本研究今年度除將持續進行飛魚卵漁業作業報表之收集、彙整、及月別時空分析,了解飛魚卵分佈之季節與年別變異,也將持續收集與解析VDR資料,及實際作業努力之投入與年別變異,做為未來漁政單位管理策略調整之依據; 另配合樣本船的採樣暨水文環境資料的收集,評估飛魚卵漁業漁汛期變動,並提出最適作業期之管理建議;另將持續針對台灣周邊水域的飛魚進行資料收集與資源生物學研究,探討其出現與季節周期,並評估東北部水域飛魚卵之持續生產量,與產卵族群量,暨可能之魚卵總容許捕獲量(TAC),做為未來本漁業管理策略調整之參考依據。
8.究明海峽北部及澎湖週邊水域蟹類之生殖生物學資訊及主要漁獲蟹類之漁獲努力量與CPUE之時空變化,作為蟹漁業之管理與糾紛解決之科學根據。 (1)、Analysis of catch data and fisheries oceanography for Taiwanese precious coral fishery
The fishery for precious coral is arguable for it targeted on sessile animals and of high commercial value. Precious corals have been harvested and used as medicines, amulets, and jewellery since ancient times. Nevertheless, precious corals, being sessile, may serve key function in marine ecosystems they involved. It is essential to consider the sustainability not only the population structure of the exploited species, but also its functions in the ecosystem when exploitation of such marine resources. The development of Taiwanese precious coral fishery (TPCF) has been for at least eight decades. The regulations for TPCF was amended and promulgated in January 2009 which aimed at sustaining population structure and ecosystem functions. Although the status of exploited stock of precious corals lack of scientific information, the objectives of sustainable population are expected to achieve by rigorous enforcement and penalty. The scientific studies of precious corals were conducted since 2009. We applied catch data to understand the spatial and temporal pattern of fishing activities and catch composition. We also described and identified <I>Paracorallium japonicum</I> and <I>Corallium konojoi</I> from limited alive samples, and preliminary explored the habitats of precious corals. However, it is necessary to establish long-term investigation of stock structure and function of precious corals to support the management objectives. The questions to be addressed in this study are: (1) to analyze the spatial and temporal pattern in catch, effort and abundance data for the fishery and explore the annual trend; (2) to analyze population structure of target species and species composition of by-catch; (3) to maintain and update the database of catch-effort data.
The working groups and items are:
A. Fisheries data analysis
1) To analyze spatial pattern and temporal trend of catch (by species and category) and fishing efforts from 2009 to 2013;
2) To analyze spatial pattern of target species (live colony);
3) To compare the data from logbook and landing and explore the possible causes for the difference;
4) To collect and verify the logbook data in 2014.
B. Biological data analysis
1) To collect specimens and improve the identification of species of precious corals;
2) To identify and analyze the species from by-catch and assess the ecosystem impacts by the fishing gears;
3) To collect morphological data and explore population size structure of target species;
4) To explore the precious coral abundance in the waters outside DFG regions.
The expected results are,
1) To understand the spatial and temporal patterns in effort and CPUE of Taiwanese precious coral fishery;
2) To understand the spatial distribution patterns of precious coral species;
3) To understand the species composition, catch by species and bycatch by species;
4) To understand the distribution and abundance of precious corals outside the DFG regions;
5) To maintain the database of catch-effort data of Taiwanese precious coral fishery.
(2)、Studies on the dynamics, utilization and management of flyingfish and flyingfish roe fisheries in surrounding waters of Taiwan
This research aims to examine the fishing season, fishing grounds and the associated environmental factors of flying fish and flying fish roe fisheries in coastal waters off Taiwan. The logbook, sampling vessel, in combination with environmental data will be collected, used and examined in details for monitor accuracy of catch reports and management effectiveness, as well as understanding the dynamics of the fisheries and their annual variations. The occurrence of flying fish species, and fisheries biology of the dominant species will also be collected continuously using experimental vessels and port samplings to evaluate the extension and variations of the fishing season and annual changes of the biological characteristics of spawning adults. The spawning biomass, sustainable yield, and an appropriate total allowable catch, as well as the most appropriate fishing season for the flying fish roe fishery also will be evaluated and suggested for fulfill the management needs of this resource.
(3)、Assessment of mackerel and scad fishery resources in the waters of Taiwan
Mackerel fisheries is one of most important offshore fishery in Taiwan, and consequently the sustainability of its natural resource has been a focal issue for the fisheries industry. The present study aims to explore the fishery effort and catches of large purse seine (Japanese type) and tiger net (Taiwanese type). In addition, specimens were collected for reproductive biology studies and analysis of the genetic structure, and von Bertalanffy growth equation (VBGE) was applied to estimate the stock and biology fluctuation of blue mackerel, on the other hand, effects of selection and managent of the fishery moratorium will be analyze in this study.
(4)、Research on Mullet population dynamic and management measure
Mullet is one of the most important fishery in Taiwan western coastal area during winter season. However, mullet fishery catch decreased dramatically in recent year, and the main fishing ground is moved according to climate change and its effect on oceanography. Present project aims to collect fishery data in winter season when mullet migrated southward for reproduction, analyze their age composition of spawning group, and migration dynamics. Mullet larvae that recruit to Taiwan western coast estuaries will also collect and their population structure will be analyzed. Combining fishery biology information and fishery data, current mullet population dynamic will be evaluated and information will be offered for further population management.
(5)、Stock status of loliginid squids in the northern Taiwan Strait
Resources of squids became less and less, thus lead to the decrease of squid production. The loliginid squids around Taiwan were harvested by trawl and torch-light net fishing vessels which operated major in the waters off northeastern Taiwan and waters around Peng-hu (Pescadores, Taiwan Strait). The species included Uroteuthis (Photololigo) edulis, U. (P.) chinensis, and U. (P.) duvaucelii. Currently, the most researches of squids focused on the relationship between catches of torch-light fishery and fishing environments, as well as biological study of squids which caught by torch-light fishery in the waters off northeastern Taiwan. The life-history parameters and migration patterns of U. (P.) edulis has also examined while the life-history parameters of U. (P.) chinensis are unclear. The establishment of long-term catch-effort data can not only explore the variability in temporal and spatial distribution pattern, but also can support to understand the migration pattern and population dynamics. The questions to be addressed in this project are: (1) to understand the temporal variation of production of loliginid squids and the contribution in the fisheries ; (2) to understand the biological characteristics of U. (P.) edulis and U. (P.) chinensis (Sampling); (3) to establish catch-effort data and estimate the abundance index spatiotemporally of loliginid squids (based-on logbook).
The working items are,
1.Analysis of fishery data
(1)Select squids fishery sample households write logbook
(2)Establish the catch-effort data of squids by logbook system.
(3)Match logbook and VDR data for further analysis
(4)Analyze the spatial pattern and temporal variation of catch and CPUE
2.Analysis of biological data
(1)Collected squids samples to Keelung, Hsinchu, and Penghu during fishing season.
(2)Identify species composition of samples, Make morphological measurements for each specimen and record sexual maturity stage.
(3)Analyze monthly structure of loliginid squids.
(4)variation of squid biomass over the years.
The expected results are,
(1)Understand the temporal variation and spatial distribution patterns of loliginid squids in the northern TS.
(2)Understand biological characteristics of squids in the waters off northeastern Taiwan, waters off Hsinchu, and waters off Penghu
(3)Establish the catch-effort database of squids fisheries
(4)Understand on the variation of fishing grounds of squids fishery
(5)Understand the Light intensity of torch-light fishery
(6)、Monitoring resource fluctuation in Taiwanese Bua Fisheries and reviewing management plan
The objectives of this project are getting uptodate information to assist fisheries management, including 1) to estimate the stock size of major species, 2) to explore the fishing effort and catches, and 3) to quantify their spatio-temporal variations.
Larval anchovy is an important resource for coastal artisan fishery in Taiwan, although harvesting fish at early stages may impose crucial impact on fragile resource, and cause conservation concerns. The fisheries that catch larval anchovy are called \\"Bua fishery\\" in Taiwan, and they utilize specialized fishing types fit to various coastal geo-morph. The Bua catches are appreciated with high prices, resulted in very complicated cases governmental regulations. From different perspectives , both larval and adult anchovies are important mid-way component in coastal marine ecosystem, where they function as bio-energy converter between plankton and higher trophic levels. The fluctuation of anchovy population influences not only the amount of fisheries catches, but also the stability of coastal ecosystem. Previous studies have shown that the mechanism for the formation of apt fishing sites may relate to global meteorological events, such as ENSO and typhoon. The species richness of Bua catches resembles that of traditional bottom trawls, but with different percentage of species composition in biomass. The Bua catch is primarily composed of engraulia and clupeid fishes, however tens to hundred “non-Bua” species are also caught, among which some are of economic importance. Major Bua fishes, accounted by more than 5% in any single day, are identified to 8 species. And, the top 3 species composed about 90% of total catches; i.e., <I>Encrasicholina heteroloba</I>, <I>Encr. punctifer</I> and <I>Engraulis japonicus</I>.
<U>Frameworks</U>: Fish compositions in two major fishing seasons of spring and autumn are comprehensively documented, however population size of major species is dynamic. For effective regulate the fishing activity at a suitable level, county governments set the limits of vessel number, total allowable catches and no-catch period (NCP) for their fishermen. In the meanwhile, the licensing time was set to a period of 5 years. Phasing-out of the Bua fishery is also announced that was effective on January 1, 2006 at first. However, for the sake of mitigating difficult position in local economy, deferring was put forward to extend the licensing period until December 31, 2008. In 2009, effective regulation of the fisheries is established to replace the then phasing-out hoping to reduce socio-economic impact. To facilitate effective regulation, the major tasks of this project are set to assess potential fishing capacity, and realized fishing effort and catches.
<U>Expected benefits</U>: This project works on three major fishing grounds: the northeast, northwest and southwest in sequences. In the end, this project will get following parameters: fishing capacity, fishing effort, catches, catches composition and length frequencies. We will analyze these parameters to conclude the by-catch rate, total allowable catch and optimal size of the fisheries.
(7)、Studies of stock dynamics and assessment for cutlassfish
Variation in fisheries stock dynamics can be attributed to multiple co-occurring factors: fishing intensity, climate, ecosystem interaction, and species life history traits. To achieve sustainable fisheries management, it is of great importance to understand how a fish stock responds to the synergies of these factors. In this study, I propose to explore the stock status of hairtail <I>Trichiurus lepturus</I>, based on fisheries surveys in Taiwan (including bottom trawl, set net, and recreational fisheries). The over-reaching goals of this project are to understand long-term stock dynamics of hairtail and provide scientific information for management purposes. Specifically, I plan to conduct the following data collection and analyses: 1) historical catch and distributional data; 2) contemporary catch and effort and life history data.
(8)、Survey and assessment for crab fisheries resources in north of the Taiwan Strait and off Penghu
The purpose of this project is to survey and assess the crabs resources in north of the Taiwan strait and off Penghu. The main tasks include (1) to survey the amount and dynamics of fishing boats aimed at the crabs in north of the Taiwan Strait and Penghu, and to measure and obtain the size-frequency data of main crab catch in north of Taiwan Strait, (2) to examine the main species composition of crabs from north of the Taiwan Strait and off Penghu, (3) to analyze the catch and effort statistics in north of the Taiwan Strait and Penghu, and to obtain the trend of abundance indices of the crabs resources, (4) to analyze the reproductive biology of main catch crabs in the north of Taiwan Strait.