Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2010 | Molecular mechanism of the interactions between white spot syndrome virus anti-apoptosis protein AAP-1 (WSSV449) and shrimp effector caspase | Jiann-Horng Leu ; Li-Li Chen ; Ying-Ru Lin; Guang-Hsiung Kou; Chu-Fang Lo | Developmental and Comparative Immunology | | |
2010 | Molecular phylogenetic relationships of slipper lobsters (Crustacea: Decapoda: Scyllaridae). | Chien-Hui Yang ; I-Shiung Chen ; Tin-Yam Chan | | | |
2022 | Molecular phylogeny of foliose Halymenia and Austroepiphloea (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Indo-Pacific, with the description of Halymenia taiwanensis sp. nov. | Rodriguez-Prieto, Conxi; Huisman, John M.; Lin, Showe-Mei | PHYCOLOGIA | 0 | |
2013 | THE MOLECULAR PHYLOGENY OF GENUS Hemigobius (TELEOSTEI: GOBIIDAE), WITH THE CONFIRMATION OF VALIDITY OF Hemigobius crassa (HERRE, 1945) | Huang, S. P.; I-Shiung Chen ; Shao, K. T. | Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan | 6 | |
2006 | Molecular surface directionality of the DNA-binding protein surface on the earth map | Wei-Po Lee; Wen-Shyong Tzou | | | |
2012 | Molecularly Imprinted Aptamers of Gold Nanoparticles for the Enzymatic Inhibition and Detection of Thrombin | Liao, Y. J.; Shiang, Y. C.; Chih-Ching Huang ; Chang, H. T. | Langmuir | | |
2015 | Monitoring Cluster Ions Derived from Aptamer-Modified Gold Nanofilms under Laser Desorption/Ionization for the Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells | Wei-Jane Chiu; Tsung-Kai Ling; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Han-Jia Lin ; Chih-Ching Huang | Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces | 36 | |
2014 | Monitoring Thrombin Generation and Screening Anticoagulants through Pulse Laser-Induced Fragmentation of Biofunctional Nanogold on Cellulose Membranes | Li, Y. J.; Chiu, W. J.; Unnikrishnan, B.; Chih-Ching Huang | Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces | 13 | |
2006 | Monoclonal anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies cross-react with phosphoglycerate kinase 1 and inhibit the expression and production of IL-2 in activated Jurkat T cell line | Luan, H. Y.; Shye-Jye Tang ; Yang, W.; Tsai, C. Y.; Sun, G. H.; Sun, K. H. | Clinical Immunology | | |
2000 | Monoclonal anti-double-stranded DNA autoantibody stimulates the expression and release of IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and TNF-alpha from normal human mononuclear cells involving in the lupus pathogenesis | Sun, K. H.; Yu, C. L.; Shye-Jye Tang ; Sun, G. H. | Immunology | | |
2001 | Monoclonal antibodies against human ribosomal P proteins penetrate into living cells and cause apoptosis of Jurkat T cells in culture | Sun, K. H.; Shye-Jye Tang ; Lin, M. L.; Wang, Y. S.; Sun, G. H.; Liu, W. T. | Rheumatology | | |
2005 | Monoclonal ribosomal P autoantibody inhibits the expression and release of IL-12, TNF-alpha and iNOS in activated RAW macrophage cell line | Sun, K. H.; Shye-Jye Tang ; Chen, C. Y.; Lee, T. P.; Feng, C. K.; Yu, C. L.; Sun, G. H. | Journal of Autoimmunity | | |
2009 | Monolithic integration of elliptic-symmetry diffractive optical element on silicon-based 45 degrees micro-reflector | Lan, H. C.; Hsiao, H. L.; Chang, C. C.; Hsu, C. H.; Chih-Ming Wang ; Wu, M. L. | Optics Express | 20 | |
2008 | Monsoon-driven succession of copepod assemblages in coastal waters of the northeastern Taiwan strait | Tseng, L. C.; Kumar, R.; Dahms, H. U.; Chen, Q. C.; Jiang-Shiou Hwang | Zoological Studies | | |
2013 | MORTALITY IN THE OCEAN - WITH LESSONS FROM HYDROTHERMAL VENTS OFF KUEISHAN TAO, NE-TAIWAN | Dahms, H. U.; Jiang-Shiou Hwang | Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan | 4 | |
2021 | Multifunctional carbonized nanogels to treat lethal acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease | Yen, Shao-Chieh; Mao, Ju-Yi; Lin, Hung-Yun; Huang, Huai-Ting; Harroun, Scott G.; Nain, Amit; Chang, Huan-Tsung; Lin, Han-You; Chen, Li-Li ; Huang, Chih-Ching ; Lin, Han-Jia | J NANOBIOTECHNOL | 4 | |
2016 | Multilocus approach reveals cryptic lineages in the goby Rhinogobius duospilus in Hong Kong streams: Role of paleodrainage systems in shaping marked population differentiation in a city | Wu, T. H.; Tsang, L. M.; I-Shiung Chen ; Chu, K. H. | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 8 | |
2018 | Multiple model species selection for transcriptomics analysis of non-model organisms | Pai, Tun-Wen; Li, Kuan-Hung; Yang, Cing-Han; Hu, Chin-Hwa ; Lin, Han-Jia ; Wang, Wen-Der; Chen, Yet-Ran | BMC BIOINFORMATICS | 4 | |
2015 | Multivalent Aptamer/Gold Nanoparticle-Modified Graphene Oxide for Mass Spectrometry-Based Tumor Tissue Imaging | Huang, R. C.; Chiu, W. J.; Lai, I. P. J.; Chih-Ching Huang | Scientific Reports | 27 | |
2012 | Mutual adaptation between mouse transglutaminase 4 and its native substrates in the formation of copulatory plug | Tseng, H. C.; Tang, J. B.; Gandhi, P. S. S.; Luo, C. W.; Ou, C. M.; Tseng, C. J.; Han-Jia Lin ; Chen, Y. H. | Amino Acids | | |