Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2015 | Updated and revised catch rates of blue sharks caught by the Taiwanese longline fishery in the Atlantic Ocean. | Tsai, W. P.; Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2014 | Updated and revised historical catch and standardized CPUE series of the blue shark by Taiwanese large-scale tuna longline fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean. | Tsai, W. P.; Kwang-Ming Liu | ISC/14/SHARK WG-1 | | |
2015 | Updated and revised standardization of catch rates of blue sharks caught by the Taiwanese longline fishery in the Indian Ocean. | Tsai, W. P.; Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2013 | Updated estimation of catch and CPUE of the blue shark in Taiwanese large-scale longline fishery. | Tsai, W. P.; Kwang-Ming Liu | ISC/13/SHARK WG-2 | | |
2019 | Updated information on standardized CPUE and catch estimation of the blue shark from Taiwanese large scale tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean. | Tsai, W. P; Kwang-Ming Liu | ISC/19/SHARK WG-1 | | |
2018 | AN Updated revision of shortfin mako size distributions in the Atlantic | Coelho1, R.; A. Domingo; D. Courtney; E. Cortés; F. Arocha; Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2021 | Updated size composition of shortfin mako shark caught by the Taiwanese tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean | Kwang-Ming Liu ; Wen-Pei Tsai; Kuan-Yu Su | ISC/21/SHARK WG-1 | | |
2021 | Updated standardized CPUE and catch estimation of the blue shark caught by the Taiwanese large scale tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean | Kwang-Ming Liu ; Kuan-Yu Su; Wen-Pei Tsai; Chien-Pang Chin | ISC/21/SHARK WG-2 | | |
2021 | Updated standardized CPUE and historical catch estimate of the shortfin mako shark caught by Taiwanese large-scale tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean | Kwang-Ming Liu ; Wen-Pei Tsai; Kuan-Yu Su | ISC/21/SHARK WG-1 | | |
2020 | Using citizen science to investigate the spatial-temporal distribution of floating marine litter in the waters around Taiwan | Chiu, Ching-Chun; Liao, Chun-Pei; Kuo, Ting-Chun ; Huang, Hsiang-Wen | MAR POLLUT BULL | 22 | |
2004 | Utilization and management on whale shark in Taiwan area. | Joung, S. J.; Y. Y. Liao; H. H. Hsu; Kwang-Ming Liu ; C. T. Chen | | | |
2000 | Utilization of the whale shark in Taiwan area. | Joung, S. J.; C. T. Chen; Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2012 | Utilization, management and research of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in Taiwan. | Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; H. H. Hsu; Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2006 | Vaccination with three inactivated pathogens of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) stimulates protective immunity | Lin, J. H. Y.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Chen, M. S.; Chen, H. E.; Chou, R. L.; Chen, T. I.; Su, M. S.; Yang, H. L. | Aquaculture | | |
1992 | Validation of Lake Whitefish Catch-Per-Unit-Effort Data with Time Series Analysis | Kwang Ming Liu ; A. L. Jensen | Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | | |
2015 | Variation in life-history traits for micro-cohorts of Sepioteuthis lessoniana in the waters off northern Taiwan | Chih-Shin Chen ; Chen, J. Y.; Lin, C. W. | Fisheries Science | | |
2020 | Variations in female swordtip squidUroteuthis edulislife history traits between southern Japan and northern Taiwan (Northwestern Pacific) | Pang, Yumeng; Chen, Chih-Shin ; Iwata, Yoko | FISHERIES SCI | 5 | |
2021 | Variations in life-history traits and statolith shape for Sepioteuthis spp. in the waters off southwestern Japan | Ching, Tzu-Yun; Chen, Chih-Shin ; Yagishita, Naoki; Yamaguchi, Atsuko; Wang, Chia-Hui ; Shen, Kang-Ning | FISHERIES SCI | 3 | |
1999 | Vertical distribution of delta C-13 of dissolved inorganic carbon in the northeastern South China Sea | Lin, H. L.; Wang, L. W.; Wang, C. H.; Gwo-Ching Gong | Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers | | |
2014 | Vertical movement characteristics of tuna (Thunnus albacares) in Pacific Ocean determined using pop-up satellite archival tags | Zhang, Heng; Dai, Yang; Yang, Shenglong; Wang, Xiaoxuan; Liu, Guangming ; Chen, Xuezhong | Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering | | |