(1)<strong>外來水產動物之防除監測研究:</strong>本計劃之執行主要是希望能夠針對已入侵之外來水產生物在臺灣地區的分佈情形進行長期的監測,研究其對於臺灣水域生態的衝擊程度,並對於一些高威脅性的入侵種能夠建立其防治移除技術的標準作業程序。除此之外,過往所蒐集的外來種入侵之相關資料有必要經彙整後,擬定出具入侵疑慮之水產動物清單,以供相關單位於評估該入侵物種對環境的生態危害,訂定出緊急因應處理相關策略之參考。近年來除四脊滑螯蝦(澳洲螯蝦)與魚虎(小盾鱧)等社會關注物種外,外來養殖魚種筍殼魚等,在本年度亦須著重針對該物種在臺灣的分佈情形,以及對於本土環境生態之影響情形進行調查,藉由蒐集相關文獻與輔以實際的野外調查之相關資料,建立起有效防治流程與移除技術,避免該入侵物種快速擴散與嚴重危害本土生態環境。入侵外來生物對臺灣生態環境與原生物種的衝擊是相當嚴重的,過往針對外來入侵水產生物之調查工作所蒐集之數據亦相當重要,彙整歷年資料並統整為分布圖資資訊化之工作亦成了本年度的目標之一。為了能讓社會大眾對已入侵外水產生物更加認識,本年度亦將開發已入侵水產生物之民眾通報網頁,希望透過與地方民眾之互動來提高民眾對已入侵之外來水產生物的通報率,讓目前臺灣已入侵水產生物之現況更加明朗化。(2)<strong>適地適養各縣市重點養殖物種分析:</strong>臺灣養殖漁業發展數年,面臨水土資源有限之問題,進行產業調整為首要之務,以因應極端氣候衝擊、產業結構僵化、產銷失衡等問題,除考量到生產過程中之技術問題,亦需考量產出後的經濟及產銷策略,同時發展友善生態養殖,使資源能永續經營,減少對環境生態的衝擊。本研究針對友善生態養殖的定義及建立養殖操作模式,供未來養殖戶有仿效依循,並針對雲林、嘉義及台南進行友善養殖業者之養殖管理成本、銷售通路及環境資料之建立與輔導,並針對三地物種進行比較及分析,選出適合物種及不適合物種,根據不同物種及地區提出適地適養方案,提升產業效率及獲利能力,為養殖產業整理出一套友善養殖之流程,作為未來養殖產業發展藍圖。(3)<strong>草蝦SPF種原技術開發與運用:</strong>美國自1980年代開始推動海洋養殖蝦計畫,選定中南美洲原生種—南美白蝦作為選育目標,經過美國政府20年的扶植,於2000年成功推出無帶特定病原白蝦,讓白蝦全球產量具有爆發式的成長,進而改變全世界養殖蝦的生態。反觀全球對於草蝦種原培育,對於全球草蝦繁養單位,因主要瓶頸為完整的草蝦馴化技術尚未建立,特別是在人工草蝦種蝦培育/成熟/交配這些階段仍相當匱乏,故挑選野生的草蝦做為種原仍是主要做法,但而長年來疫病的散播,導致無特定病原帶原的野生親蝦越來越難取得,而孵化場自行培育的人工親蝦也因無法遵守高生物性保全的要求而多半有疫病反覆爆發的情況存在,眾多因素導致全球草蝦種原培育仍停滯不前。本項計畫擬解決問題重點為藉由草蝦種原技術開發來建立臺灣本土草蝦原生種種原,並藉由執行本計畫產出具有商業價值的草蝦品系供予國內。(4)<strong>文蛤種源分析計畫</strong>:水產養殖生物普遍有相對較低的基因多樣性,可能導致疾病抵抗力降低和對環境的適應力較差,台灣養殖的中華文蛤已有遺傳多樣性偏低的情形,然而繁殖種貝及野生族群之基因變異仍屬未知,因此,本計畫將1. 確認我國養殖文蛤繁殖場種貝源及比較其與野生族群基因變異程度;2. 進行文蛤繁殖戶種源訪談;3. 評估引入野生族群改善可能因基因窄化而不利養殖的因素,以提升我國文蛤養殖產業效益。(5)<strong>多元航遙測技術建構水產養殖監控與資訊雲分析利用:</strong>透過多元航遙測技術定期進行臺灣陸上魚塭及淺海牡蠣養殖監測,並進行魚塭與牡蠣圖資更新,當災害來臨時提供即時災損分析。養殖監測分析結果持續匯入資料庫並整合相關養殖資料庫並利用視覺化平台呈現,提供漁政管理機關進行養殖管理之決策參考,本計劃目標包括:(1)掌握陸上十萬多口的養殖魚塭、海上箱網及淺海養殖牡蠣之養殖分布情形,完成110年基礎養殖資料更新與分佈圖繪製,結合放養量申(查)報作業,建立完整的全國養殖漁業基礎資料庫,供公部門作漁政管理與相關政策研擬之決策參考;當天然災害發生時,依照107年寒害及823水災監測機制,提供災害前後期影像養殖監測結果,作為災損及災害影響評估,可提供決策單位是否啟動現金救助或專案輔導之參考,加速災害救助的流程並節省政府機關的人力與物力。(2)運用多元航遙測影像取得海上牡蠣及陸上魚塭養殖狀態,提供漁政單位掌握即時放養量資訊。(3)配合嘉義縣浮筏式牡蠣漁業權管理方案,結合遙測監測結果,掌握浮筏漁業權設施的位置變化情形,當發生災損時也能利用前後期影像取得設施受損情形,提供漁政單位核發救助金之參考。(4)完整養殖漁業基礎資料庫,提昇養殖行政管理的掌控與效率,經由魚塭圖與地籍圖的大數據比對,可分析那些魚塭是可被申請養殖漁業登記,籍由分析結果透過放養申(查)報制度,通知漁民進行養殖漁業登記證的申請,以提昇養殖漁業登記證的核發比例,也達到照顧漁民與便民服務,讓民眾對政府有感。(5)計畫成果籍由養殖漁業放養查詢平臺開放產官學與一般民眾(養殖業者)自由查詢,可立即查知各養殖魚種的放養量與面積,部份魚種也提供魚價資訊,可作產銷預警之決策使用。(6)追蹤各分級之水產品養殖區抽檢結果變化,了解過去抽檢不合格次數較多的養殖區改善狀況,並提供漁政管理機關進行養殖管理之決策參考,為大眾的養殖水產品食安進行把關。(7)將產銷履歷納入魚塭養殖資料中,提供產銷履歷魚塭實際位置及養殖基礎資料。(8)將計畫成果透過視覺化平台呈現,提供漁政單位跨平台、跨裝置隨時查詢本計畫建置資料,方便漁政管理機關進行養殖管理之決策參考。(6)<strong>研發開放式海域防災型智能箱網養殖模式:</strong>本統籌計畫主要針對台灣外海海域進行防災型之智能化箱網養殖研究,為達此目標需針對外海海域進行箱網抗風浪之試驗、箱網養殖主要物種及新興物種全面性研究及智能化箱網的研發。故本統籌計劃分為三部分:一、臺灣周邊海域箱網抗風浪研究試驗;二、箱網養殖主要及新興物種研究;三、智能化箱網養殖模式研究。(1)臺灣周邊海域箱網抗風浪研究試驗:本計畫目標為調查臺灣海域箱網養殖區的波浪、海流及錨碇張力之間的關係,以了解箱網結構在此海域的工程特性,提供未來推廣台灣海上箱網養殖參考。本計畫將在箱網上游面設置ADCP以定點方式量測波浪及剖面流速,並且在上流面的纜繩上安裝自記式張力計,以量測錨碇張力,藉以分析箱網結構之水動力特性。而測量結果將代入本團隊開發的箱網結構動力數值模式,提供校驗模式精確度。而本計畫研究成果將更有利於未來進行台灣海域箱網養殖設施在極端氣候情境下,發生斷纜、材質老化及工程分險分析等相關研究。(2)箱網養殖主要及新興物種研究:針對箱網養殖潛力物種石鯛種魚透過分子標記及遺傳經濟性狀轉錄體建立基因資料庫與追蹤子代親緣關係,透過生物分子育種技術進行魚種之種魚親源鑑定與基因多樣性分析工作建立1套gDNA SSR 標記模組,作為經濟性狀遺傳改良與提升方向。另針對箱網養殖物種進行疾病調查建立養殖疾病管理與防治。探討石鯛虹彩病毒攻擊感染模式,以了解病毒感染和寄主免疫反應等相關研究;並開發石鯛致病性虹彩病毒株疫苗以及細菌性疾病之疫苗,有效預防疾病所造成之損害。同時持續透過養殖管理建立石鯛最適放養密度,且透過蒐集箱網養殖物種生產管理及成長資訊,整合智慧化箱網養殖 AI 運算數據資料庫應用並進行競爭力分析。金鯧為目前台灣及澎湖海水箱網養殖數量最多魚種。其進箱網後容易感染新貝尼登吸蟲,車輪蟲,弧菌、鏈球菌,巴斯德桿菌及奴卡氏菌。其中奴卡氏菌症最為嚴重,為魚塭養殖魚苗帶來的慢性病,造成業者很大的負擔,因此有必要針對其建立預防性治療策略。最後透過準確的檢測技術監控和追踪,了解乳酸桿菌分佈情況和動物的胃腸道中的數量,並分析生物學特性有效使用和益生菌的開發。(3)智能化箱網養殖模式研究:基於機器學習/深度學習及大數據分析之人工智慧技術於建構各種不同智能應用展現驚人成效,本計畫的前期計畫已經完成一套「雲端化多模式之人工智慧感測分析」平台,本系統統合聲納、水下攝影機擷取之水下影像,進行影像辨識,監控及管理標的物種成長狀況;同時我們也利用水質感測器監控水產養殖環境,以利後續結合影像辨識結果進行養殖策略最佳化的分析。本系統已被證實可在陸上箱網或養殖池長時間監控魚群,並據以建立高品質特定魚種的多模式、雲端化大數據庫。這個系統同時也初步具備智能化養殖所需的雲端化數據分析模組,概觀全球在這個領域的專案研究,這個系統是少數可即時監控、分析養殖池魚群狀況的成功範例之一。然而本系統仍未臻完善,110年度將建立完整之雲端化大數據分析平台來完善前期計畫之智能箱網養殖系統:(1)基於多聲納水下影像魚群監控分析系統(2)基於水下立體影像與聲納影像融合之魚群監控分析系統(3)智能化水下設備掃描與監控分析系統(4) 智能化分魚機養殖規劃系統(5) 基於智能化投餌機之飼料管理系統(6)自主式水質監測浮標系統(7)具VR介面之智能養殖雲端系統(7)<strong>建立水產物中指標性多氯聯苯的快速檢驗方法:</strong>本計畫將導入GC/MSMS應用在水產品及飼料中多氯聯苯分析的篩檢技術,並同步與高解析質譜儀法之檢測結果進行比對。建立流程簡化的戴奧辛分析技術,可將現有溶劑使用量減少30%,檢測時間縮短50%,降低檢測成本,並擬定可供依循的標準流程,協助國內實驗室增設多氯聯苯檢測項目,提供水產業者較為經濟快速的進出口檢驗,確保輸歐水產品符合輸入國之檢驗規範,以提升我國出口水產及飼料的產值。 (1)<strong>Research in monitoring, preventing, and removing exotic aquatic-animals:</strong>The main purpose of this project is wanted to establish the exotic invasive aquatic species's distribution information and to understand the impact to the native ecosystem. The bio-security standard operation procedure for much more threatening invaded species will be done in the coming year. Moreover, both of (1) the distribution and the impact information investigation and (2) the relevant control processes and removal technology of those exotic aquaculture purposed animals are lawful imported will be done at the same time. The field investigation and references collection are both methods to understand the distribution of exotic species of aquatic animal status. Proposed collection of exotic fish stomach contents of specimens, as basic material for future impact research. In this project, more invaded aquatic animal's bio-security Standard Operation Procedure wild be established. Related benefits include: (1) The establishment of exotic species of aquatic animals in Taiwan's distribution database to provide relevant research base. (2) To understand how serious of the endemic aquatic ecology was threaten by the invaded aquatic animals. (3) To establish more exotic invaded aquatic animal's standard operation procedure for the prevention of the damage of Taiwan. (4) To understand those lawful imported aquaculture animal's distributed and impacted status. The control processes and eradication method for those aquaculture animals will be prepared for contingencies. The exotic invasive aquatic species impact seriously on ecological environment of Taiwan. We'll also collect the data that study before to analyze the exotic invasive aquatic species's distribution information and come to understand the exotic invasive aquatic species's change in Taiwan. In order to make the public more aware of the invasive aquatic animals in Taiwan, we will develop an circulate information website for exotic aquatic animals. We will interact with local people to increase the responses rate of invasive aquatic animals from public. It will become more clear that the current situation of Taiwan’s invading aquatic animals.(2)<strong>Analysis of key culture species in various counties and cities:</strong>Taiwan’s aquaculture fishery has been developing for several years and faced the problem of limited water and land resources. Industrial adjustment is the top priority to cope with extreme weather impacts, rigid industrial structure, and imbalances in production and sales. In addition to technical issues in the production process, consideration is also required After production, the economy and production and marketing strategies will be developed, and friendly ecological breeding will be developed at the same time to enable the sustainable operation of resources and reduce the impact on the environment and ecology.This research focuses on the definition of friendly ecological aquaculture and the establishment of a breeding operation model for future farmers to follow. It also aims at Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan for the establishment and guidance of breeding management costs, sales channels and environmental information for friendly farmers, and Comparing and analyzing the species in the three places, selecting suitable and unsuitable species, and proposing suitable breeding plans according to different species and regions, improving industrial efficiency and profitability, and sorting out a friendly breeding process for the breeding industry for future breeding Industrial development blueprint.(3)<strong>Development and selection for SPF Penaeus monodon breeding project:</strong>Taiwan has very rich marine resources, including natural wild P. monodon shrimp (also call tiger shrimp). The South China Sea and the East China Sea adjacent to Taiwan are both native to P. monodon shrimp. Compared with Taiwan, Europe, and America, there is a great advantage in breeding of tiger shrimp in Taiwan. The global shrimp aquaculture industry currently uses white shrimp as the main shrimp species. It is also because the U.S. government has supported the country to establish the SPF P. vannamei shrimp for more than 20 years. It has now achieved great world achievements. However, South America or South Asia is due to land costs, both labor costs and water and electricity costs have advantages over Taiwan. Under the same species (white shrimp), it is difficult for Taiwan to compete with Ecuador, Honduras, Indonesia or Malaysia in terms of industrial value. Taiwan currently produces only about 10,000 metric tons of farmed shrimp a year, but imports more than 30,000 metric tons of frozen shrimp each year, and the average price per kilogram of imported frozen shrimp on the consumer side can be under NT$200, but in contrast to domestic The farming cost of the farmers in Taiwan is at least NT$150 per kilogram. This has caused the local white shrimp industry to face serious problems of destocking and low profits, and great uncertainty caused by the disease itself. As a result, the domestic shrimp farming industry has faced extremely severe challenges in the past decade. P. monodon are still very rare and popular in the domestic trading market. It is hoped that Taiwan’s native P. monodon shrimp cultivation technology/breeding can be not only established through this project, but also provide SPF (specific pathogens free) P. monodon brooders/larvae for our truly needs.(4)<strong>Investigation on the genetic diversity of cultivated clams for hatchery practices in Taiwan:</strong>Species used in aquaculture generally have relatively low genetic diversity, which may lead to low disease resistance and poor adaptation ability to the environment. Previous study indicated that the genetic diversity of cultural spotted hard clam (<em>Meretrix petechialis</em>) was low in Taiwan. However, the genetic variation of brood stock and wild populations is unevaluated. Therefore, this project will be conducted to 1. compare the genetic variation of brood stocks with wild populations collected from coastal waters of Taiwan; 2. interview with clam breeding farmers; 3. evaluate the feasibility of introducing wild populations to increase genetic diversity of cultural clams to benefit the clam industry of Taiwan.Outcomes of this project are expected to 1. provide comprehensive investigation and analysis on genetic diversity of clam industry in Taiwan through the comparison of bred and wild populations; 2. interview with breeding farmers to obtain information on the source and amount of brood stock used in artificial propagations as a basis for genetic diversity improvement; 3. know the feasibility of introducing wild populations to improve cultural brood stocks of clam industry.(5)<strong>Multiple aerial telemetry technologies to construct aquaculture monitoring and information cloud analysis and utilization:</strong>Regular monitoring of fish farms and oyster farms in Taiwan through multiple aerial telemetry technologies, and updates on aquaculture maps, and provide real-time disaster analysis when disasters happen. The results of aquaculture monitoring and analysis continue to be imported into the database, and the relevant aquaculture database is integrated and presented on a visual platform to provide fishery management agencies with decision-making reference for aquaculture management. The goals of this plan include:(1)Use of aerial photography to produce the map of the farmed fish and oysters, and establish the complete national aquaculture fishery basic database. Provide image monitoring results before and after the disaster when natural disasters occur.(2)Use multiple aerial telemetry images to obtain the aquaculture status of oysters and fish farms, and provide fishery authorities with real-time aquaculture information.(3)Cooperate with Chiayi County's floating raft-type oyster fishery rights management plan, combined with remote monitoring results, to grasp the location changes of the oyster facilities. When a disaster occurs, it can also use the satellite images to obtain the damage to the facilities, and provide the fishery authority for approval reference for bailout.(4)Complete aquaculture fishery basic database to provide the improvement of the efficiency for aquaculture administration.(5)The project results are available to government agencies and the general public (aquaculture industry) by the aquaculture GIS platform.(6)Track the changes in the sampling results of the aquatic product breeding areas of each grade, and provide the fishery administration authorities with reference to the decision-making of aquaculture management.(7)Incorporate the Traceability into the fish farming data.(8)The results of the project are presented through a visual platform, providing fishery administration authorities with cross-platform and cross-device inquiries about the construction data of this project at any time.(6)<strong>Develop an Open Sea Area Disaster Prevention Smart Cage Culture Model:</strong>This study mainly focuses on the research of disaster-preventing intelligent cage culture in the offshore waters of Taiwan. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to conduct cage anti-wind and wave experiments in the offshore waters, comprehensive research on the main species and emerging species in cage culture and development of intelligent cage culture. Therefore, this study is divided into three parts: 1. Study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of aquaculture net cages in the open sea around Taiwan; 2. Studies on the main and emerging species in cage culture; 3. A study of artificial intelligence on smart cage culture.(1)Study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of aquaculture net cages in the open sea around Taiwan:This project aims to investigate waves, currents and mooring line tensions of the aquaculture net cage in the sea area around Taiwan, to further understand the engineering characteristics of the net cage, and to be a demo case for future promotion of cage aquacultures. In this project, a bottom-mounted ADCP in front of the net cage is set up to measure waves and velocity profiles, meanwhile, a subsea load cell installed on the upstream mooring line is deployed to record the mooring tension. The filed measurements are integrated to analyze the hydrodynamic characteristics of the net cage. The results can be used to verify the accuracy of our in-house numerical model. Based on the results of this project, the present model will have the ability to extend to involve the extreme sea state situation, the mooring system failure scenario, the mooring line fatigue, and the engineering risk analysis In the near future.(2)Studies on the main and emerging species in cage culture.:Establish gene database and track the genetic relationship of offspring based on the potential species of cage culture of rock bream species through molecular markers and genetic economic trait transcripts, and establish a set of species identification and genetic diversity analysis through biomolecular breeding technology gDNA SSR marker module, as the direction of genetic improvement and promotion of economic traits. In addition, disease investigations are carried out for cage cultured species to establish breeding disease management and prevention. Discuss the attack and infection mode of stone sea bream iridescent virus to understand the related research of virus infection and host immune response; and develop vaccines of the stone sea bream iridescent virus strain and bacterial disease to effectively prevent the damage caused by disease.At the same time, we continue to establish the most suitable stocking density of rock sea bream through breeding management, and collect information on the production management and growth of cage breeding species, integrate the application of intelligent cage breeding AI computing data database and conduct competitiveness analysis. Trachinotus blochii is currently the largest fish species on cage cultured in Taiwan and Penghu.Trachinotus blochii is easy to be infected with Neobenedenia, Trichoderma, Vibrio, Streptococcus, Pasteurella and Nocardia. Among them, Nocardia is the most serious. It is a chronic disease caused by fish farming fry, which causes a great burden on the industry. Therefore, it is necessary to establish preventive treatment strategies for it.Finally, through accurate detection technology monitoring and tracking, understand the distribution of lactobacilli and the number of animals in the gastrointestinal tract, and analyze the effective use of biological characteristics and the development of probiotics.(3)A study of artificial intelligence on smart cage culture:Artificial intelligence technology based on machine learning/deep learning and big data analytics has shown amazing results in the construction of various intelligent applications. Our previous project has completed a cloud-based multi-mode underwater monitoring system for smart aquaculture. The system integrates the analytics of underwater images captured by sonar and underwater stereo cameras to monitor and manage the growth status of target species. At the same time, the fusion of water sensing and image recognition, this project aims at subsequent planning of fish feeding strategies. The proposed system has been proven to be able to monitor fish schools for a long time in an aquaculture pond to build a cloud-based database for storing high-quality big data of specific fish species. To compare with related projects in this field in the world, this system is one of the few successful examples that can monitor and analyze the status of fish in aquaculture ponds in real time. However, this system is still not perfect. This project aims at establishing a complete cloud-based big data analysis platform for smart aquaculture by conducting the following research topics:(1)A fish monitoring and analysis system based on multi-view sonar underwater images with the following sub-tasks:(2)A fish monitoring and analysis system based on the fusion of underwater stereo images and sonar images with the following sub tasks:(3)An intelligent underwater equipment scanning and monitoring system with the following sub-tasks:(4)An intelligent fish sorting machine for breeding planning:(5)A feed management system based on the intelligent feeder:(6)Autonomous water quality monitoring buoy system:(7)An intelligent aquaculture cloud system with VR interface:(7)<strong>Develpoe a rapid test method for index PCBs in aquatic products:</strong>In this project, we will apply the GC/MSMS as screening technology for the analysis of indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (indicator PCBs) in aquatic products and feeds, and will compare with the results of the high-resolution mass spectrometry. The simplified process of the indicator PCBs analysis technology can reduce the traditional solvent usage by 30%, reduce the detection time by 50%, reduce the cost of testing, and develop standard processes that can be followed to assist the domestic laboratory to add PCB as testing item. We hope to provide a more economical and rapid inspection of the import and export aquaculture industry to ensure that the aquatic products exported to Europe meet the imported country's inspection specifications and enhance the output value of Taiwan’s export aquatic products and feed.