
Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Start DateTitleP-InvestigatorFunding Organization/經費來源
2022在實驗培養皿中培養造礁珊瑚:建立一個有力的實驗平台,研究石珊瑚的細胞生物學和生理學Shinya ShikinaNational Science and Technology Council
2022111 年度新北市海洋保育教育推廣計畫Shinya ShikinaFisheries and Fishing Port Affairs Management Office,New Taipei City Government
2021For the Next Stage of Coral Propagation: Development of Techniques for Propagating Stony Corals by Sexual Reproduction under Artificial Rearing Conditions( III )Shinya ShikinaNational Science and Technology Council
2021110年度新北市海洋保育教育推廣計畫Shinya ShikinaFisheries and Fishing Port Affairs Management Office,New Taipei City Government
2020For the Next Stage of Coral Propagation: Development of Techniques for Propagating Stony Corals by Sexual Reproduction under Artificial Rearing Conditions( II )Shinya ShikinaNational Science and Technology Council
2020109年度新北市海洋保育教育推廣計畫Shinya ShikinaFisheries and Fishing Port Affairs Management Office,New Taipei City Government
2019For the Next Stage of Coral Propagation: Development of Techniques for Propagating Stony Corals by Sexual Reproduction under Artificial Rearing Conditions( I )Shinya ShikinaNational Science and Technology Council
2019108年新北市海域珊瑚海洋教育推廣工作計畫Shinya ShikinaFisheries and Fishing Port Affairs Management Office,New Taipei City Government
2019珊瑚組織生殖腺切片試驗工作Shinya ShikinaCPC Corporation, Taiwan
2018Massive Apoptosis of the Gonadal Somatic Cells in Stony Corals: Investigation of the Role and Mechanism of Apoptosis in Sexual Reproduction of Stony Corals.Shinya ShikinaNational Science and Technology Council
2017Studies for the Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Underlying Sex Change in the Stony Coral Euphyllia Anocora.Shinya ShikinaNational Science and Technology Council