Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2012 | 1920 年代前期長江航行安全問題與中外爭執 | 應俊豪 | | | |
2009 | 2008台灣司法人權事件評析與立法建議 | 江雅綺 | 2008台灣人權論壇-台灣年度人權重大事件:理論與實務對話 第一章 | | |
2010 | 2009台灣網路人權事件評析報告 | 江雅綺 | 2009台灣人權論壇: 理論與實務對話 第八章 | | |
2012 | 2010~2011年台灣地區出版報告 | 黃昱凱 | 中國出版藍皮書(2011-2012年中國出版產業發展報告) | | |
2014 | 2013-2014年台灣地區出版報告 | 黃昱凱 | 2013-2014年中國出版藍皮書 | | |
2016 | 2015-2016年台灣地區出版報告 | 黃昱凱 | 中國出版藍皮書 | | |
2020 | Adaptive WAMS-Based Secondary Voltage Control | Heng-Yi Su; Jian-Hong Liu ; Chia-Chi Chu | Wide Area Power System Stability Protection, and Security | | |
2012 | Additional deep-sea pontoniine shrimps (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) from Taiwan, with description of one new species | Masako Mitsuhashi; Xinzheng Li; Tin-Yam Chan | Crustaceana Monographs | 0 | |
2022 | Advanced Development of Grey Mullet Fishery in Taiwan | C.C. Tseng; I Chiu Liao | | | |
2020 | Advances in research of regional oceanography of South China Sea: Overview | Quanan Zheng; Jianyu Hu; Chung-Ru Ho ; Lingling Xie | Regional Oceanography of the South China Sea | 0 | |
2005 | ANFIS based dynamic model compensator for tracking and GPS navigation applications | Dah-Jing Jwo ; Chen, Z. M. | Advances in Natural Computation, Pt 2, Proceedings | | |
2015 | An Application of AHP on Transhipment Port Selection: A Global Perspective | Lirn T.C. ; Thanopoulou H.A.; Beynon M.; Beresford AKC | Port Management,Edited by Hercules Haralambides. Palgrave MacMillan | 0 | |
2006 | Application of resource allocating network and particle swarm optimization to ALS | Jih-Gau Juang ; Bo-Shian Lin; Feng-Chu Lin | Intelligent Control and Automation | | |
2016 | Assessment of Transportation Performance: A Network Structure, Chapter 2 in Data Envelopment Analysis: A handbook of Empirical Studies and Applications | Ming-Miin Yu ; Li-Hsueh Chen | | | |
2017 | Cellular and Iridium Network Based Blood Pressure Measurement Scheme for Mobile Healthcare Education | S. M. Wu; Chin-Feng Lin ; C. C. Liu; J. J. Liou; T. D. Wu; C. H. Tseng; C. C. Chang; J. J. Ho; S. J. Chang; C. C. Lin; S. H. Chen; C. E. Weng; S. E. Wang; Y. C. Lu | Horizons in Computer Science Research | | |
2020 | Changing Energy Efficiency in Energy-Deficient Shandong, China | Sheng-Wen Tseng ; Pei-Hua Huang; Sabrina Habich-Sobiegalla; Yen-Yu Chen | | | |
2012 | Chaos-based 2D Visual Encryption Mechanism for ECG Medical signals | Chin-Feng Lin | Horizons in Computer Science Research | | |
2018 | Chapter 13 - Chemistry and Biology of Salicyl-Capped Siderophores | Ying-Ning Ho ; Han-Jung Lee; Chi-Ting Hsieh; Chia-Chi Peng; Yu-Liang Yang | Studies in Natural Products Chemistry | 0 | |
2019 | Contemporary Issues and Challenges of Taiwanese Shipping Industry, 1st edition, In Duru, O | Tseng, P.H. ; Lu, C.S. | Maritime Business and Economics: Asian Perspective | | |
2014 | Crustaceans: Frolicking among the corals, in armored soldier | 邵廣昭 ; 宋克義; 林幸助; 邱郁文; 張桂祥; 張學文; 許育誠; 陳天任 ; 彭鏡毅; 程一駿; 樊同雲; 羅文增 | A Frontier in the South China Sea- Biodiversity of Taiping Island, Spratly Islands | | |