
第 1 到 127 筆結果,共 127 筆。

2022A Cross-Country Comparison between the Implementation of Marine Education Curriculum and Ocean Literacy for High School in Taiwan and JapanCheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2022Evaluating the Effectiveness of School-Based Marine Education Planning and Implementation on Improving Students’ Ocean LiteracyLiang-Ting TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2022111學年度教育部補助師資培育之大學師資培育獎學金Chin-Kuo WuMinistry of Education
2022111年教育部推動大學師資生實踐史懷哲精神教育服務計畫Chin-Kuo WuMinistry of Education
2022111年度落實教育實習輔導工作實施計畫Chin-Kuo WuMinistry of Education
2022【永齡‧鴻海台灣希望小學】弱勢學童課輔計畫Chin-Kuo WuFoxconn Education Foundation
2022和平島公園遊客滿意度調查需求Chia-Dai Yen
2022教育部綜合規劃司111年度補助臺灣海洋教育中心計畫Cheng-Chieh ChangMinistry of Education
2022111 年度海洋教育課程與教學發展計畫Cheng-Chieh ChangK-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education
2022111年度普及戶外教育計畫Chin-Kuo WuK-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education
2021110學年度扶助國民小學弱勢家庭學生學習(學習扶助)計畫Chin-Kuo WuK-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education
2021Action research for the learning effect of SPE on instructional internship course in primary school teacher education programTerng-Ji SheuMinistry of Education
2021Research on the Development and Practice of Transformation Thinking in the Future Teacher Impact LabChih-Hsuan ChangMinistry of Education
2021Adolescents' Awareness of Masculinity and the Development of Compassionate Mind (L06)Chih-Hsuan ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2021110-111年度協助地方發展海洋教育計畫Cheng-Chieh ChangK-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education
2021高級中等學校海洋教育議題融入課程及教學推動計畫Cheng-Chieh Chang教育部國民及學前教育署高級中等教育組
2021A Longitudinal Study on Planning Marine Education Courses and Enriching Pre-Service Teachers’ Marine Science Knowledge and Ocean Literacy(III)Cheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2021The Impact of Reality and Virtual Marine Experience on Water Fear Consciousness and Ocean LiteracyChia-Dai YenNational Science and Technology Council
2021110學年度教育部補助師資培育之大學師資培育獎學金Chin-Kuo WuMinistry of Education
2021110學年度教育部補助師資培育之大學辦理地方教育輔導工作計畫Chin-Kuo WuMinistry of Education
2021Pedagogy of Silence: an Approach of Spiritual Engagement in the Crisis EraChia-Ling WangNational Science and Technology Council
2021110年基隆市學習型城市計畫Cheng-Chieh ChangKeelung City Government
2021【永齡‧鴻海台灣希望小學】弱勢學童課輔計畫Chin-Kuo WuFoxconn Education Foundation
2021110年落實教育實習輔導工作計畫Chin-Kuo WuMinistry of Education
2021110 年度海洋教育課程與教學發展計畫Cheng-Chieh ChangK-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education
2021110年度海洋教育課程與教學發展計畫College of Life Sciences
2021和平島公園遊客滿意度調查服務書Chia-Dai YenJK-GOODS INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD.
2021教育部輔助110年高教深耕計畫附冊USR計畫:打造國際旅遊島-和平島及其周邊之地域創生與永續發展Chia-Dai YenMinistry of Education
2020Keelung City Government’s Fish Education Experience Promotion ActivityChia-Dai YenKeelung City Government
2020109-110年度戶外教育、海洋教育、山野教育整合與發展計畫Chin-Kuo WuK-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education
2020基隆本港漁產行銷暨食魚教育推廣計畫Chia-Dai YenKeelung City Government
2020109學年度扶助國民小學弱勢家庭學生學習(學習扶助)計畫Lwun-Syin LwoK-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education
2020資優學生情意發展方案之設計 與實踐反思:慈悲心靈的涵化Chih-Hsuan ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Exploring the Design and Practice of Affective Development Programme for Gifted Students: Cultivation of Compassionate Mind(II)Chih-Hsuan ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2020A Longitudinal Study on Planning Marine Education Courses and Enriching Pre-Service Teachers’ Marine Science Knowledge and Ocean Literacy(II)Cheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Towards the Tao of Nature: Thinking the Significance of Holistic Education from Traditional Theories of Spiritual EcologyChia-Ling WangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Evaluating the Effectiveness of School-Based Marine Education Planning and Implementation on Improving Students’ Ocean LiteracyLiang-Ting TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2020109學年度協助地方發展海洋教育計畫College of Life Sciences
2020A Study of Marine Experiential Learning on Students' Ocean Literacy with Self-Completion TheoryChia-Dai YenNational Science and Technology Council
2020Local Education and Guidance Work of Teacher Training Center-Research and Development of Teaching Materials on Marine Environmental PhenomenonLwun-Syin Lwo
2020109學年度協助地方發展海洋教育計畫Cheng-Chieh ChangK-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education
2020109學年度教育部補助師資培育之大學辦理地方教育輔導工作計畫Lwun-Syin LwoMinistry of Education
2020109學年度師資培育獎學金Lwun-Syin LwoMinistry of Education
2020109年教育部推動大學師資生實踐史懷哲精神教育服務計畫Lwun-Syin LwoMinistry of Education
2020109年落實教育實習輔導計畫Lwun-Syin LwoInstitute of Education
2020【永齡‧鴻海台灣希望小學】弱勢學童課輔計畫Lwun-Syin LwoFoxconn Education Foundation
2020臺灣海洋教育中心109年度計畫Cheng-Chieh ChangMinistry of Education
2020Heping Island International Sustainable Tourism Development and Talent Cultivation Plan (USR B Project)Chia-Dai YenMinistry of Education
2020109年度海洋教育課程與教學發展計畫Cheng-Chieh ChangMinistry of Education
2019「海洋科技創客」遙控帆船模組課程發展與推廣計畫(II)Cheng-Chieh ChangNational Museum of Marine Science & Technology
2019108學年度扶助國民小學弱勢家庭學生學習(學習扶助)計畫Lwun-Syin Lwo教育部國民及學前教育署高級中等教育組
2019A Study of Marine Science and Technology Underwater Robot (Rov) Hands-On and Stem Curriculum Promotion PlanCheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2019A Longitudinal Study on Planning Marine Education Courses and Enriching Pre-Service Teachers’ Marine Science Knowledge and Ocean Literacy(I)Cheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2019108學年度協助地方發展海洋教育計畫Cheng-Chieh ChangK-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education
2019STEM融入海洋教育課程提升師資培育生海洋素養與實作能力之研究Cheng-Chieh ChangMinistry of Education
2019大專校院教學實踐研究計畫 未來教師影響力實驗室跨界導向學習之設計與實踐探究Chih-Hsuan ChangMinistry of Education
2019Exploring the Design and Practice of Affective Development Programme for Gifted Students: Cultivation of Compassionate Mind(I)Chih-Hsuan ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Thinking Environmental Issues in Globalization through Non-Dualism: Developing Educational Theories That Integrate Humans with NatureChia-Ling WangNational Science and Technology Council
2019影響學生海洋素養表現及其因子探討:日本與臺灣跨國比較Liang-Ting TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2019Trend and Trajectory Developments of Ocean Literacy of Senior High School Students: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Study(II)Liang-Ting TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2019108學年度協助地方發展海洋教育計畫Ministry of Education
2019Apply Tpack Theory to Construct the Relationship between Marine Education Professional Literacy and Student Marine Science Learning Effectiveness(II)Chia-Dai YenNational Science and Technology Council
2019【永齡‧鴻海台灣希望小學】弱勢學童課輔計畫Lwun-Syin LwoFoxconn Education Foundation
2019「第一屆海洋教育推手獎」暨「海洋教育者培訓機制與海洋職涯試探教學發展」規劃與推動計畫Cheng-Chieh ChangMinistry of Education
2018Exploring the Design and Practice of Affective Development Programme for Gifted Students’ Compassionate MindChih-Hsuan ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Towards Self-Deconstruction: Exploring Buddhist Notion of Self-Education and Its Implications in Educational PracticesChia-Ling WangNational Science and Technology Council
2018The Development and Promotion of the Marine Science Diy Teaching AidsLiang-Ting TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2018107學年度協助地方發展海洋教育計畫Ministry of Education
2018Apply Tpack Theory to Construct the Relationship between Marine Education Professional Literacy and Student Marine Science Learning Effectiveness(I)Chia-Dai YenNational Science and Technology Council
2018107學年度大專校院教師教學實踐研究計畫-輔導原理與實務師資培育課程素養導向的教學設計~心理位移與心智省察的實踐探究Chih-Hsuan ChangMinistry of Education
2018Trend and Trajectory Developments of Ocean Literacy of Senior High School Students: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Study(I)Liang-Ting TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2018『海洋教育貢獻獎』暨『海洋教育者培訓機制與海洋職涯試探教學發展』Liang-Ting TsaiCollege of Life Sciences
2018True Love Ocean-Action Microscope Observation of Marine Microbes ProjectChia-Dai YenEnvironmental Protection Administration
2017106學年度教學實務課程教師 至高級中等以下學校進行教學 或研究活動計畫【促進身心素質與自我精進之班級經營夥伴協作計畫】Chih-Hsuan ChangMinistry of Education
2017Popular Marine Environmental Protection Action Plan in TaiwanCheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2017An Investigation of Ocean Literacy for Elementary School Students and Development Strategies in TaiwanCheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2017An Investigation of Ocean Literacy for Elementary School Students and Development Strategies in TaiwanCheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Towards Self-Deconstruction: Exploring Buddhist Notion of Self-Education and Its Implications in Educational PracticesChia-Ling WangNational Science and Technology Council
2017An Investigation of Ocean Literacy for Elementary School Students and Development Strategies in TaiwanCheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2017師資生海洋教育課程開設與教材編輯試辦計畫Ministry of Education
2017Local Education and Guidance Work of Teacher Training Center-ioceanChia-Ling WangMinistry of Education
2017106學年度協助地方發展海洋教育計畫Ministry of Education
2017The impact of marine experience activities on the positive psychology and work adjustment of nursing staffChia-Dai YenUniversity System of Taipei
20172017 Research on the Cultivation Policy of Marine Professionals-Marine Leisure Tourism. Offshore wind power. Marine educatorChia-Dai YenMinistry of Education
2016The study of dynamic learning vector quantization in weighting adjustmentLiang-Ting TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2016Development of Ocean Literacy Questionnaire for Taiwan Junior High School Students (S905)Liang-Ting TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
20162016 Marine Professional Cultivation Discussion and 2017 Asian Marine Educators International Conference Pre-conferenceChia-Dai YenNational Science and Technology Council
2016Oceanography and Human LifeGwo-Ching GongNational Science and Technology Council
2016Exploring the Impacts of the Environmental Preferences and Cognitive Loads on Learners$ Information Processing Behaviors as They Read the Earth Science Texts in the Digital Textbooks, and Learning Achievements( II )Cheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Popular Marine Science Promotion Plan of Game-Based Learning Materials DesignCheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2016An Exploration of the Concept of Ecological Self and Its Implications on EducationChia-Ling WangNational Science and Technology Council
2016"106-110 Years of Marine Education Implementation Plan" and Marine Education Function-oriented Curriculum Development PlanChia-Dai YenMinistry of Education
2015The Study of Dynamic Learning Vector Quantization in Weighting AdjustmentLiang-Ting TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2015Oceanography and Human LifeGwo-Ching GongNational Science and Technology Council
2015An Exploration of the Learning Approach of Higher Education for Sustainable Development Based on the Theoretical Perspective of Ecological EducationChia-Ling WangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Popular Science Promotion Plan of Seeded Marine Education Teachers ( III )Cheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Exploring the Impacts of the Environmental Preferences and Cognitive Loads on Learners$ Information Processing Behaviors as They Read the Earth Science Texts in the Digital Textbooks, and Learning Achievements( II )Cheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Exploration of Ecological View of Higher Education Curriculum TheoryChia-Ling WangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Exploring the Impacts of the Environmental Preferences and Cognitive Loads on Learners$ Information Processing Behaviors as They Read the Earth Science Texts in the Digital Textbooks, and Learning AchievementsCheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Popular Science Promotion Plan of Seeded Marine Education TeachersCheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2013A Research on Ronald Barnett's Idea of Higher Education CurriculumChia-Ling WangNational Science and Technology Council
2013Popular Science Promotion Plan of Seeded Marine Education TeachersCheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Effects of Science Reader Belief and Cognitive Load on High School Students’Earth Science Learning via Mobile DevicesCheng-Chieh ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2011Integrated Research of Professional and Popular Science Education on Ocean EnergyJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011The Supply and Demand Analyses and Cultivation of Human Resource in the Ocean Energy IndustryHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011Research on Professional Education Program of Ocean Biomass Energy TechnologyChorng-Liang PanNational Science and Technology Council
2011Research on Professional Education Program of Ocean Biomass Energy Technology-1Hsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011Research on Professional Education Program of Ocean Biomass Energy Technology-2Chin-Kuo WuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Research on Collaboration between Professors and Educators in Marine Eduction Content DevelopmentNational Science and Technology Council
2010Research on Collaboration between Professors and Educators in Marine Eduction Content DevelopmentNational Science and Technology Council
2006On Educating for the Heroic Mind: a Study on G. Vico's Educational ThoughtChin-Kuo WuNational Science and Technology Council
2005Action Research for Developmental Supervision---A Primary School Case StudyTerng-Ji SheuNational Science and Technology Council
2005An Application of Dual-Code Theory in Multimedia English as Foreign Language LearningLwun-Syin LwoNational Science and Technology Council
2004The Study on the Constructiopn for Standards of Instructional Supervisor's CompetenceTerng-Ji SheuNational Science and Technology Council
2004A Design of Web-Based Community for Creative Teaching (II)National Science and Technology Council
2003Principal Role and Task of Curriculum Leadereship in Junior-High School---A Study of Transformational ApproachNational Science and Technology Council
2003Construct Evaluation Criteria for the Educational Web SitesLwun-Syin LwoNational Science and Technology Council
2003Research of Creative Teaching CommunityNational Science and Technology Council
2002Practice of Curriculum Leadership---6 Cases Studies of Primary Schools in Keelung CityNational Science and Technology Council
-2015歐洲心理測驗學會Liang-Ting Tsai
-Conference On Frontiers of Hierarchical Modeling in Observational Studies, Complex Surveys and Big DataLiang-Ting Tsai
-The fifth Conference of the European Survey Research Association (2013 ESRA)Liang-Ting Tsai
-The fourth Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA)Liang-Ting Tsai
-IMPS 2010: The 75th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric SocietyLiang-Ting Tsai
-心理測量協會國際研討會Liang-Ting Tsai
-資優學生情意發展方案之設計與實踐反思:慈悲心靈的觀照Chih-Hsuan ChangNational Science and Technology Council