Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2020 | Fluorescent Carbon Dots for Selective Labeling of Subcellular Organelles | Unnikrishnan, Binesh; Wu, Ren-Siang; Wei, Shih-Chun; Huang, Chih-Ching ; Chang, Huan-Tsung | ACS OMEGA | 54 | |
2012 | Fluorescent gold and silver nanoclusters for the analysis of biopolymers and cell imaging | Shiang, Y. C.; Chih-Ching Huang ; Chen, W. Y.; Chen, P. C.; Chang, H. T. | Journal of Materials Chemistry | | |
2004 | FMRFamide-expressing efferent neurons in eighth abdominal ganglion innervate hindgut in the silkworm, Bombyx mori | Na, S. Y.; Sung, D. K.; Kim, K. K.; Kim, K. M.; Kim, J. H.; Park, H. H.; Lee, S. M.; Seong, S. I.; Chang, J. S.; Jiang-Shiou Hwang ; Kang, S. W.; Kim, H. R.; Lee, B. H. | Zoological Science | 6 | |
2019 | FNR-Dependent RmpA and RmpA2 Regulation of Capsule Polysaccharide Biosynthesis in Klebsiella pneumoniae | Tien-Huang Lin; Chien-Chen Wu; Jong-Tar Kuo; Hsu-Feng Chu; Ding-Yu Lee ; Ching-Ting Lin | FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY | 10 | |
2024/2/23 | Folic acid-enhanced magnetic mesoporous bioactive glass against infections in targeted tumor therapy with tetracycline precision loading | Wei, Ting-Yuan; Wu, Zhi-Yuan; Lee, Zui-Harng; Tsou, Min-Hsuan; Lee, Cheng-Chang; Lin, Hsiu-Mei | MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS | | |
2007 | Formation of a dithiophosphinate ligand Ph2PS2 by sulfur insertion into the metal-phosphido bond on heterobimetallic phosphido-bridged complex Cp(CO)(2)W(mu-PPh2)Mo(CO)(5): A rare example of a neutral six-electron mixed-metal cluster with a Mo2WS4 core | Hossain, M. M.; Hsiu-Mei Lin ; Shyu, S. G. | Organometallics | 7 | |
2013 | Free-Space Plasmonic Filter with Dual-Resonance Wavelength Using Asymmetric T-Shaped Metallic Array | Chih-Ming Wang ; Yu, C. J. | Plasmonics | 9 | |
2017 | Fucoidan ameliorates pancreatic beta-cell death and impaired insulin synthesis in streptozotocin-treated beta cells and mice via a Sirt-1-dependent manner | Yu, Wen-Chun; Chen, Yen-Lin; Hwang, Pai-An ; Chen, Tso-Hsiao; Chou, Tz-Chong | MOL NUTR FOOD RES | 29 | |
2015 | Fucoidan Elevates MicroRNA-29b to Regulate DNMT3B-MTSS1 Axis and Inhibit EMT in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells | Yan, M. D.; Yao, C. J.; Chow, J. M.; Chang, C. L.; Pai-An Hwang ; Chuang, S. E.; Whang-Peng, J.; Lai, G. M. | Marine Drugs | | |
2022 | Fucoidan from Sargassum hemiphyllum inhibits the stemness of cancer stem cells and epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in bladder cancer cells | Sung, Chun-Ju; Wang, Hsiao-Hsien; Sun, Kuang-Hui; Hsieh, Chii-Cheng; Huang, Roger; Sun, Guang-Huan; Tang, Shye-Jye | INT J BIOL MACROMOL | 0 | |
2013 | Fucoidan induces changes in the epithelial to mesenchymal transition and decreases metastasis by enhancing ubiquitin-dependent TGF beta receptor degradation in breast cancer | Hsu, H. Y.; Lin, T. Y.; Pai-An Hwang ; Tseng, L. M.; Chen, R. H.; Tsao, S. M.; Hsu, J. | Carcinogenesis | | |
2014 | Fucoidan inhibition of lung cancer in vivo and in vitro: role of the Smurf2-dependent ubiquitin proteasome pathway in TGF beta receptor degradation | Hsu, H. Y.; Lin, T. Y.; Wu, Y. C.; Tsao, S. M.; Pai-An Hwang ; Shih, Y. W.; Hsu, J. | Oncotarget | | |
2022 | Fucoidan with three functions extracted from Sargassum aquifolium integrated rice-husk synthesis dual-imaging mesoporous silica nanoparticle | Lee, Zui-Harng; Lee, Meng-Feng; Chen, Jung-Huang; Tsou, Min-Hsuan; Wu, Zhi-Yuan; Lee, Cheng-Zhang; Huang, Yu-Ya; Lin, Showe-Mei ; Lin, Hsiu-Mei | J NANOBIOTECHNOL | 0 | |
2019 | Fucoxanthin, a Marine Xanthophyll Isolated From Conticribra weissflogii ND-8: Preventive Anti-Inflammatory Effect in a Mouse Model of Sepsis | Su, Jingqian; Guo, Kai; Huang, Min; Liu, Yixuan; Zhang, Jie; Sun, Lijun; Li, Daliang; Pang, Ka-Lai ; Wang, Guangce; Chen, Long; Liu, Zhiyu; Chen, Youqiang; Chen, Qi; Huang, Luqiang | FRONT PHARMACOL | 43 | |
2018 | Functional enrichment analysis based on long noncoding RNA associations | Kuo-Sheng Hung; Chung-Chi Hsiao; Tun-Wen Pai; Chin-Hwa Hu ; Wen-Shyong Tzou ; Wen-Der Wang; Wen-Der Wang; Yet-Ran Chen | BMC Systems Biology | | |
2016 | Functional gold nanoparticles coupled with laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry for bioanalysis | Unnikrishnan, B.; Chang, C. Y.; Chu, H. W.; Anand, A.; Chih-Ching Huang | Analytical Methods | 27 | |
2014 | Functional gold nanoparticles coupled with microporous membranes: a flow controlled assay for colorimetric visualization of proteins | Chen, Y. Y.; Unnikrishnan, B.; Li, Y. J.; Chih-Ching Huang | Analyst | 9 | |
2010 | Functional imprinting structures on GaN-based light-emitting diodes for light pattern modulation and light extraction efficiency enhancement | Tu, S. H.; Wu, S. Y.; Lee, Y. C.; Pan, J. W.; Kuo, C. H.; Chih-Ming Wang ; Chang, J. Y. | Optical Review | 5 | |
2011 | Functional pathway mapping analysis for hypoxia-inducible factors | Chuang, C. S.; Pai, T. W.; Chin-Hwa Hu ; Tzou, W. S.; Chang, M. D. T.; Chang, H. T.; Chen, C. C. | Bmc Systems Biology | | |
2005 | Functional preservation of duplicated pair for RSVS III gene in the REST locus of rat 3q42 | Han-Jia Lin ; Lee, C. M.; Luo, C. W.; Chen, Y. H. | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | | |