
Results 1-26 of 26 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

English NameFull NameDepartmentResearch Field
Chao-Hui Lin林昭輝 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Ordinary differential; Dynamical systems
Cheng-Chi Chung鍾政棋 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Tourism Management  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Time Charter; Ship and Port Planning; Sea Transport; Sea Freight English; Bill of Lading; Management; Shipping Management
Chia-Yi Li李佳逸 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Commercial Law; Civil Code (Law of Property Act); common law
Chih-Ching Chang張志清 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Law of Shipping Contracts; Sea Transport; Maritime Law; Shipping Management
Chin-Shan Lu呂錦山 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Maritime Industry Operations and Management; Port Operation and Management; International Logistics Management
Ching-Wu Chu朱經武 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Production management; Vehicle routing problem; Demand forecasting; Inventory Management; Port System Simulation
Chiung-Lin Liu劉穹林 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management International logistics
Feng-Ming Tsai蔡豐明 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Tourism Management  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Intelligent Transport System; Transport Planning; Network Optimization; Transport Management
Heng-Chih Chou周恆志 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Financial Risk Management; Derivatives and Risk Management of shipping; Futures and Options; Investments.; financing of shipping; Financial Management
Hsin-Hua Tsai蔡信華 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Maritime Law
Hsiu-Fen Lin林秀芬 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Knowledge Management; Information Management; Intelligent Transportation System; Electronic Business
Hsuan-Shih Lee李選士 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Maritime Port Big Data Analysis; Maritime Port Performance Evaluation; Design of System Program for Maritime Port Information; data envelopment analysis; International Covenant on STCW; multiple criteria decision making; Fuzzy theory
Hua-An Lu盧華安 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management air freight; Maritime transport; Mathematical programming
Jau-Yang Liu劉朝陽 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management IS Governance; Cost and Management Accounting; Financial Reporting and Analysis; Financial Accounting; Enterprise Resource Planning; Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; Auditing and Control; Robotic Process Automation; Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
Jin-Ru Yen顏進儒 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management transportation planning; Demand analysis for Transportation; transportation movements; Air transport; Decision theory analysis; Network Analysis
Kung-Don Ye余坤東 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Tourism Management  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management organization theory; organizational behavior; Human resource management
Po-Hsing Tseng曾柏興 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Maritime Research Center  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Port Management; Logistic Management; Transportation Management; Shipping Management
Rong-Her Chiu邱榮和 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management transportation management; port management and policy; shipping management and policy; International logistics and supply chain management
Shih-Liang Chao趙時樑 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Liner Shipping Operation Management; Container terminal operation management
Shih-Ping Jeng鄭士蘋 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Marketing management; Service Management
Shiou-Yu Chen陳秀育 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Business Management  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Port and Shipping Management; Supply Chain Management; Organization and Management
Taih-Cherng Lirn林泰誠 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management General Business Adminstration and Mangement; Transportation Behaviour Science; Sustainable Shipping & Logistics Management; Circular Economy Operation; Dry Bulk Shipping Management
Tat-Dat Bui裴必達 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Circular supply chain management; Corporate sustainability; Sustainable development indicators; Sustainable supply chain management
Tzu-Ya Ho賀姿雅 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management 
Wen-Hung Wang王文弘 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Financial Marketing; Customer Relationship Management; Business Administration; Airline Promotions Management
Yuh-ling Su蘇育玲 National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Department of Shipping and Transportation Management  College of Maritime Science and Management Cost Accounting; Accounting; Management Accounting; Financial management; Analysis of Financial Statement