
第 1 到 26 筆結果,共 26 筆。

12024/2/16Antibacterial effects of various molecular weight chitosans against Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in orange juiceUlfadillah, Siti Ayu; Chang, Shun-Hsien INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES
22022Evaluation of Hypoglycemic and Antioxidant Activities of Soybean Meal Products Fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum FPS 2520 and Bacillus subtilis N1 in Rats Fed with High-Fat DietHuang, Chung-Hsiung ; Chen, Chun-Lung ; Shieh, Chen-Che; Chang, Shun-Hsien ; Tsai, Guo-Jane METABOLITES0
32021Applications of Nisin and EDTA in Food Packaging for Improving Fabricated Chitosan-Polylactate Plastic Film Performance and Fish Fillet PreservationChang, Shun-Hsien ; Chen, Ying-Ju; Tseng, Hsiang-Jung; Hsiao, Hsin-I ; Chai, Huey-Jine; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Pan, Chorng-Liang ; Tsai, Guo-Jane MEMBRANES10
42021Exploration of Hypoglycemic Activity of Saccharomyces pastorianus Extract and Evaluation of the Molecular MechanismsWu, Chien-Hui; Huang, Chung-Hsiung ; Chung, Ming-Chuan; Chang, Shun-Hsien ; Tsai, Guo-Jane MOLECULES1
52021Antibacterial Activity of Chitosan-Polylactate Fabricated Plastic Film and Its Application on the Preservation of Fish FilletChang, Shun-Hsien ; Chen, Ying-Ju; Tseng, Hsiang-Jung; Hsiao, Hsin-, I ; Chai, Huey-Jine; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Pan, Chorng-Liang ; Tsai, Guo-Jane POLYMERS12
62020Chitosan Inhibits Helicobacter pylori Growth and Urease Production and Prevents Its Infection of Human Gastric Carcinoma CellsShun-Hsien Chang ; Pei-Ling Hsieh; Guo-Jane Tsai Marine Drugs 3
72020Evaluation of Antiobesity Activity of Soybean Meal Products Fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum FPS 2520 and Bacillus subtilis N1 in Rats Fed with High-Fat DietHuang, Chung-Hsiung ; Chen, Chun-Lung ; Chang, Shun-Hsien ; Tsai, Guo-Jane J MED FOOD12
82020Ganoderma lucidum culture supplement ameliorates dyslipidemia and reduces visceral fat accumulation in type 2 diabetic ratsChung-Hsiung Huang ; Wei-Kang Lin; Shun-Hsien Chang ; Guo-Jane Tsai Mycology 0
92020Evaluation of the hypoglycaemic and antioxidant effects of submerged Ganoderma lucidum cultures in type 2 diabetic ratsChung-Hsiung Huang ; Wei-Kang Lin; Shun-Hsien Chang ; Guo-Jane Tsai Mycology 0
102020Effects of Chitosan on Clostridium perfringens and Application in the Preservation of Pork SausageShun-Hsien Chang ; Chen, C. H.; Guo-Jane Tsai Marine Drugs 15
112019Oral administration with chitosan hydrolytic products modulates mitogen-induced and antigen-specific immune responses in BALB/c miceShun-Hsien Chang ; Guan-James Wu; Chien-Hui Wu; Chung-Hsiung Huang ; Guo-Jane Tsai International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 8
122019Effect of chitosan molecular weight on anti-inflammatory activity in the RAW 264.7 macrophage modelShun-Hsien Chang ; Yi-Yung Lin; Guan-James Wu; Chung-Hsiung Huang ; Guo-Jane Tsai International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 62
132019Multi-residue analysis using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for detection of 20 coccidiostats in poultry, livestock, and aquatic tissuesShun-Hsien Chang ; Yu-Hsun Lai; Chih-Neng Huang; Guan-Jhih Peng; Chia-Ding Liao; Ya-Min Kao; Su-HsiangTseng; Der-Yuan WangJournal of Food and Drug Analysis15
142018Effects of chitosan molecular weight on its antioxidant and antimutagenic propertiesShun-Hsien Chang ; Chien-Hui Wu; Guo-Jane Tsai Carbohydrate Polymers 61
152016pH值對幾丁聚醣分子量及其抗菌活性之影響蔡國珍 ; 張順憲 
162016以小鼠巨噬細胞RAW264.7細胞模式探討分子量對幾丁聚醣抗發炎活性之影響林亦雍; 張順憲 ; 吳冠政; 蔡國珍 
172015pH Effects on solubility, zeta potential, and correlation between antibacterial activity and molecular weight of chitosanShun-Hsien Chang ; Hong-Ting Lin ; Guan-James Wu; Guo-Jane Tsai Carbohydrate Polymers 204
182015Purification and Characterization of Nattokinase from Cultural Filtrate of Red Alga Porphyra Dentata Fermented by Bacillus Subtilis N1Hong-Ting Lin ; Guan-James Wu; Meng-Chien Hsieh; Shun-Hsien Chang ; Guo-Jane Tsai Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan 12
192013靈芝複合菌株組合 ACD 及ABDH胞外多醣之免疫調節活性張勛銘; 張順憲 ; 許智豪; 鍾昀峰; 蔡國珍 
202013In Vitro and In Vivo Anticancer Effects of Sterol Fraction from Red Algae Porphyra dentataKatarzyna Kazłowska; Hong-Ting Lin ; Shun-Hsien Chang ; Guo-Jane Tsai Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 35
212012不同分子量幾丁聚醣抗致突變能力探討張順憲 ; 蔡國珍 
222012幾丁聚醣分子量對其抗菌活性之影響張順憲 ; 蔡國珍 
232010不同分子量幾丁聚醣之抗菌活性及其於甘蔗汁保存上之應用張順憲 ; 蔡國珍 
242008不同分子量幾丁聚醣之抗菌活性侯雅雯; 陳曉瑩; 洪依勤; 張順憲 ; 蔡國珍 
252008分解聚乳酸能力細菌之篩選及培養陳曉瑩; 洪依勤; 張順憲 ; 蔡國珍 
262008低分子量幾丁聚醣抗氧化活性張順憲 ; 蔡國珍