Results 1-73 of 73 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024/6/1Revisit of two-circular-holes problem subject to anti-plane remote shearChen, Jeng-Tzong ; Tai, Wei-Chen; Kao, Shing-Kai; Lee, Ying-Te COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS
22024/3/27Study of Support Motion of a Finite Bar with a Boundary Damper and a Spring Using Analytical Approaches and FEMChen, Jeng-Tzong ; Kao, Hao-Chen; Lee, Jia-Wei; Lee, Ying-Te INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DYNAMICS
32023Analytical solutions for the Laplace problem of an eccentric annular domainChen, Jeng-Tzong ; Lee, Ying-Te ; Tai, Wei -Chen; Tsao, Mei-NaMECHANICS RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS0
42022Support motion of a finite bar with a viscously damped boundaryChen, Jeng-Tzong ; Kao, Hao-Chen; Lee, Jia-Wei; Lee, Ying-Te JOURNAL OF MECHANICS0
52022A systematic approach for potentials on closely packed cells using the null-field boundary integral equation in conjunction with the degenerate kernel and eigenfunction expansionLee, Ying-Te ; Kao, Jeng-Hong; Chou, Yen-Ting; Chen, Jeng-Tzong ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS0
62022Study on the interaction between a screw dislocation and circular holes or rigid inclusions by using the angular basis function in conjunction with bipolar coordinatesChen, Jeng-Tzong ; Kao, Shing-Kai; Tai, Wei-Chen; Lee, Ying-Te ; Lee, Jia-Wei; Chou, Yen-TingMATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS1
72022Support motion of a finite bar with an external springChen, Jeng-Tzong ; Kao, Hao-Chen; Lee, Ying-Te ; Lee, Jia-WeiJOURNAL OF LOW FREQUENCY NOISE VIBRATION AND ACTIVE CONTROL1
82022Study on the double-degeneracy mechanism of BEM/BIEM for a plane elasticity problem with line segmentsChen, Jeng-Tzong ; Kao, Jeng-Hong; Kao, Shing-Kai; Lee, Ying-Te ; Kuo, Shyh-Rong ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS2
92020A study on the degenerate scale by using the fundamental solution with dimensionless argument for 2D elasticity problemsJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Jia-Wei Lee; Sheng-Kuang ChenJournal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 1
102019Semi-analytical approach for torsion problems of a circular bar containing multiple holes and/or cracksYing-Te Lee ; Jeng-Tzong Chen ; Shyh-Rong Kuo Engineering Fracture Mechanics 0
112017A self-regularized approach for rank-deficient systems in the BEM of 2D Laplace problemsJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Yu-Lung Chang; Jie JianInverse Problems in Science and Engineering 9
122017Revisit of degenerate scales in the BIEM/BEM for 2D elasticity problemsJeng-Tzong Chen ; Wen-Sheng Huang; Ying-Te Lee ; Shyh-Rong Kuo ; Shing-Kai KaoMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 9
132016A necessary and sufficient BEM/BIEM for two-dimensional elasticity problemsJeng-Tzong Chen ; Wen-Sheng Huang; Ying-Te Lee ; Shing-Kai KaoEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 5
142016Green's Function Problem of Laplace Equation with Spherical and Prolate Spheroidal Boundaries by Using the Null-Field Boundary Integral EquationYu-Lung Chang; Ying-Te Lee ; Li-Jie Jiang; Jeng-Tzong Chen International Journal of Computational Methods 2
152015A nonsingular boundary collocation method for the inverse problems in elasticityYing-Te Lee ; Chia-Ming Fan ; Shyh-Rong Kuo 
162015Numerical Solutions of Two-dimensional Stokes Flows by the Boundary Knot MethodFan, CM ; Huang, YK; Li, PW; Lee, YT Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences
172015一種第一類Fredholm積分方程組解的存在唯一性充分必要條件韓厚德; 李應德 ; 殷東生; 陳正宗 Science China Mathematics 
182014Formulation of the MFS for the two-dimensional Laplace equation with an added constant and constraintJeng-Tzong Chen ; Jheng-Lin Yang; Ying-Te Lee ; Yu-Lung ChangEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 15
192014True and Spurious Eigensolutions of an Elliptical Membrane by Using the Nondimensional Dynamic Influence Function MethodJeng-Tzong Chen ; Jia-Wei Lee; Ying-Te Lee ; Wen-Che LeeJournal of Vibration and Acoustics 5
202014Null-field integral approach for the piezoelectricity problems with multiple elliptical inhomogeneitiesYing-Te Lee ; Jeng-Tzong Chen ; Shyh-Rong Kuo Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2
212013Study on harbor resonance and focusing by using the null-field BIEMJeng-Tzong Chen ; Jia-Wei Lee; Chine-Feng Wu; Ying-Te Lee Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 4
222013Null-field integral approach for the piezoelectricity problems with arbitrary elliptical inhomogeneitiesYing-Te Lee ; Jeng-Tzong Chen ; Shyh-Rong Kuo 
242013Null-field approach for the antiplane problem with elliptical holes and/or inclusionsYing-Te Lee ; Jeng-Tzong Chen Composites Part B: Engineering 18
252012On null fields in the BIEM/BEMJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Jia-Wei Lee; I-Lin Chen
262012Analytical derivation and numerical experiments of degenerate scale for an ellipse in BEMJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Shyh-Rong Kuo ; Yi-Wei ChenEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 21
272011Study on connections of the MFS, Trefftz method, indirect BIEM and invariant MFS in the three-dimensional Laplace problems containing spherical boundariesJeng-Tzong Chen ; Jhen-Jyun Tsai; Ying-Te Lee ; Jia-Wei LeeApplied Mathematics and Computation 4
282011Scattering of Sound from Point Sources by Multiple Circular Cylinders Using Addition Theorem and Superposition TechniqueJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Yi‐Jhou Lin; I‐Lin Chen; Jia‐Wei LeeNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 7
292011A novel method for solving the displacement and stress fields of an infinite domain with circular holes and/or inclusions subject to a screw dislocationJeng-Tzong Chen ; K. H. Chou; Ying-Te Lee Acta Mechanica 11
302011Bipolar coordinates, image method and the method of fundamental solutions for Green's functions of Laplace problems containing circular boundariesJeng-Tzong Chen ; Shieh, H. C.; Ying-Te Lee ; Lee, J. W.Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 9
312011Water wave interaction with surface-piercing porous cylinders using the null-field integral equationsJeng-Tzong Chen ; Lin, Y. J.; Ying-Te Lee ; Wu, C. F.Ocean Engineering 28
322010Free vibration analysis of a finite bar with an external springYin-Hsiang Hsu; Jia-Wei Lee; Ying-Te Lee ; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
332010Analysis of mutiple-shepers radiation and scattering problems by using a null-field integral equation approachJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Yi-Jhou LinApplied Acoustics 27
342010Image solutions for boundary value problems without sourcesJeng-Tzong Chen ; Hung-Chih Shieh; Ying-Te Lee ; Jia-Wei LeeApplied Mathematics and Computation 5
352010Eigensolutions of the Helmholtz equation for a multiply connected domain with circular boundaries using the multipole Trefftz methodJeng-Tzong Chen ; Kao, S. K.; Lee, W. M.; Ying-Te Lee Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 22
362010Torsional rigidity of an elliptic bar with multiple elliptic inclusions using a null-field integral approachJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Jia-Wei LeeComputational Mechanics 22
372010On the spurious eigenvalues for a concentric sphere in BIEMJeng-Tzong Chen ; Shing-Kai Kao; Ying-Te Lee ; Yi-Jhou LinApplied Acoustics 8
382010Image Location for Screw Dislocation-A New Point of ViewJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Ke-Hsun Chou; Jia-Wei LeeBoundary Value Problems 0
392009Trapping and near-trapping by arrays of cylinders in water waves using the addition theorem and superposition techniqueYi-Jhou Lin; Ying-Te Lee ; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
402009Trapping and near-trapping by arrays of porous cylinders in water waves using the addition theorem and superposition techniqueYi-Jhou Lin; Ying-Te Lee ; Jia-Wei Lee; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
412009Revisit of two classical elasticity problems by using the Trefftz methodJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Shieh, S. C.Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 13
422009Equivalence between the Trefftz method and the method of fundamental solution for the annular Green's function using the addition theorem and image conceptJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Shang-Ru Yu; Shiang-Chih ShiehEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 63
432009Interaction of water waves with vertical cylinders using null-field integral equationsJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Yi-Jhou LinApplied Ocean Research 28
442009Torsional rigidity of a circular bar with multiple circular inclusions using the null-field integral approachJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee Computational Mechanics 23
452009A Semi-Analytical Approach for Boundary Value Problems with Circular BoundariesJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Wei-Ming LeeRecent Advances in Boundary Element Methods0
462008Scattering of sound from point sources by multiple circular cylinders using addition theorem and superposition techniqueYi-Jhou Lin; Ying-Te Lee ; I-Lin Chen; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
472008On the spurious eigenvalues for a concentric sphere in BIEMShang-Kai Kao; Ying-Te Lee ; Jia-Wei Lee; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
482008A linkage of Trefftz method and method of fundamental solutions for annular Green's functions using addition theoremShiang-Chih Shieh; Ying-Te Lee ; Shang-Ru Yu; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
492008Analysis of two-spheres radiation problems by using the null-field integral equation approachYing-Te Lee ; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
502008Image method for the Green's functions of annulus and half-plane Laplace problemsShiang-Chih Shieh; Ying-Te Lee ; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
512008Null-field integral equation approach for structure problems with circular boundariesJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; Wei-Ming Lee; I-Lin Chen
522008Applications of the dual integral formulation in conjunction with fast multipole method to the oblique incident wave problemChen, K. H.; Jeng-Tzong Chen ; Kao, J. H.; Ying-Te Lee International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 
532007Null-field integral equation approach using degenerate kernels and its engineering applicationsYing-Te Lee ; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
542007Interaction of water waves with an array of vertical cylinders using null-field integral equationsJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee 
552007Free vibration analysis of circular plates with multiple circular holes using indirect BIEMsWei-Ming Lee; Jeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee Journal of Sound and Vibration 37
562007On the equivalence of the Trefftz method and method of fundamental solutions for Laplace and biharmonic equationsJeng-Tzong Chen ; C.S. Wu; Ying-Te Lee ; K.H. ChenComputers & Mathematics with Applications 99
572006Study of free-surface seepage problems using hypersingular equationsJeng-Tzong Chen ; Chia-Chun Hsiao; Yi-Ping Chiu; Ying-Te Lee Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 24
582006Torsional Rigidity of a Circular Bar with Multiple Circular Inclusions using a Null-Field Integral ApproachYing-Te Lee ; Jeng-Tzong Chen ; An-Chien Wu
592006Degenerate scale for the analysis of circular thin plate using the boundary integral equation method and boundary element methodsJeng-Tzong Chen ; C. S. Wu; K. H. Chen; Ying-Te Lee Computational Mechanics 20
602006Analytical and numerical studies of free vibrations of plate by imaginary-part BEM formulationsJeng-Tzong Chen ; Lin, S. Y.; Ying-Te Lee ; Chen, I. L.Journal of Sound and Vibration 4
612005Mathematical analysis and numerical study to free vibrations of annular plates using BIEM and BEMJeng-Tzong Chen ; Lin, S. Y.; Chen, I. L.; Ying-Te Lee International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 
622005Eigensolutions of multiply connected membranes using the method of fundamental solutionsJeng-Tzong Chen ; Chen, I. L.; Ying-Te Lee Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 60
632005True and spurious eigensolutoins for membrane and plate problems by using method of fundamental solutionsJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee 
642004Free vibration analysis of multiply-connected plates using the method of fundamental solutionsYing-Te Lee ; Jeng-Tzong Chen ; I-Lin Chen
652004A new method for plates with circular holesC. C. Hsiao; Ying-Te Lee ; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
662004Dual boundary element analysis of normal incident wave passing a thin submerged breakwater with rigid, absorbing, and permeable boundariesKue-Hong Chen; Jeng-Tzong Chen ; Sheng-Yih Lin; Ying-Te Lee Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 36
672004Mathematical analysis and treatment for the true and spurious eigenequations of circular plates by the meshless method using radial basis functionJeng-Tzong Chen ; Ying-Te Lee ; I-Lin Chen; Kue-Hong ChenJournal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 8
682004Mathematical analysis of true and spurious eigenvalues for annular plates using the method of fundamental solutionsYing-Te Lee ; I-Lin Chen; Kue-Hong Chen; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
692004A meshless method for free vibration analysis of circular and rectangular clamped plates using radial basis functionJeng-Tzong Chen ; Chen, I. L.; Chen, K. H.; Ying-Te Lee ; Yeh, Y. T.Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 99
702003Eigensolution of annular membrane using the method of fundamental solutionsYing-Te Lee ; I-Lin Chen; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
712003Comments on “Free vibration analysis of arbitrarily shaped plates with clamped edges using wave-type function”Jeng-Tzong Chen ; Chen, I. L.; Chen, K. H.; Ying-Te Lee Journal of Sound and Vibration 
722003Mathematical analysis of the true and spurious eigensolutions for free vibration of plate using real-part BEMSheng-Yih Lin; Ying-Te Lee ; Kue-Hong Chen; Jeng-Tzong Chen 
732002A new meshless method for free vibration analysis of plates using radial basis functionYing-Te Lee ; I. L. Chen; K. H. Chen; Jeng-Tzong Chen