Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2004 | Phenylthiourea as a weak activator of aryl hydrocarbon receptor inhibiting 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-induced CYP1A1 transcription in zebrafish embryo | Wang, W. D.; Wang, Y.; Wen, H. J.; Buhler, D. R.; Chin-Hwa Hu | Biochemical Pharmacology | | |
2024/9/5 | Phosphate ester-linked carbonized polymer nanosheets to limit microbiological contamination in aquaculture water | Anand, Anisha; Unnikrishnan, Binesh; Wang, Chen-Yow; Lai, Jui-Yang; Lin, Han-Jia ; Huang, Chih-Ching | NPJ CLEAN WATER | | |
2008 | Phosphoglycerate kinase 1-overexpressing lung cancer cells reduce cyclooxygenase 2 expression and promote anti-tumor immunity in vivo | Shye-Jye Tang ; Ho, M. Y.; Cho, H. C.; Lin, Y. C.; Sun, G. H.; Chi, K. H.; Wang, Y. S.; Jhou, R. S.; Yang, W.; Sun, K. H. | International Journal of Cancer | | |
2016 | Photoassisted photoluminescence fine-tuning of gold nanodots through free radical-mediated ligand-assembly | Tseng, Y. T.; Cherng, R.; Harroun, S. G.; Yuan, Z. Q.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Wu, C. W.; Chang, H. T.; Chih-Ching Huang | Nanoscale | 11 | |
2010 | Photoassisted Synthesis of Luminescent Mannose-Au Nanodots for the Detection of Thyroglobulin in Serum | Hung, Y. L.; Shiang, Y. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Lin, Y. S.; Chen, C. T.; Chang, H. T.; Chih-Ching Huang | Chemistry-an Asian Journal | 36 | |
2011 | Photocatalytic effect of anodic titanium oxide nanotubes on various cell culture media | Yu, C. K.; Hu, K. H.; Tsai, H. T.; Chen, C. C.; Liu, S. M.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, C. H.; Shing-Hoa Wang ; Todd Hsu | Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing | | |
2014 | Photocorrosion of plasmonic enhanced CuxO photocatalyst | Chih-Ming Wang ; Wang, C. Y. | Journal of Nanophotonics | 14 | |
2011 | Photocurrent Mapping in High-Efficiency Radial p-n Junction Silicon Nanowire Solar Cells Using Atomic Force Microscopy | Kao, M. C.; Shiu, J. M.; Fan, C. N.; Ye, S. C.; Yu, W. S.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Hsiu-Mei Lin | Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 12 | |
2014 | Photoluminescent gold nanodots: role of the accessing ligands | Tseng, Y. T.; Yuan, Z. Q.; Yang, Y. Y.; Chih-Ching Huang ; Chang, H. T. | Rsc Advances | | |
2015 | Photoluminescent graphene quantum dots for in vivo imaging of apoptotic cells | Roy, P.; Periasamy, A. P.; Lin, C. Y.; Her, G. M.; Chiu, W. J.; Li, C. L.; Shu, C. L.; Chih-Ching Huang ; Liang, C. T.; Chang, H. T. | Nanoscale | 77 | |
2022 | Photoswitchable carbon-dot liposomes mediate catalytic cascade reactions for amplified dynamic treatment of tumor cells | Lin, Yu-Feng; Lin, Yu-Syuan; Huang, Tzu-Yun; Wei, Shih-Chun; Wu, Ren-Siang; Huang, Chih-Ching ; Huang, Yu-Fen; Chang, Huan-Tsung | JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE | 2 | |
2015 | Photothermal Therapeutic Response of Cancer Cells to Aptamer-Gold Nanoparticle-Hybridized Graphene Oxide under NIR Illumination | Yang, L. Y.; Tseng, Y. T.; Suo, G. L.; Chen, L. L.; Yu, J. T.; Chiu, W. J.; Chih-Ching Huang ; Lin, C. H. | Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces | 154 | |
2021 | Phycoerythrin from Colaconema sp. Has Immunostimulatory Effects on the Whiteleg Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei and Increases Resistance to Vibrio parahaemolyticus and White Spot Syndrome Virus | Lee, Po-Tsang ; Huang, Jing; Huang, Chin-Yi; Liu, Zi-Xuan; Yeh, Han-Yang; Huang, Huai-Ting; Chen, Li-Li ; Nan, Fan-Hua ; Lee, Meng-Chou | ANIMALS-BASEL | 6 | |
2020 | Phylogenetic analysis and ontogenetic changes in the cone opsins of the western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) | Chang, Chia-Hao; Wang, Yu-Chun; Shao, Yi Ta ; Liu, Shih-Hui | PLOS ONE | 8 | |
2021 | Phylogenetic assessment and taxonomic revision of Halobyssothecium and Lentithecium (Lentitheciaceae, Pleosporales) | Calabon, Mark Seasat; Jones, E. B. Gareth; Hyde, Kevin D.; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Tibell, Sanja; Tibell, Leif; Pang, Ka-Lai ; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa | MYCOL PROG | 14 | |
2018 | Phylogenetic survey and antimicrobial activity of cultivable fungi associated with five scleractinian coral species in the South China Sea | Xu, Wei; Guo, Shuangshuang; Gong, Linfeng; Alias, Siti Aisyah; Pang, Ka-Lai ; Luo, Zhu-Hua | BOT MAR | 3 | |
2019 | Phylogeography and genetic connectivity of the marine macro-alga Sargassum ilicifolium (Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta) in the northwestern Pacific | Ng, Poh-Kheng; Chiou, Yu-Shan; Liu, Li-Chia; Sun, Zhongmin; Shimabukuro, Hiromori; Lin, Showe-Mei | J PHYCOL | 6 | |
2007 | Pigmented nanoflagellates in the coastal western subtropical Pacific are important grazers on Synechococcus populations | Chan, Y. F.; Lin, Y. C.; Jeng Chang ; An-Yi Tsai ; Kuo-Ping Chiang | Journal of Plankton Research | | |
2004 | Plasmon absorption of gold nanoparticles in linear polymer solutions | Chih-Ching Huang ; Huang, Y. F.; Chang, H. T. | Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | | |
2013 | Plasmonic Infrared Bandstop Reflective Filter | Chih-Ming Wang ; Tsai, D. P. | Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics | 8 | |