Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2009 | GaN hydrogen sensor with Pd-SiO2 mixture forming sensing nanoparticles | Chiu, S. Y.; Hsiang-Wen Huang ; Liang, K. C.; Huang, T. H.; Liu, K. P.; Tsai, J. H.; Lour, W. S. | Electronics Letters | | |
2018 | Genetic diversity and connectivity of the megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) | Shang Yin Vanson Liu; Shoou Jeng Joung ; Chi-Ju Yu; Hua-Hsun Hsu; Wen-Pei Tsai; Kwang Ming Liu | PeerJ | 8 | |
2015 | Genome sequence of Trichoderma virens FT-333 from tropical marine climate | Kuo, H. C.; Wang, T. Y.; Chen, P. P.; Chen, R. S.; Tzong-Yueh Chen | Fems Microbiology Letters | 5 | |
2007 | GEOC 76-Aggregation of OM: Implications for cycling of OM in coastal areas | Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Skoog, A. | Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society | | |
2022 | Geographical variations in genetic group composition, life-history traits, and statolith shape for Sepioteuthis spp. in the Northwest Pacific | Ching, Tzu-Yun; Yagishita, Naoki; Yamaguchi, Atsuko; Wang, Chia-Hui ; Chen, Chih-Shin | MAR FRESHWATER RES | 0 | |
2019 | Global seahorse trade defies export bans under CITES action and national legislation | Foster, Sarah J.; Kuo, Ting-Chun ; Wan, Anita Kar Yan; Vincent, Amanda C. J. | MAR POLICY | 20 | |
2012 | Grazing Pressure by Ciliates on the Nanoflagellate Community in a Subtropical Pelagic Continental Shelf Ecosystem: Small Ciliates (of < 45 mu m) are Major Consumers of the Nanoflagellate Community | Chen, J. Y.; An-Yi Tsai ; Kuo-Ping Chiang ; Gwo-Ching Gong | Zoological Studies | | |
2012 | Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) CXCR4 is expressed in response to pathogens infection and early stage of development | Lin, C. Y.; Young-Mao Chen ; Hsu, H. H.; Shiu, C. T.; Kuo, H. C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen | Developmental and Comparative Immunology | 22 | |
2008 | Grouper Mx confers resistance to nodavirus and interacts with coat protein | Young-Mao Chen ; Su, Y. L.; Shie, P. S.; Huang, S. L.; Yang, H. L.; Tzong-Yueh Chen | Developmental and Comparative Immunology | 70 | |
2017 | Growth and reproductive biology of the four finger threadfin, Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw), in an aquaculture pond, Pingtung, Taiwan. | Ann-Chang Cheng; Chung-Ping Liu ; Tzong-Shean Chin; Shyh-Bin Wang ; Chun-Hung Liu | J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan | | |
1997 | Growth of polylayer culcured abalone, Haliotis diversicolor supertexta Lischke in Kung-Liao. | Chen, W. K.; Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2013 | Growth, Mortality, and Recruitment of Aristeus virilis in the Northeastern Waters off Taiwan | Wei-Ke Chen; Shih-Chang Chuang; Chuan-Chen Wu; Chi-Lun Wu; Kwang-Ming Liu | Journal of Taiwan Fisheries Research | | |
2017 | Habitat and behaviour of adult yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the waters off southwestern Taiwan determined by pop-up satellite archival tags | Weng, Jinn-Shing; Lee, Ming-An ; Liu, Kwang-Ming ; Huang, Hsing-Han; Wu, Long-Jing | AQUAT LIVING RESOUR | 3 | |
2021 | Half a century of global decline in oceanic sharks and rays | Pacoureau, Nathan; Rigby, Cassandra L.; Kyne, Peter M.; Sherley, Richard B.; Winker, Henning; Carlson, John K.; Fordham, Sonja V.; Barreto, Rodrigo; Fernando, Daniel; Francis, Malcolm P.; Jabado, Rima W.; Herman, Katelyn B.; Liu, Kwang-Ming ; Marshall, Andrea D.; Pollom, Riley A.; Romanov, Evgeny V.; Simpfendorfer, Colin A.; Yin, Jamie S.; Kindsvater, Holly K.; Dulvy, Nicholas K. | NATURE | 234 | |
2020 | Hidden introductions of freshwater red algae via the aquarium trade exposed by DNA barcodes | Shing Hei Zhan; Tsai-Yin Hsieh; Lan-Wei Yeh; Ting-Chun Kuo ; Shoichiro Suda; Shao-Lun Liu | Environmental DNA | | |
1996 | Historical overview of Taiwan shark fishery | C. T. Chen; K. M. Liu ; S. J. Joung | Kaiyo Monthly | | |
2021 | Hump-shaped relationship between aggregation tendency and body size within fish populations | Pan, Ruo-Yu; Kuo, Ting-Chun ; Hsieh, Chih-hao | ECOGRAPHY | 2 | |
2008 | Hydrogeochemistry and greenhouse gases of the Pearl River, its estuary and beyond | Chen, C. T. A.; Wang, S. L.; Lu, X. X.; Zhang, S. R.; Lui, H. K.; Hsiao-Chun Tseng ; Wang, B. J.; Huang, H. I. | Quaternary International | | |
2007 | Hypoxia in the East China Sea: One of the largest coastal low-oxygen areas in the world | Chen, C. C.; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Shiah, F. K. | Marine Environmental Research | | |
2023/12/1 | <i>Malakichthys</i><i> formosus,</i> a new species of small seabass (Acropomatiformes: Malakichthyidae) from southwestern Taiwan | Ng, Shing-lai; Liu, Kwang-ming ; Joung, Shoou-jeng | ZOOTAXA | | |