Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2022 | Synthesis and in situ sulfidation of molybdenum carbide MXene using fluorine-free etchant for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reactions | Unnikrishnan, Binesh; Wu, Chien -Wei; Sangili, Arumugam; Hsu, Ya-Ju; Tseng, Yu-Ting; Pandey, Jyoti Shanker; Chang, Huan-Tsung; Huang, Chih-Ching | JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE | 6 | |
2001 | Synthesis and structure of heterobimetallic compounds with a single thiolato-bridged ligand | Hossain, M. M.; Hsiu-Mei Lin ; Shyu, S. G. | European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | | |
2018 | Synthesis of Cisplatin(IV) Prodrug-Tethered CuFeS2 Nanoparticles in Tumor-Targeted Chemotherapy and Photothermal Therapy | Girma, Wubshet Mekonnen; Tzing, Shin-Hwa; Tseng, Po-Jen; Huang, Chih-Ching ; Ling, Yong-Chien; Chang, Jia-Yaw | ACS APPL MATER INTER | 46 | |
2013 | Synthesis of copper nanowire decorated reduced graphene oxide for electro-oxidation of methanol | Periasamy, A. P.; Liu, J. F.; Hsiu-Mei Lin ; Chang, H. T. | Journal of Materials Chemistry A | 66 | |
2004 | Synthesis of dumbbell-shaped Au-Ag core-shell nanorods by seed-mediated growth under alkaline conditions | Chih-Ching Huang ; Yang, Z. S.; Chang, H. T. | Langmuir | | |
2009 | Synthesis of Fluorescent Carbohydrate-Protected Au Nanodots for Detection of Concanavalin A and Escherichia coli | Chih-Ching Huang ; Chen, C. T.; Shiang, Y. C.; Lin, Z. H.; Chang, H. T. | Analytical Chemistry | | |
2013 | Synthesis of Fluorescent Gold Nanodot-Liposome Hybrids for Detection of Phospholipase C and Its Inhibitor | Chen, W. Y.; Chen, L. Y.; Ou, C. M.; Chih-Ching Huang ; Wei, S. C.; Chang, H. T. | Analytical Chemistry | | |
2007 | Synthesis of highly fluorescent gold nanoparticles for sensing Mercury(II) | Chih-Ching Huang ; Yang, Z.; Lee, K. H.; Chang, H. T. | Angewandte Chemie-International Edition | | |
2020 | Synthesis of molybdenum-silver orthophosphate composites for the visible-light photocatalytic degradation of various dyestuff and phenol | Wei, Tzu-Ting; Chang, Shun-An; Lyu, Rong-Jhe; Huang, Chih-Ching ; Wu, Tsunghsueh; Lin, Yang-Wei | J MATER SCI-MATER EL | 0 | |
2013 | Synthesis of Photoluminescent Au ND-PNIPAM Hybrid Microgel for the Detection of Hg2+ | Chen, L. Y.; Ou, C. M.; Chen, W. Y.; Chih-Ching Huang ; Chang, H. T. | Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces | | |
2015 | Synthesis of photoluminescent carbon dots for the detection of cobalt ions | Li, C. L.; Chih-Ching Huang ; Periasamy, A. P.; Roy, P.; Wu, W. C.; Hsu, C. L.; Chang, H. T. | Rsc Advances | 58 | |
2016 | Synthesis of Self-Assembled Spermidine-Carbon Quantum Dots Effective against Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria | Li, Y. J.; Harroun, S. G.; Su, Y. C.; Huang, C. F.; Unnikrishnan, B.; Han-Jia Lin ; Lin, C. H.; Chih-Ching Huang | Advanced Healthcare Materials | 95 | |
2013 | Synthesis of tellurium nanotubes via a green approach for detection and removal of mercury ions | Wei, T. Y.; Chang, H. Y.; Chih-Ching Huang | Rsc Advances | | |
2009 | Synthesis of wavelength-tunable luminescent gold and gold/silver nanodots | Chih-Ching Huang ; Liao, H. Y.; Shiang, Y. C.; Lin, Z. H.; Yang, Z.; Chang, H. T. | Journal of Materials Chemistry | | |
2013 | Synthesis, characterization, and properties of the first indium borogermanate incorporating an organic amine ligand: InBGe2O6(OH)(2)(CH3CH(NH2)CH2NH2)center dot 2H(2)O | Wang, C. M.; Chiu, C. W.; Hsiu-Mei Lin ; Lii, K. H. | Journal of Solid State Chemistry | 2 | |
2020 | Systematic revision of the foliose Halymeniaceae (Halymeniales, Rhodophyta) from Europe, with the description ofHalymenia ballesterosiisp. nov. from the Mediterranean Sea andNesoia hommersandiifrom the Canary Islands | Rodriguez-Prieto, Conxi; Afonso-Carrillo, Julio; De Clerck, Olivier; Huisman, John M.; Lin, Showe-Mei | EUR J PHYCOL | 4 | |
2022 | Systematic revision of the red algal genus Yonagunia (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Taiwan, including the description of two new species | Rodriguez-Prieto, Conxi; Chuang, Ya-Chu; Lin, Showe-Mei | EUR J PHYCOL | 0 | |
2017 | Systematic revision of the widespread species Sarcodia ceylanica (Sarcodiaceae, Rhodophyta) in the Indo- Pacific Oceans, including S-suiae sp nov. | Rodriguez-Prieto, Conxi; De Clerck, Olivier; Kitayama, Taiju; Lin, Showe-Mei | PHYCOLOGIA | 7 | |
2020 | Systematics and Biogeography of the Red Algal GenusYonagunia(Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Indo-Pacific Including the Description of Two New Species from Taiwan | Lin, Showe-Mei ; De Clerck, Olivier; Leliaert, Frederik; Chuang, Ya-Chu | J PHYCOL | 7 | |
2018 | Systematics of the red algal genus Halymenia (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta): characterization of the generitype H-floresii and description of Neofolia rosea gen. et sp nov. | Rodriguez-Prieto, Conxi; De Clerck, Olivier; Huisman, John M.; Lin, Showe-Mei | EUR J PHYCOL | 9 | |