
第 1 到 29 筆結果,共 29 筆。

2023A Study on the Port Resilience and Port PerformanceTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2022Personality Traits Affect Seafarer Performance under the Anxiety of Pandemic Covid-19 SituationTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2022補助大專校院辦理共通核心職能課程計畫Taih-Cherng LirnWorkforce Development Agency
2021Safety Climate, Safety Culture, and the Safety Outcomes on Handling Dangerous Cargo in a PortTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2020海事校院推動航海/輪機學系海外實習課程作業參考手冊製作Taih-Cherng LirnMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2020The Study on the Development of Automatic Ship and Its Implication to Ocean CarriersTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2017A Study on Taiwanese Lsps’ Csr Performance in the Se Asia and Their Corporate PerformanceTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2017IAME 2017 KyotoTaih-Cherng Lirn
2015A Study on the Grain Shipping and the Food Supply Chain for Food SafetyTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2014Study on the Development of Free Economic Zone and Its Attractiveness IndexTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2014International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2014 (SDM 2014)Taih-Cherng Lirn
2012The Development of Port Operation Industry in the Post ECFA EraTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2011Shipyard Selection in International Bulk Shipping: Assessing Critical Factors through AHPTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2009The Study on the Ecological Ports' Performance IndexTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2008Containerized Grain Cargo Transportation and Impact on the Grain Silo in TaiwanTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2008台海兩岸全面直航對台灣航運產業衝擊之研究Taih-Cherng Lirn
2005The Study of Global Air Cargo Carriers' Hub Airports Selection and Decision-Making Behavior AnalysisTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2004我國漁港競爭力之研究-以澎湖群島主要漁港為例Taih-Cherng Lirn
2004澎湖縣老人理財規劃研習營Taih-Cherng LirnMinistry of Education
-A Study on the Service Quality and Safety Culture of Ferry CompaniesTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
-郵輪娛樂設施相關法律調查案Taih-Cherng LirnMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
-「輪班單位之最適人力配置及合理排班方式」委託研究Taih-Cherng LirnTaiwan International Ports Corporation (TIPC)
-邀請國際科技人士短期訪問 ERIKA BUCHARITaih-Cherng Lirn
-IAME 2016 Conference (International Association of Maritime Economists)Taih-Cherng Lirn
-Ruth--BanomyongThammasat University, Dept. of International Business, Logistics & Transport ManagementTaih-Cherng LirnNational Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, NKUST
-Chandra-Chunnilal-LalwaniUniversity of Hull Logistics Institute, The University of Hull, HullTaih-Cherng Lirn
-THE 5th International Conference on Logistics & Transport 2013Taih-Cherng Lirn
-the 9th EASTS Conference (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies)Taih-Cherng Lirn