National Taiwan Ocean University (106) Promotion of social services and honorary awards Ministry of Science and Technology (106) 106 academic year awards special talents National Taiwan Ocean University (105) 105 academic year academic research achievement award, progress award Ministry of Science and Technology (105) 105 academic year awards special talents National Taiwan Ocean University (104) 103 academic year outstanding teaching teacher Ministry of Science and Technology (104) 104 academic year awards special talents National Taiwan Ocean University (103) 102 academic year excellent academic teacher Ministry of Science and Technology (103) 103 academic year awards special talents National Taiwan Ocean University (102) 101 academic year excellent academic teacher National Taiwan Ocean University (98) School-level excellent teachers National Taiwan Ocean University (97) college of humanities and social sciences excellent teacher Shih Hsin University(96)95 academic year First semester Freshman Chinese Excellent teaching evaluation results Shih Hsin University(95)94 academic year Second semester chinese Excellent teaching evaluation results Shih Hsin University(95)94 academic year first semester chinese Excellent teaching evaluation results
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