I.; Ping-Chung Liu | Current Microbiology | | |
2000 | Virulence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from cultured small abalone, Haliotis diversicolor supertexta, with withering syndrome | Ping-Chung Liu ; Chen, Y. C.; Huang, C. Y.; Lee, K. K. | Letters in Applied Microbiology | | |
2019 | A voting mechanism-based linear epitope prediction system for the host-specific Iridoviridae family | Shih, Tao-Chuan; Ho, Li-Ping; Wu, Jen-Leih; Chou, Hsin-Yiu ; Pai, Tun-Wen | BMC BIOINFORMATICS | 0 | |
2021 | What are the challenges and opportunities in implementing Taiwan's aquavoltaics policy? A roadmap for achieving symbiosis between small-scale aquaculture and photovoltaics | Hsiao, Yao-Jen ; Chen, Jyun-Long; Huang, Cheng-Ting | Energy Policy | 5 | |
2020 | White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei hemocytes receiving fucoidan release endogenous molecules that activate and synergize innate immunity in the presence of fucoidan | Yin-Ze Shi; Kitikiew Suwaree; Yu-Yuan Chen; Chih-Hung Hsu; Jiann-Chu Chen | Aquaculture | 1 | |
2011 | White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei immersed in seawater containing Sargassum hemiphyllum var. chinense powder and its extract showed increased immunity and resistance against Vibrio alginolyticus and white spot syndrome virus | Huynh, Truong-Giang; Yeh, Su-Tuen; Lin, Yong-Chin; Shyu, Jeng-Feng; Chen, Li-Li ; Chen, Jiann-Chu | Fish & Shellfish Immunology | 65 | |
2016 | White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei immersed in seawater containing Ulva lactuca powder and its extract showed increased immunity and resistance against Vibrio alginolyticus | Su-Sing Sim; Siau-Li Chiew; Jiann-Chu Chen | Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan | 0 | |
2015 | White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei Receiving Sargassum hemiphyllum var. chinense Extract Have Increased Activities of Superoxide Dismutase and Glutathione Peroxidase, and Phagocytic Activity and Clearance Efficiency to Vibrio alginolyticus | Truong-Giang Huynh; Jiann-Chu Chen | Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan | 0 | |
2015 | White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei that Fed Diets Containing Gracilaria tenuistipitata Extract and Carrageenan Showed Protective Immunity after Salinity Stress | Yu-Yuan Chen; Su-Tuen Yeh; Yong-Chin Lin; Jiann-Chu Chen | Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan | 0 | |
2010 | White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei that had received the hot-water extract of Spirulina platensis showed earlier recovery in immunity and up-regulation of gene expressions after pH stress | Lin, Yong-Chin; Tayag, Carina Miranda; Huang, Chien-Lun; Tsui, Wen-Ching; Chen, Jiann-Chu | Fish & shellfish immunology | 37 | |
2014 | White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei that have received carrageenan show protective immunity after salinity stress | Yong-Chin Lin; Yu-Yuan Chen; Su-Tuen Yeh; Jiann-Chu Chen | JOURNAL OF THE FISHERIES SOCIETY OF TAIWAN | 0 | |
2016 | White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei that have received fucoidan exhibit a defense against Vibrio alginolyticus and WSSV despite their recovery of immune parameters to background levels | Yu-Yuan Chen; Suwaree Kitikiew; Su-Tuen Yeh; Jiann-Chu Chen | FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY | 21 | |
2015 | White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei that Have Received Fucoidan Show Protective Immunity after Ammonia Stressing | Suwaree Kitikiew; Yu-Yuan Chen; Su-Tuen Yeh; Jiann-Chu Chen | Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan | 0 | |
2015 | White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei that have received Gracilaria tenuistipitata extract show early recovery of immune parameters after ammonia stressing | Yu-Yuan Chen; Jiann-Chu Chen ; Yong-Chin Lin; Su-Tuen Yeh; Chien-Lun Huang | Marine Drugs | 21 | |