
Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023Temporal Variation and Spatial Distribution of Groundwater Level Changes Induced by Large EarthquakesChing-Yi Liu; Yeeping Chia; Po-Yu Chung; Tsai-Ping Lee; Yung-Chia Chiu Water
22022Combined Numerical Simulation and Groundwater Depletion Sensitivity Analysis for Dynamic Pumping ManagementShih, Dong-Sin; Chiu, Yung-Chia ; Wang, KaiJ WATER RES PLAN MAN1
32021Using Freshwater Heads to Analyze Flow Directions in Saline Aquifers of the Pingtung Plain, TaiwanChiu, Yung-Chia ; Chen, Chun-Hung; Cheng, Yun-Ta; Chen, WenfuWATER-SUI0
42021Simplified power law relationship in the estimation of hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated sands using electrical conductivityLiu, Ching-Yi; Hsieh, Yun-Da; Chiu, Yung-Chia SOIL RES0
52020Coupling high-resolutionmonitoring and modelling to verify restoration-based temperature improvementsHall, Austin; Chiu, Yung-Chia ; Selker, John S.RIVER RES APPL2
62020The effect of hydrological conditions and bioactivities on the spatial and temporal variations of streambed hydraulic characteristics at the subtropical alpine catchmentYung-Chia Chiu ; Lee, T. Y.; Hsu, S. Y.; Liao, L. Y.Journal of Hydrology1
72018Impacts of hydrogeological characteristics on groundwater-level changes induced by earthquakesLiu, Ching-Yi; Chia, Yeeping; Chuang, Po-Yu; Chiu, Yung-Chia ; Tseng, Tai-LinHYDROGEOL J20
82018A Simulation-Optimization Model for Seawater Intrusion Management at Pingtung Coastal Area, TaiwanHuang, Po-Syun; Chiu, Yung-Chia WATER-SUI24
92018Mapping fracture flow paths with a nanoscale zero-valent iron tracer test and a flowmeter testChuang, P. Y.; Chia, Y. P.; Yung-Chia Chiu ; Teng, M. H.; Liou, S. Y. H.Hydrogeology Journal1
102017Prediction of biochemical oxygen demand at the upstream catchment of a reservoir using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference systemChiu, Yung-Chia ; Chiang, Chih-Wei; Lee, Tsung-YuWATER SCI TECHNOL1
112016Time series modeling of biochemical oxygen demand at the upstream catchment of Feitsui Reservoir, TaiwanYung-Chia Chiu ; Chih-Wei Chiang; Tsung-Yu LeeHYDROL RES1
122014Application of differential evolutionary optimization methodology for parameter structure identification in groundwater modelingYung-Chia Chiu Hydrogeology Journal6
132012The impact of groundwater discharge to the Hsueh-Shan tunnel on the water resources in northern TaiwanYung-Chia Chiu ; Chia, Y.Hydrogeology Journal15
142012Groundwater Level Changes in Taiwan Caused by The Wenchuan Earthquake on 12 May 2008Lee, T. P.; Chia, Y. P.; Yang, H. Y.; Liu, C. Y.; Yung-Chia Chiu Pure and Applied Geophysics2