Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2022 | Evaluation of chemotherapeutic response in living cells using subcellular Organelle-Selective amphipathic carbon dots | Wu, Ren-Siang; Lin, Yu-Syuan; Nain, Amit; Unnikrishnan, Binesh; Lin, Yu-Feng; Yang, Cheng-Ruei; Chen, Tzu-Heng; Huang, Yu-Fen; Huang, Chih-Ching ; Chang, Huan-Tsung | BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS | 4 | |
1999 | Evaluation of gross and fine motor functions in children with hemidecortication: Predictors of outcomes and timing of surgery | Graveline, C.; Pai-An Hwang ; Bone, G.; Shikolka, C.; Wade, S.; Crawley, A.; Mikulis, D. | Journal of Child Neurology | | |
1999 | Evaluation of gross and fine motor functions with hemidecortication: Predictors of outcomes and timing of surgery. (vol 14, pg 304, 1999) | Graveline, C.; Pai-An Hwang ; Bone, G.; Shikolka, C.; Wade, S.; Crawley, A.; Mikulis, D. | Journal of Child Neurology | | |
2013 | Evaluation of leaf aqueous extract and synthesized silver nanoparticles using Nerium oleander against Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) | Roni, M.; Murugan, K.; Panneerselvam, C.; Subramaniam, J.; Jiang-Shiou Hwang | Parasitology Research | 56 | |
2011 | Evidence of involvement of the human Par-4 (PAWR) gene in major depressive disorder | Liou, Y. J.; Chen, T. J.; Tsai, S. J.; Yu, Y. W. Y.; Shiow-Yi Chen ; Cheng, C. Y.; Hong, C. J. | World Journal of Biological Psychiatry | | |
2010 | EXAFS investigation of the morphology of immobilized Rh(PPh3)(3)Cl on phosphinated MCM-41 | Chang, J. R.; Hsiu-Mei Lin ; Cheng, S. W.; Tseng, C. K.; Tzou, D. L.; Shyu, S. G. | Journal of Molecular Catalysis a-Chemical | 11 | |
2020 | Excellent oxidation resistive MXene aqueous ink for micro-supercapacitor application | Wu, Chien-Wei; Unnikrishnan, Binesh; Chen, I-Wen Peter; Harroun, Scott G.; Chang, Huan-Tsung; Huang, Chih-Ching | ENERGY STORAGE MATER | 157 | |
2019 | Exceptional Low Dielectric Behavior of Chemically Robust, Guest-Free Co- and Mn-Based Coordination Polymers | Kao, Y. C.; Mendiratta, S.; Usman, M.; Wen, Y. S.; Chih-Ming Wang ; Zhao, L.; Wu, M. K.; Lu, K. L. | Chemelectrochem | 4 | |
2010 | Exclusive Expression of a Membrane-Bound Spink3-Interacting Serine Protease-Like Protein TESPL in Mouse Testis | Ou, C. M.; Lin, S. R.; Han-Jia Lin ; Luo, C. W.; Chen, Y. H. | Journal of Cellular Biochemistry | | |
2009 | Exploiting Knowledge Ontology and Software Agents for PPI Network Analysis | Wen-Shyong Tzou ; Wei-Po Lee; BingchiangJeng | Expert Systems with Applications | | |
2022 | Exploring molecular moieties on carbonized polymer dots from flavonoid glycosides with activity against enterovirus A71 | Lin, Chin-Jung; Unnikrishnan, Binesh; Lehman, Caitlin W.; Wang, Pei-Hua; Tseng, Yufeng Jase; Harroun, Scott G.; Lin, Shih-Chao ; Huang, Chih-Ching | CARBON | 0 | |
2003 | Exploring the activity and specificity of gold nanoparticle-bound trypsin by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection | Huang, Y. F.; Chih-Ching Huang ; Chang, H. T. | Langmuir | | |
2019 | Exploring the promising potential of MoS2-RuS2 binary metal sulphide towards the electrocatalysis of antibiotic drug sulphadiazine | Sakthivel, R.; Kubendhiran, S.; Chen, S. M.; Chen, T. W.; Al-Zaqri, N.; Alsalme, A.; Alharthi, F. A.; Abu Khanjer, M. M.; Tseng, T. W.; Chih-Ching Huang | Analytica Chimica Acta | | |
1997 | Expression and characterization of the recombinant gene encoding chitinase from Aeromonas caviae | Lin, C. S.; Chen, H. C.; Fu-Pang Lin | Enzyme and Microbial Technology | | |
1996 | The expression of acidic ribosomal phosphoproteins on the surface membrane of different tissues in autoimmune and normal mice which are the target molecules for anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies | Sun, K. H.; Liu, W. T.; Shye-Jye Tang ; Tsai, C. Y.; Hsieh, S. C.; Wu, T. H.; Han, S. H.; Yu, C. L. | Immunology | | |
2015 | The expression of nitrate transporter genes reveals different nitrogen statuses of dominant diatom groups in the southern East China Sea | Lee-Kuo Kang ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Yi‐Hsuan Wu; Jeng Chang | Molecular Ecology | 13 | |
2008 | The expression profiles of polyamine metabolic enzymes in pregnant mice | Han-Jia Lin ; Lee, W. Y. | Febs Journal | | |
2005 | Expression, purification, refolding, and characterization of recombinant human soluble-Fas ligand from Escherichia coli | Sun, K. H.; Sun, G. H.; Tsai, C. Y.; Wang, H. H.; Chung-I, C.; Lin, G.; Lin, W. W.; Shye-Jye Tang | Enzyme and Microbial Technology | | |
2018 | External-forcing modulation on temporal variations of hydrothermalism-evidence from sediment cores in a submarine venting field off northeastern Taiwan | Hung, J. J.; Yeh, H. Y.; Peng, S. H.; Chang, Y. P.; Jiang-Shiou Hwang | Plos One | 3 | |
2014 | EXTINCTION RATIO AND WAVELENGTH FLATNESS FOR IMBALANCED MACH-ZEHNDER INTERFEROMETER IN SILICON-ON-INSULATOR | Hsu, S. H.; Chung, Y.; Chih-Ming Wang ; Yang, Y. C. | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | 2 | |