Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1999 | Outcome of epilepsy surgery in the first three years of life | Sugimoto, T.; Otsubo, H.; Pai-An Hwang ; Hoffman, H. J.; Jay, V.; Snead, O. C. | Epilepsia | | |
2000 | Overexpression of a zebrafish ARNT2-like factor represses CYP1A transcription in ZLE cells | Wang, W. D.; Wu, J. C.; Hsu, H. J.; Chin-Hwa Hu ; Zwe-Ling Kong | Marine Biotechnology | | |
2000 | Overexpression of the soluble form of chicken cystatin in Escherichia coli and its purification | Chen, G. H.; Shye-Jye Tang ; Chen, C. S.; Jiang, S. T. | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | | |
2016 | Overripening of eggs and changes in reproductive hormones in the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus | Roufidou, Chrysoula; Sebire, Marion; Katsiadaki, Ioanna; Mustafa, Arshi; Schmitz, Monika; Mayer, Ian; Shao, Yi Ta ; Borg, Bertil | EVOL ECOL RES | 9 | |
2017 | Oxidative stress intensity-related effects of cadmium (Cd) and paraquat (PQ) on UV-damaged-DNA binding and excision repair activities in zebrafish (Dank) rerio) embryos | Ling, L. B.; Chang, Y.; Liu, C. W.; Lai, P. L.; Todd Hsu | Chemosphere | | |
2021 | Palmitic acid and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids dominate in mycelia of mangrove Halophytophthora and Salispina species in Taiwan | Su, Chun-Jui; Ju, Wen-Ting; Chen, Yi-Min; Chiang, Michael W. L.; Hsieh, Sung-Yuan; Lin, Han-Jia ; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Pang, Ka-Lai | BOT MAR | 4 | |
2012 | PAN-based Carbon Nanofiber Absorbents Prepared Using Electrospinning | Su, C. I.; Huang, Y. X.; Wong, J. W.; Lu, C. H.; Chih-Ming Wang | Fibers and Polymers | 23 | |
2007 | Paralytic shellfish poison as an attractant for toxic snails | Pai-An Hwang ; Tamao Noguchi; Deng-Fwu Hwang | Fisheries Science | 5 | |
2006 | Paralytic toxins in four species of coral reef crabs from Kenting National Park in southern Taiwan | Ping-Ho Ho ; Yung-Hsiang Tsai; Chiu-Chu Hwang; Pai-An Hwang ; Jieh-Horng Hwang; Deng-Fwu Hwang | Food Control | 11 | |
2003 | Paralytic toxins in three new gastropod (Olividae) species implicated in food poisoning in southern Taiwan | Pai-An Hwang ; Yung-Hsiang Tsai; Ya-Hui Lu; Deng-Fwu Hwang | Toxicon | 36 | |
2007 | Parameters for selective colorimetric sensing of mercury(II) in aqueous solutions using mercaptopropionic acid-modified gold nanoparticles | Chih-Ching Huang ; Chang, H. T. | Chemical Communications | | |
2022 | Partial carbonization of quercetin boosts the antiviral activity against H1N1 influenza A virus | Lin, Hung-Yun; Zeng, Yu-Ting; Lin, Chin-Jung; Harroun, Scott G.; Anand, Anisha; Chang, Lung; Wu, Chang-Jer ; Lin, Han-Jia ; Huang, Chih-Ching | J COLLOID INTERF SCI | 5 | |
2018 | Passive temperature control based on a phase change metasurface | Wu, S. R.; Lai, K. L.; Chih-Ming Wang | Scientific Reports | 62 | |
2021 | Pathogenic fungi of marine animals: A taxonomic perspective | Pang, Ka-Lai ; Hassett, Brandon T.; Shaumi, Ami; Guo, Sheng-Yu; Sakayaroj, Jariya; Chiang, Michael Wai-Lun; Yang, Chien-Hui ; Jones, E. B. Gareth | FUNGAL BIOL REV | 8 | |
1995 | PATHOLOGY OF CHRONIC HERPES INFECTION ASSOCIATED WITH SEIZURE DISORDER - A REPORT OF 2 CASES WITH TISSUE DETECTION OF HERPES-SIMPLEX-VIRUS-1 BY THE POLYMERASE CHAIN-REACTION | Jay, V.; Becker, L. E.; Blaser, S.; Pai-An Hwang ; Hoffman, H. J.; Humphreys, R.; Zielenska, M. | Pediatric Pathology & Laboratory Medicine | | |
2018 | Patterns and drivers of species diversity in the Indo-Pacific red seaweed Portieria | Leliaert, Frederik; Payo, Dioli Ann; Gurgel, Carlos Frederico D.; Schils, Tom; Draisma, Stefano G. A.; Saunders, Gary W.; Kamiya, Mitsunobu; Sherwood, Alison R.; Lin, Showe-Mei ; Huisman, John M.; Le Gall, Line; Anderson, Robert J.; Bolton, John J.; Mattio, Lydiane; Zubia, Mayalen; Spokes, Tracey; Vieira, Christophe; Payri, Claude E.; Coppejans, Eric; D\'hondt, Sofie; Verbruggen, Heroen; De Clerck, Olivier | J BIOGEOGR | 36 | |
2010 | Patterns of Zooplankton Distribution along the Marine, Estuarine, and Riverine Portions of the Danshuei Ecosystem in Northern Taiwan | Jiang-Shiou Hwang ; Kumar, R.; Hsieh, C. W.; Kuo, A. Y.; Souissi, S.; Hsu, M. H.; Wu, J. T.; Liu, W. C.; Wang, C. F.; Chen, Q. C. | Zoological Studies | | |
2000 | Pediatric candidates for temporal lobe epilepsy surgery | Blume, W. T.; Pai-An Hwang | Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences | | |
2009 | Penaeus monodon chitin-binding protein (PmCBP) is involved in white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection | Kuan-Yu Chen; Tai-Ching Hsu; Po-Yu Huang; Shih-Ting Kang; Chu-Fang Lo; Wei-Pang Huang; Li-Li Chen | Fish & Shellfish Immunology | 0 | |
2001 | Performance of WSSV-infected and WSSV-negative Penaeus monodon postlarvae in culture ponds | Shao-En Peng; Chu-Fang Lo; San-Ching Lin; Li-Li Chen ; Yun-Shiang Chang; Kuan-Fu Liu; Mao-Sen Su; Guang-Hsiung Kou | Diseases of Aquatic Organisms | 44 | |