
第 1 到 51 筆結果,共 51 筆。

2022產學小聯盟計畫-輪機產業技術提昇暨服務聯盟Cherng-Yuan LinMarine Industrial Technology Promotion and Service Alliance
2022Marine Industrial Technology Promotion and Services Alliance (Second Term)- Intelligent Maintaining Technology for Offshore Wind Farms( I )Cherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2021Investigation on Refining Processes of Fuel Oils from Oily Sludge Using Non-Thermal Plasma and Their Fuel Characteristics and Engine Performance (I)Cherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2021產學小聯盟計畫-輪機產業技術提昇暨服務聯盟Cherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council; Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2021Marine Industrial Technology Promotion and Services Alliance (Mitpsa)( III )Cherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2020Investigation on Optimization of Engine Performance and Emission Reduction for Marine Diesel Engines of Fishing BoatsCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2020Introducing the Cost of Climate Change Adaptation into the Business Case for Aviation BiofuelsCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2020建立離岸風電工作船舶維修保養產業聚落計畫Cherng-Yuan LinDepartment of Marine Engineering
2020產學小聯盟計劃-輪機產業技術提昇暨服務Cherng-Yuan LinMarine Industrial Technology Promotion and Service Alliance
2020Marine Industrial Technology Promotion and Services Alliance (Mitpsa)( II )Cherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2019產學小聯盟計畫-輪機產業技術提昇暨服務聯盟-臺馬之星艦定案Cherng-Yuan Lin連江地方法院
2019Establishing Prediction Model of Cetane Number of Biodiesel and Applying for Enhancement of Engine Performance(II)Cherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2019Marine Industrial Technology Promotion and Services Alliance (Mitpsa)( I )Cherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2019動力遊艇輪機檢修技能訓練班Cherng-Yuan LinNational Chinese Seamen's Union
2018Establishing Prediction Model of Cetane Number of Biodiesel and Applying for Enhancement of Engine Performance(I)Cherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigation on Co-Cultivation of Microalgae with Antrodia Camphorate for Enhancing Production Rate of Biodiesel and Added Value of Functional Components.Cherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2015Investigation on Production Process of Microalgae Biodiesel Using Heterogeneous Strong Alkaline PhotocatalystsCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2015Research and Development for in Situ Fast Lipid Extraction and Production Technology of Microalgae BiodieselCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2014Investigation on Production Process of Microalgae Biodiesel Using Heterogeneous Strong Alkaline PhotocatalystsCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Investigation on Production Process of Microalgae Biodiesel Using Heterogeneous Strong Alkaline PhotocatalystsCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2012Investigation on Properties of Biodiesel and Preparation of Anti-Fatigue Soft Drink Derived from Microalgae Cultured by Deep Sea WaterCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2011Research and Development of Catalyzing Glycerol for Antifreeze Production Using Solid Superacid PhotocatalystCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2011Investigation on Properties of Biodiesel and Preparation of Anti-Fatigue Soft Drink Derived from Microalgae Cultured by Deep Sea WaterCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2010Investigation on Properties of Biodiesel and Preparation of Anti-Fatigue Soft Drink Derived from Microalgae Cultured by Deep Sea WaterCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2009Investigation on Manufacturing Processes of Biodiesel for CFPP ReductionCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2009提昇氧化穩定性的新一代生質柴油技術研發Cherng-Yuan Lin
2008Investigation on Manufacturing Processes of Biodiesel for CFPP ReductionCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2007Production and Fuel Characteristics of Biodiesel from Microalgae with High-Lipid Content Cultured in Industrial Waste WaterCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2007Research and Development on Supercritical-Fluid Manufacturing Process of Biodiesel from Cheap SoapstocksCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2006Investigation on Using a Rotating Packed-Bed for Biodiesel Production from High Acid Oil of SoapstocksCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2005Synthesis of Biodiesel From Waste Cooking Oil by using Supercritical Fluid Technology and its Fuel Properties and Engine CharacteristicsCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2005Development and Benefits of Global Hybrid-Power Low-Emission Bus and Planning Policy of Introduction to ROCCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2004An Investigation of Diesel Microemulsion Techniques to Improve Emulsion Characteristics and Reduce Emission Pollution from Diesel EnginesCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2004A Study to Draft Mid-Dange Controlling Strategies for Emission Pollution of Diesel VehiclesCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2003A Study on the Refining Technologies of Low-NOx Biodiesel and Its Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel EnginesCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2003Evaluation of Reduction Technologies and Strategies and Their Promotion of Usage for Diesel VehiclesCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2002Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engines Using Biodiesels as Fuels Refined from Waste Vegetable OilsCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2002The Establishment of On-Line Diagnostic Methods for Injection Control Systems of Diesel Engines andCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2002A Study on Recycle and Refinement for Wasted Diesel Oils from Diesel Engines of Fishing BoatsCherng-Yuan LinCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2001An Investigation on the Characteristics of Emulsification, Performance and Emission of Diesel Engines for Multiple Emulsions of BiodieselCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
2001The Evaluations of Air-Pollution Reduction and Cost Benefit for Control Measures of Used Diesel VehiclesCherng-Yuan LinEnvironmental Protection Administration
2000An Investigation for the Effects of Lecithin in Multi-phase Emulsion on the Performance and Emission of Diesel EnginesCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
1999The Use of Multi-Phase Emulsions of Diesel Oil for the Reduction of Particulate Matter and Emission of Diesel EnginesCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
1999A Study on the Strategies and Technologies for the Prevention of Mobile-Source Emissions and on the Development for Advanced TechnologiesCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
1998The Use of Ethylene Glycol Monoacetate As an Oxygenated Agent for the Reduction of Particulate Matter and Emission of Diesel EnginesCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
1997The Use of Dipropylene Glycol as an Alternate Fuel for the Reduction of Emission of Diesel EngineCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
1996Combustion and High-Temperature Corrosion Characteristics of Industrial Furnaces Burning with Calcium Oxide Contained Fuel Oil under Varying Humidity of Atmospheric AirCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
1995An Investigation of Combustion and High Temperature Corrosion by Molten Sodium Sulfate Salt for Marine BoilersCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
1994大氣鹽份對船用鍋爐高溫腐蝕及燃燒特性影響的探討Cherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
1994Effects of Salt on High Temperature Corrosion and CombustionCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council
1992The Effects of Humidity and Temperature of the Intake Air on the Combustion and Emissions Characteristics of Diesel EnginesCherng-Yuan LinNational Science and Technology Council