Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2009 | Cadmium and phosphorus cycling in the water column of the South China Sea: The roles of biotic and abiotic particles | Tung-Yuan Ho; Chen-Feng You; Wen-Chen Chou ; Su-Cheng Pai; Liang-Saw Wen; David D. Sheu | Marine Chemistry | | |
2021 | Carbon and nitrogen isoscape of particulate organic matter in the East China Sea | Ho, Pei-Chi; Okuda, Noboru; Yeh, Chih-Fu; Wang, Pei-Ling; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Hsieh, Chih-hao | PROG OCEANOGR | 3 | |
2007 | Carbon isotopic composition of suspended and sinking particulate organic matter in the northern South China Sea- from production to deposition | Kon-Kee Liu; Shuh-Ji Kao; Han-Chieh Hu; Wen-Chen Chou ; Gwo-Wei Hung; Chun-Mao Tseng | Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography | | |
2006 | Carbonate chemistry and projected future changes in pH and CaCO3 saturation state of the South China Sea | Chen-Tung Arthur Chen; Shu-Lun Wang; Wen-Chen Chou ; David D. Sheu | Marine Chemistry | | |
2021 | Carbonate chemistry of the Dongsha Atoll Lagoon in the northern South | Fan, Lan-Feng; Qiu, Song-Quan; Chou, Wen-Chen | TERR ATMOS OCEAN SCI | 2 | |
2013 | Carbonate mineral saturation states in the East China Sea: present conditions and future scenarios | W.-C. Chou ; G.-C. Gong ; C.-C. Hung; Y.-H. Wu | Biogeosciences | | |
2011 | The carbonate system in the East China Sea in winter | Wen-Chen Chou ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Chun-Mao Tseng; David D. Sheu; Chin-Chang Hung; Lo-Ping Chang; Li-Wen Wang | Marine Chemistry | 42 | |
2023 | Cellular and Biochemical Changes in Early Embryonic Development of a Scleractinian Coral,<i> Fimbriaphyllia (Euphyllia) ancora</i> | Shikina, Shinya ; Chiu, Yi-Ling; Chung, Yi-Jou; Yao, Yi-Chen; Liu, Tai-Yu; Lee, Yan-Horn; Mita, Masatoshi; Chang, Ching-Fong | ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES | | |
2015 | Changes in the Synechococcus Assemblage Composition at the Surface of the East China Sea Due to Flooding of the Changjiang River | Chih-Ching Chung ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Chin-Yi Huang; Jer-Young Lin; Yun-Chi Lin | Microbial Ecology | 7 | |
2020 | Characterization of betanodavirus quasispecies influences on the subcellular localization and expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) | Chen, Young-Mao ; Tan, Chor Siong; Wang, Ting-Yu; Hwong, Ching-Long; Chen, Tzong-Yueh | FISH SHELLFISH IMMUN | 0 | |
1992 | The Chemical Hydrography of the South China Sea west of Luzon and a Comparison with the west Philippine Sea | Gwo-Ching Gong ; Kon Kee Liu; Cho-Teng Liu; Su-Cheng Pai | Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | | |
2020 | Cloning and characterisation of type I interferon receptor 1 in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) for response to nodavirus infection | Zhi ZhuangTang; Ting-Yu Wang; Young-Mao Chen ; Tzong-Yueh Chen | FISH SHELLFISH IMMUN | 3 | |
2021 | Cloning and characterisation of type I interferon receptor 1 in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) for response to nodavirus infection (vol 101, pg 302, 2020) | Tang, Zhi Zhuang; Wang, Ting-Yu; Chen, Young-Mao ; Chen, Tzong-Yueh | FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY | 0 | |
2010 | Cloning of an orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides heat shock protein 90AB (HSP90AB) and characterization of its expression in response to nodavirus | Young-Mao Chen ; Kuo, Cham-En; Wang, Ting-Yu; Shie, Pei-Shiuan; Wang, Wei-Chen; Huang, Shao-Ling; Tsai, Tieh-Jung; Chen, Peng-Peng; Jiann-Chu Chen ; Tzong-Yueh Chen | Fish & Shellfish Immunology | 40 | |
2017 | Co-existence of distinct Ostreococcus ecotypes at an oceanic front | Clayton, Sophie; Lin, Yun-Chi ; Follows, Michael J.; Worden, Alexandra Z. | LIMNOL OCEANOGR | 25 | |
2011 | CO2 system in the oligotrophic northwest Pacific Ocean during the Asian dust storm season | Wen-Chen Chou ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Wei-Jun Cai; Dd Sheu; Chin-Chang Hung; Hung-Yu Chen ; Chih-Ching Chung | Marine Chemistry | 4 | |
2011 | CO2 uptake in the East China Sea relying on Changjiang runoff is prone to change | Chun Mao Tseng; Kon-Kee Liu; Gwo-Ching Gong ; P.-Y. Shen; Wei-Jun Cai | Geophysical Research Letters | 33 | |
2021 | Community Assembly Processes as a Mechanistic Explanation of the Predator-Prey Diversity Relationship in Marine Microbes | Feng-Hsun Chang; Jinny Wu Yang; Ariana Chih-Hsien Liu; Hsiao-Pei Lu; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Fuh-Kwo Shiah; Chih-hao Hsieh | FRONT MAR SCI | 1 | |
2017 | Community Composition of Photosynthetic Picoeukaryotes in a Subtropical Coastal Ecosystem, with Particular Emphasis on Micromonas | Lin, Yun-Chi ; Chung, Chih-Ching ; Chen, Liang-Yin; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Huang, Chin-Yi; Chiang, Kuo-Ping | J EUKARYOT MICROBIOL | 5 | |
2017 | Community composition of picoeukaryotes in the South China Sea during winter | Lin, Yun-Chi ; Chiang, Kuo-Ping ; Kang, Lee-Kuo | CONT SHELF RES | 3 | |