
第 1 到 15 筆結果,共 15 筆。

2021110學年度教育部智慧晶片應用與聯網技術課程推廣計畫Haw-Yun ShinMinistry of Education
2020智慧聯網課程推廣計畫Haw-Yun ShinMinistry of Education
2013Adjustment, Validation and Trial Use of General-Purpose Bluetooth Headset with Hearing AidsHaw-Yun ShinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Integrating Time-Domain and Spatial-Domain Energy Conservation Policies for LTE Base Station and Mobile DeviceHaw-Yun ShinNational Science and Technology Council
2012Development and Design of Generic Bluetooth Headphone Hearing AidsHaw-Yun ShinNational Science and Technology Council
2012Damage Rate Estimation and Fault Tolerant Design of Switching NetworksHaw-Yun ShinNational Science and Technology Council
2011Fast Data Access and Energy-Efficient Data Broadcast Protocol for Advanced Wireless NetworkHaw-Yun ShinNational Science and Technology Council
2010Exploiting Wireless Broadcast Mechanism and Channel Allocation Strategy to Accomplish Power Saving Protocol Supporting Mobile DevicesHaw-Yun ShinNational Science and Technology Council
2009The Design and Implementation of a Non-Blocking Planar Multicast Switch Architecture Providing Self-Routing CapabilityHaw-Yun ShinNational Science and Technology Council
2008The Opensource Development of Campus Media Streaming Services for Mobile PhonesHaw-Yun ShinNational Science and Technology Council
2007The Design, Evolution, Analysis and Implementation of the Planar Switching FabricsHaw-Yun ShinNational Science and Technology Council
2006The Study of QoS Guarantee in the Optical Burst Switching NetworkHaw-Yun ShinNational Science and Technology Council
2005The Impact of Channel Allocation Strategy on Control Channel in Wireless NetworksHaw-Yun ShinNational Science and Technology Council
-以感測器網路實現悠活自行車聯盟(2/3)Haw-Yun Shin
-校園數位電台與行動使用者的自由軟體系統開發與網路建置-以銘傳大學為例--校園數位電台影音串流服務行動手機平台開發Haw-Yun Shin