Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2022 | Temperature Effects on Effluent Microgel Formation | Chang, Hsiao-Ming; Vazquez, Carlos, I; Shiu, Ruei-Feng ; Chin, Wei-Chun | POLYMERS | 0 | |
2011 | Temporal and Spatial Variations of Picoplankton and Nanoplankton and Short-Term Variability Related to Stormy Weather in the Danshui River Estuary in Northern Taiwan | An-Yi Tsai ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Kuo-Ping Chiang ; Chien-Fu Chao; Hsing-Kai Liao; Fuh-Kwo Shiah | Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | 3 | |
2021 | Temporal variations in the expression of a diatom nitrate transporter gene in coastal waters off northern Taiwan: The roles of nitrate and bacteria | Shih, Chi-Yu; Liu, Wei-Cheng; Kuo, Ting-Hsuan; Chan, Ya-Fan; Lin, Yun-Chi ; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Kang, Lee-Kuo ; Chang, Jeng | CONT SHELF RES | 0 | |
2019 | Testicular somatic cells in the stony coral Euphyllia ancora express an endogenous green fluorescent protein | Chiu, Y. L.; Ching-Fong Chang ; Shinya Shikina | Molecular Reproduction and Development | 2 | |
2012 | Th-234 in different size classes of sediment trap collected particles from the Northwestern Pacific Ocean | Chin-Chang Hung; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Peter H. Santschi | Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta | | |
2020 | The plasticity of gonad development of sexual reproduction in a scleractinian coral, Porites lichen | Chen, Chieh-Jhen; Chen, Wei-Jen; Shikina, Shinya ; Denis, Vianney; Chang, Ching-Fong | GEN COMP ENDOCR | 1 | |
2016 | The summer distribution of coccolithophores and its relationship to water masses in the East China Sea | Lu, Hsing-Ming; Sung, Pei-Ting; Chan, Ya-Fan; Lin, Yun-Chi ; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Chiang, Kuo-Ping | J OCEANOGR | 11 | |
2011 | Trace metal cycling in the deep water of the South China Sea: The composition, sources, and fluxes of sinking particles | Tung-Yuan Ho; Wen-Chen Chou ; Hui-Ling Lin; David D. Sheu | Limnology and Oceanography | | |
2015 | Transcriptional responses to phosphorus stress in the marine diatom, Chaetoceros affinis, reveal characteristic genes and expression patterns in phosphorus uptake and intracellular recycling | Chi-Yu Shih; Lee-Kuo Kang ; Jeng Chang | Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology | 9 | |
2007 | Transport of the South China Sea subsurface water outflow and its influence on the carbon chemistry of Kuroshio waters off southeastern Taiwan | Wen-Chen Chou ; David D. Sheu; C. T. Arthur Chen; Liang-Saw Wen; Yih Yang; Ching-Ling Wei | Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans | | |
2009 | Trophic Cascading of Medusae on the Relationships between Copepods and Diatoms in a Subtropical Coastal Ecosystem | Chung, J. L.; Shiah, F. K.; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Kuo-Ping Chiang | Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | 1 | |
2015 | Typhoon effects on phytoplankton responses in a semi-closed freshwater ecosystem | Ko, C. Y.; Lai, C. C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Hsu, H. H.; Shiah, F. K. | Marine and Freshwater Research | 5 | |
2021 | A Unique Diel Pattern in Carbonate Chemistry in the Seagrass Meadows of Dongsha Island: The Enhancement of Metabolic Carbonate Dissolution in a Semienclosed Lagoon | Chou, Wen-Chen ; Fan, Lan-Feng; Yang, Chang-Chang; Chen, Ying-Hsuan; Hung, Chin-Chang; Huang, Wei-Jen; Shih, Yung-Yen; Soong, Keryea; Tseng, Hsiao-Chun ; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Chen, Hung-Yu ; Su, Cheng-Kuan | FRONT MAR SCI | 2 | |
1993 | uroshio Edge Exchange Processes, Hydrography Sections (II) | Gwo-Ching Gong ; K.-K. Liu | | | |
2013 | Variations of microbial loop carbon flux in western subtropical Pacific coastal water between warm and cold season | An-Yi Tsai ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Yu Wen Huang | Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology | 4 | |
2022 | Vertical distribution of picophytoplankton in the NW shelf and deep-water area of the Black Sea in spring | Mukhanov, Vladimir; Sakhon, Evgeniy; Rodionova, Natalia; Tsai, An-Yi | J MARINE SYST | 0 | |
2016 | Vertical distribution of pigmented and non-pigmented nanoflagellates in the East China Sea | Sheng-Fang Tsai ; Fan-Wei Lin; Ya-Fan Chan; Kuo-Ping Chiang | Continental Shelf Research | 4 | |
2024/1/30 | Vertical variations of bacterial growth, mortality loss to nanoflagellates, and viruses in the subtropical northwestern Pacific Ocean | Chang, Feng-Hsun; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Hsieh, Chih-hao; Chen, Patrichka Wei-Yi; Mukhanov, Vladimir; Tsai, An-Yi | JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS | | |
2013 | Viral and nanoflagellate control of bacterial production in the East China Sea summer 2011 | An-Yi Tsai ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Jun-Kai Huang; Yun-Chi Lin | Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science | | |
2024/6/1 | Viral Dynamics in the Tropical Pacific Ocean: A Comparison between Within and Outside a Warm Eddy | Chen, Patrichka Wei-Yi; Olivia, Madeline; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Jan, Sen; Tsai, An-Yi | VIRUSES-BASEL | | |