
第 1 到 38 筆結果,共 38 筆。

2022陽明山國家公園瑪鋉溪上游之溪流魚類群聚生態監控及其繁殖期調查計畫III-Shiung ChenYangmingshan National Park
2022111-112 年度中央管流域生態固定樣站調查—北中東區I-Shiung ChenWater Resources Planning Institute
2021臺灣東北部岸際生物樣本採集調查專業服務案I-Shiung ChenNational Academy of Marine Research
2021110年強化與東協及南亞國家合作交流計畫I-Shiung ChenMinistry of Education
2021示範海域海洋生物資訊蒐集及資源調查-北部海域_魚類調查及水質分析I-Shiung ChenNational Academy of Marine Research
2021Studies on the integration of fish farming zones and its fishing ground environmental improvementI-Shiung ChenFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2020澎湖南方四島國家公園魚類生態圖鑑製作I-Shiung ChenMarine National Park Headquarters
2020109-111年度「陽明山國家公園瑪鋉溪上游之溪流魚類群聚生態監控及其繁殖期調查計畫」案I-Shiung ChenYangmingshan National Park
2020臺灣岸際生物資源調查專業服務案 分支計畫一 魚類調查及珊瑚及棘皮動物調查與海域水文調查I-Shiung ChenNational Academy of Marine Research
2020第三作液化天然氣接收站建港 及圍堤造地工程施工期間環境 監測河口生態調查I-Shiung ChenInstitute of Marine Biology
2020Studies on the integration of fish farming zones and its fishing ground environmental improvementI-Shiung ChenFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2019陽明山國家公園溪流魚類生態水族特展規劃與魚類採集飼育計畫I-Shiung ChenYangmingshan National Park
2019瀕危淡水魚種的繁養殖保種規劃與族群生態調查研究I-Shiung ChenForestry Bureau, COA, Executive Yuan
2019Studies on the integration of fish farming zones and its fishing ground environmental improvement-2I-Shiung ChenCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2018The investigation and conservation strategies of fish and crustacean eco-resource in the river basin of Yangmingshan National Park, 106 ~ 107 (2/2)I-Shiung Chen
2017陽明山國家公園溪流各流域魚類及甲殼類生態資源調查及保育策略規劃(1/2)I-Shiung ChenYangmingshan National Park
2015Monitoring Marine Fish Fauna, Species Diversity, Cummunity Change and Database Establishment in Keelung (III)I-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Monitoring Marine Fish Fauna, Species Diversity, Cummunity Change and Database Establishment in Keelung( II )I-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Conservation and Ecology Survey of Freshwater Eel Habitats with Evaluation of the ResourcesI-Shiung ChenCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2013Morphology, taxonomy, interrelationships and molecular phylogeography and phylogenetics of nemacheiline loaches, with special emphasize on the genera Orthrias and TriplophysaI-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Effects of Global Change on Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Northwest Pacific (I)- Research of Coral-Reef Fish Communities and DNA Molecular Identification of Larval FishesI-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Monitoring Marine Fish Fauna, Species Diversity, Cummunity Change and Database Establishment in Keelung (I)I-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Morphology, Taxonomy, Interrelationships and Molecular Phylogeography and Phylogenetics of Nemacheiline Loaches, with Special Emphasize on the Genera Orthrias and TriplophysaI-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Effects of Global Change on Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems in the Seas Surrounding Taiwan in the Northwest Pacific (I)- Research of Coral-Reef Fish Communities and Dna Molecular Identification of Larval Fishes.I-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011Morphology, Taxonomy, Interrelationships and Molecular Phylogeography and Phylogenetics of Nemacheiline Loaches, with Special Emphasize on the Genera Orthrias and TriplophysaI-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011The Digital Collection Study of Fish Specimens and Natural Habitat Images of Fishes from Taiwan and China in National Taiwan Ocean University (II)I-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010The Digital Collection Study of Fish Specimens and Natural Habitat Images of Fishes from Taiwan and China in National Taiwan Ocean UniversityI-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2009「瑪陵坑溪、友蚋溪、暖暖溪及草濫溪全流域冬春二季生態調查」委託案I-Shiung ChenKeelung City Government
2009Studies of Species Biodiversity, Speciation Patterns, and Molecular Phylogenetics of Stream Benthic Fishes in Taiwan and Hainan Island, ChinaI-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2008Establishment of Native Indicators from Aquatic Animal Species and Monitoring of River Fish (II)I-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2008Studies of Species Biodiversity, Speciation Patterns, and Molecular Phylogenetics of Stream Benthic Fishes in Taiwan and Hainan Island, ChinaI-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2008「瑪陵坑溪、友蚋溪、暖暖溪及草濫溪全流域生態夏秋二季調查暨深澳坑溪及外木山小溪魚類及蝦蟹類先驅調查」委託調查案I-Shiung ChenKeelung City Government
2007Study on Diapausing Stage Resistance for the Elaboration of a New Biotechnology to Prevent the Spreading of Invasive Species with Ship's Ballast Waters and SedimentsI-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2007The Digital Collection Study of Fish Specimens and Natural Habitat Records of Fishes in National Taiwan Ocean UniversityI-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2006Study on Diapausing Stage Resistance for the Elaboration of a New Biotechnology to Prevent the Spreading of Invasive Species with Ship's Ballast Waters and SedimentsI-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2006Study on the Fishes Ecological Impact of Animal Releasing (II)I-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2005Systematics, Geographical Distribution and Molecular Phylogenetics of Rhinogobius from Taiwan and Southeastern China (III)I-Shiung ChenInstitute of Marine Biology
2005Study on Diapausing Stage Resistance for the Elaboration of a New Biotechnology to Prevent the Spreading of Invasive Species with Ship's Ballast Waters and SedimentsI-Shiung ChenNational Science and Technology Council