
第 1 到 20 筆結果,共 20 筆。

2022永續能源跨域應用人才培育聯盟計畫-海域再生能源聯盟中心Pai-Chen GuanMinistry of Education
2021Recurrent Neural Network Multi-Scale Method Enhanced Isogeometric Method for Strength Analysis of Ship StructurePai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2021等參幾何法用於模擬與評估熱壓模具之疲勞強度Pai-Chen GuanCORETECH SYSTEM CO., LTD.
2021橡膠層減重化設計之變形量實驗Pai-Chen GuanMaterials and Electro-Optics,National ChungShan Institute of Science&Technology
2020Develop and Apply the Adaptive Meshfree Method for the Modeling of Ship-Hull-Crack PropagationPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2020艦艇結構寸法設計與有限元素分析之研究Pai-Chen GuanCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2019"FRP船與FRP產品之實驗 -2"Pai-Chen GuanCompal Electronics, Inc.
2019Study of Plastic Deformation of Pressure Chamber and the Effect on Fatigue StrengthPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2019Buckling Strength Analysis of Pressure Vessels Using Brittle and Ductile Material under Residual Stress Due to WeldingPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2019艦艇結構寸法設計與有限元素分析之研究(1/2)Pai-Chen GuanCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2017Coupled Isogeometric Analysis Method and Peridynamics Method for the Modeling of Crack Open Analysis on Ship HullPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2017Wind and Ocean Energy Converter Module Development( III )Pai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2016Develop the Isogeometric Analysis (Iga) Ship Structural Analysis Model for Slamming AnalysisPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2016Wind and Ocean Energy Converter Module Development( II )Pai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigation of Self-Propulsion Simulation for Submarine in Different Sailing Conditions (II)-3Pai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2015Develop the Meshfree Numerical Method for the Fluid-Structure Interaction with Underwater ExplosionPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2015Wind and Ocean Energy Converter Module Development( I )Pai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2012Numerical Analysis of Ship under Collision and Explosion Loading ConditionPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2011Numerical Analysis of Ship under Collision and Explosion Loading ConditionPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2011Numerical Analysis of Ship under Collision and Explosion Loading ConditionPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council