行政院農委會水土保持局.png picture
Soil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA,Executive Yuan

第 1 到 6 筆結果,共 6 筆。

2022Development of teaching aid packages for large scale landslide disaster preventionShih-Meng HsuSoil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA,Executive Yuan
2022Vegetation recovery study using multiple satellite long-term imagery in Google Earth EngineYuan-Fong SuSoil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA,Executive Yuan
2021Development of educational aids for deepseated landslide disaster prevention: from understanding the micro-topography, phenomena, causes, monitoring to engineering remediationShih-Meng HsuSoil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA,Executive Yuan
2019漁村創新黑客松之設計與實踐-以八斗漁村為例Wei-Hsuan ChouSoil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA,Executive Yuan
2019地滑地搶救大作戰互動教具研發2.0Shih-Meng HsuSoil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA,Executive Yuan
0011「STEAM」理念融入大規模崩塌防災教育教具開發Shih-Meng HsuSoil and Water Conservation Bureau,COA,Executive Yuan