Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2014 | Salmonids have an extraordinary complex type I IFN system: characterization of the IFN locus in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss reveals two novel IFN subgroups | Jun Zou; Bartolomeo Gorgoglione; Nicholas G H Taylor; Thitiya Summathed; Po-Tsang Lee ; Akshaya Panigrahi; Carine Genet; Young-Mao Chen ; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Mahmood Ul Hassan; Sharif M Mughal; Pierre Boudinot; Christopher J Secombes | Journal of Immunology | 75 | |
2021 | Scaling effects of a eutrophic river plume on organic carbon consumption | Chen, Chung-Chi; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Chiang, Kuo-Ping ; Shiah, Fuh-Kwo; Chung, Chih-Ching ; Hung, Chin-Chang | LIMNOL OCEANOGR | 7 | |
2010 | Scavenging phenomenon elucidated by 234Th/238U disequilibrium in the surface water of the Taiwan Strait | Ching-Ling Wei; Jing-Ru Tsai; Yen-Ruei Hou; Liang-Saw Wen; David D. Sheu; Wen-Chen Chou | Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | | |
2009 | Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Carbon Cycle in South China Sea: A Three-Dimensional Physical-Biogeochemical Modeling Study | Fei Chai; Guimei Liu; Huijie Xue; Lei Shi; Hsiu-Yi Chao ; Chun Mao Tseng; Wen-Chen Chou ; Kon-Kee Liu | Original Articles | 57 | |
1998 | The seasonal and spatial variability of the absorption coefficient of colored dissolved organic matter in the subtropical East China Sea. | Gwo-Ching Gong ; Wen, Y.-H.; Schieber, B. D. | | | |
2003 | Seasonal and spatial variation of bacterial production in the continental shelf of the East China Sea: a synthesis of controlling mechanisms and potential roles in carbon cycling | Fuh-Kwo Shiah; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Chung-Chi Chen | Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography | | |
2022 | Seasonal Distributions of Methane in a Populous Urban Coastal Sea Area | Tseng, Hsiao-Chun ; Lin, Chia-Chia; Pan, Hui-Juan; Han, Yokie Tai Yuh; Gong, Gwo-Ching | FRONT MAR SCI | 0 | |
2023 | Seasonal Patterns of Picocyanobacterial Community Structure in the Kuroshio Current | Chan, Ya-Fan; Chung, Chih-Ching ; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Lin, I-Jung; Hsu, Ching-Wei | BIOLOGY-BASEL | | |
2005 | Seasonal variability of carbon chemistry at the SEATS time-series site, northern South China Sea between 2002 and 2003 | Wen-Chen Chou ; David Der-Duen Sheu; Chen-Tung Arthur Chen; Shu-Lun Wang; Chun-Mao Tseng | Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | | |
1999 | Seasonal variation of chlorophyll and primary production in the subtropical East China Sea | Gwo-Ching Gong ; Y.-H. Wen; B.-W. Wang; K.-J. Liu | | | |
2010 | Seasonal variation of primary productivity in the East China Sea: A numerical study based on coupled physical-biogeochemical model | Liu, K. K.; Chao, S. Y.; Hung-Jen Lee ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Teng, Y. C. | Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography | 49 | |
2008 | The seasonal variations in trophic dynamics of nanoflagellates and picoplankton in the coastal water of western subtropical Pacific | An-Yi Tsai ; Kuo-Ping Chiang ; Jeng Chang ; Gwo-Ching Gong | Aquatic Microbial Ecology | | |
2018 | Seasonal Variations In Trophic Links Between Microzooplankton And Nanoflagellates In A Coastal Ecosystem | An-Yi Tsai | J MAR SCI TECH-TAIW | 1 | |
2018 | Seasonal variations in virioplankton and picoplankton in semi-enclosed and open coastal waters | Tsai, An-Yi ; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Liu, Hongbin | TERR ATMOS OCEAN SCI | 8 | |
2020 | Seasonal Variations of Marine Environment and Primary Production in the Taiwan Strait | Tseng, Hsiao-Chun ; You, Wan-Lynn; Huang, Wei; Chung, Chih-Ching ; Tsai, An-Yi ; Chen, Tzong-Yueh ; Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Gong, Gwo-Ching | FRONT MAR SCI | 16 | |
2013 | Seasonal variations of virus- and nanoflagellate-mediated mortality of heterotrophic bacteria in the coastal ecosystem of subtropical western Pacific | An-Yi Tsai ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Juichung Hung | Biogeosciences | | |
2013 | Seasonality of CO2 in coastal oceans altered by increasing anthropogenic nutrient delivery from large rivers: evidence from the Changjiang-East China Sea system | W.-C. Chou ; G.-C. Gong ; W.-J. Cai; C.-M. Tseng | Biogeosciences | | |
2021 | Sequence comparison and expression analysis of an inferred Na+/Pi cotransporter gene in the marine diatom Skeletonema tropicum | Hung, Shr-Hau; Lu, Yung-Hsiu; Chung, Chih-Ching ; Shih, Chi-Yu; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Chang, Jeng | BOT MAR | 0 | |
2013 | Sequence diversity and expression levels of Synechococcus phosphate transporter gene in the East China Sea | Shr-Hau Hung; Chin-Chang Hung; Chia-Wen Liao; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Jeng Chang | Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology | 6 | |
2010 | Sexual plasticity of ovarian germ cells in rainbow trout | Yoshizaki, G.; Ichikawa, M.; Hayashi, M.; Iwasaki, Y.; Miwa, M.; Shinya Shikina ; Okutsu, T. | Development | 108 | |