Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1997 | Taiwan’s shark fishery - an overview | Chen, C. T.; Kwang-Ming Liu ; S. J. Joung; M. J. Phipps | | | |
2002 | Taiwan’s shark fishery – an overview. | Chen, C. T.; Kwang-Ming Liu ; S. J. Joung; M. J. Phipps | | | |
2001 | Taiwan’s shark research – past, present, and future. | Chen, C. T.; Kwang-Ming Liu ; S. J. Joung | | | |
2002 | Taiwan’s shark research. | Kwang-Ming Liu ; C. T. Chen; S. J. Joung | | | |
2000 | Temperature dependence of bacterial specific growth rates on the continental shelf of the East China Sea and its potential application in estimating bacterial production | Shiah, F. K.; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Chen, T. Y.; Chen, C. C. | Aquatic Microbial Ecology | | |
1999 | Temperature versus substrate limitation of heterotrophic bacterioplankton production across trophic and temperature gradients in the East China Sea | Shiah, F. K.; Liu, K. K.; Gwo-Ching Gong | Aquatic Microbial Ecology | | |
2013 | THE DIEL DYNAMICS OF CILIATE COMMUNITY IN A TIDE-POOL | Chao, C. F.; Wang, B. W.; Kuo-Ping Chiang ; Chao-Hsiung Cheng | Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan | | |
2014 | Tidal Effects on Circulation in and near the East China Sea | Hung-Jen Lee ; Chao, S. Y.; Liu, K. K.; Shih-Jen Huang ; Gwo-Ching Gong | Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | 3 | |
2009 | Time series analyses reveal transient relationships between abundance of larval anchovy and environmental variables in the coastal waters southwest of Taiwan | Hsieh, C. H.; Chih-Shin Chen ; Chiu, T. S.; Lee, K. T.; Shieh, F. J.; Pan, J. Y.; Ming-An Lee | Fisheries Oceanography | | |
1994 | Time Series Analysis and Forecasting of Tile Fish Fishery in Guei-Shan Island Waters, Taiwan | 劉光明(Kwang-Ming Liu) | 臺灣水產學會刊 | 0 | |
2013 | Trends in trawl-targeted species landings off northern Taiwan and effects of fishing and environmental factors | Chih-Shin Chen ; Lee, B. W. | Fisheries Science | | |
2009 | Trophic Coupling between Synechococcus and Pigmented Nanoflagellates in the Coastal Waters of Taiwan, Western Subtropical Pacific | Lin, Y. C.; An-Yi Tsai ; Kuo-Ping Chiang | Journal of Oceanography | | |
2015 | Trophic structure of the pelagic food web in the East China Sea | Bai, M. L.; Lin, F. S.; Lee, Y. C.; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Hsieh, C. H. | Zoological Studies | 1 | |
2015 | Updated and revised catch rates of blue sharks caught by the Taiwanese longline fishery in the Atlantic Ocean. | Tsai, W. P.; Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2014 | Updated and revised historical catch and standardized CPUE series of the blue shark by Taiwanese large-scale tuna longline fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean. | Tsai, W. P.; Kwang-Ming Liu | ISC/14/SHARK WG-1 | | |
2015 | Updated and revised standardization of catch rates of blue sharks caught by the Taiwanese longline fishery in the Indian Ocean. | Tsai, W. P.; Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2013 | Updated estimation of catch and CPUE of the blue shark in Taiwanese large-scale longline fishery. | Tsai, W. P.; Kwang-Ming Liu | ISC/13/SHARK WG-2 | | |
2019 | Updated information on standardized CPUE and catch estimation of the blue shark from Taiwanese large scale tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean. | Tsai, W. P; Kwang-Ming Liu | ISC/19/SHARK WG-1 | | |
2018 | AN Updated revision of shortfin mako size distributions in the Atlantic | Coelho1, R.; A. Domingo; D. Courtney; E. Cortés; F. Arocha; Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2021 | Updated size composition of shortfin mako shark caught by the Taiwanese tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean | Kwang-Ming Liu ; Wen-Pei Tsai; Kuan-Yu Su | ISC/21/SHARK WG-1 | | |