Results 1-100 of 100 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
22022Political and technical complexities of electronic toll collection: lessons from TaiwanTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.Case Studies on Transport Policy
32022布袋港觀光交通旅遊設施重要性與滿意度之調查曾柏興 ; 林軒緯航運季刊
42022博士生以全全英語學習專業課程面臨之挑戰曾柏興 ; 林澄億 ; 方銘志 中華民國運輸學會
52022博士生以全全英語學習專業課程面臨之挑戰曾柏興 ; 林澄億 ; 方銘志 中華民國運輸學會
62022Evaluating ‘Kahoot!’ for maritime higher education coursesTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.; Richards, K.
72022SWOT Analysis of offshore wind power development in TaiwanTseng, P.H. ; Ng, M.
102021Examining the opportunities and challenges of the Kra Canal: A PESTELE/SWOT analysisTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.Maritime Business Review
112021Estimating the emissions potential of marine transportation using the Kra CanalTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.Maritime Transport Research
122021Assessment of port environmental protection in TaiwanTseng, P.H. ; Ng, M.Maritime Business Review (Emerging SSCI, Scopus)
132021臺中港貨櫃船進港引水作業效率之探討曾柏興 ; 郭昀禧航運季刊
142021E-supply chain integration: information technology applications in container shippingTseng, P.H. International Journal of E-Trade
152021Piracy defense strategies for shipping companies and ships: A mixed empirical approachTseng, P.H. ; Her, Z.C.; Pilcher, N.Maritime Transport Research
162021Northeast Passage in Asia-Europe liner shipping: An economic and environmental assessmentTseng, P.H. ; Zhou, A.; Huang, F.J.International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (SSCI)3
172021An evaluation model of cruise ports using fuzzy analytic hierarchy processTseng, P.H. ; Yip, T.L.Maritime Business Review (Emerging SSCI, Scopus)
182021Exploring the Implementation Effects of Introducing Online Kahoot Tests in the Port Operations and Management Course of the UniversityTseng, P.H. 
192021探討新冠疫情對於基隆港出口貨櫃運量影響:三種預測模型比較曾柏興 ; 李仁佑; 張玉媚中華民國運輸學會
202021Low emission port development: The policy perspectiveTseng, P.H. Marine Law and Policy
212021使用混合模型探討賑災物資供應鏈網絡之配送最佳化黃雅萱; 劉建浩; 溫婕恩; 曾柏興 
222021基隆港郵輪產業營運現況與挑戰劉詩宗; 曾柏興 ; 卓志軒
252020基隆港郵輪觀光巴士經營策略之探討曾柏興 ; 李明臻航運季刊
262020建構砂石車安全管理指標之探討曾柏興 ; 賴建霖交通學報
272020An application of fuzzy TOPSIS multi-criteria decision analysis algorithm for dry bulk carrier selectionSahin, B.; Yip, T.L.; Tseng, P.H. ; Kabak, M.; Soylu, A.Information
282020Effects of COVID-19 on maritime industry: A reviewYazir, D.; Sahin, B.; Yip, T.L.; Tseng, P.H. International Maritime Health (Scopus)0
292020Exploring How to Enhance the Learning Effects of English Medium Instruction (EMI) in Higher Education Shipping CoursesTseng, P.H. 
302020臺灣砂石車交通事故防範策略之分析曾柏興 ; 賴建霖; 曾明理
312020探討推動遊覽車環保駕駛之關鍵指標曾柏興 ; 黨衍興
322020臺中港郵輪發展策略之探討曾柏興 ; 莊喆硯
342020基隆港郵輪觀光巴士經營策略之探討曾柏興 ; 李明臻
352020Measuring the effectiveness of English Medium Instruction Shipping coursesTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.; Richards, K.Maritime Business Review(Emerging SSCI, Scopus)
362019Contemporary Issues and Challenges of Taiwanese Shipping Industry, 1st edition, In Duru, OTseng, P.H. ; Lu, C.S.Maritime Business and Economics: Asian Perspective
382019Constructing the defending strategies criteria for maritime piracy attack in the shipping companiesTseng, P.H. ; Her, Z.C.; Pilcher, N.
392019電動三輪機車於我國市場發展之探討劉欣憲; 林大傑; 曾柏興 ; 郭昀禧; 張開國; 葉祖宏; 喻世祥
402019Evaluating the key factors of green port policies in Taiwan through quantitative and qualitative approachesTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.Transport Policy (SSCI)27
412019Perspectives from a potential NSR user: a case study of TaiwanTseng, P.H. ; Lam, J.S.L.
422019Considering better highway ETC system: Comparison between Japan and TaiwanTseng, P.H. ; Aoki, T.
432019探討布袋港觀光發展策略之研究曾柏興 ; 林軒緯
442019高雄港郵輪市場策略分析曾柏興 ; 郭昀禧
452018策略聯盟正式化、供應風險管理與組織績效關係之研究--以定期海運貨櫃業者為例曾柏興 ; 莊士賢
462018探討購買涉入、品牌權益、服務品質與顧客滿意度之關係--以DHL為例曾柏興 ; 石雯珍
472018綠色港口行銷組合因素之探討曾柏興 ; 徐敦玲
482018郵輪污染管制策略之探討曾柏興 ; 陳巧瑛
492018Constructing English-Medium Instruction indicators in the shipping courses of Taiwan’s higher educationTseng, P.H. ; Richards, K.; Pilcher, N.Maritime Business Review (Emerging SSCI, Scopus)
502018Key criteria influencing the choice of Arctic shipping: a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process modelTseng, P.H. ; Cullinane, K.Maritime Policy & Management (SSCI)
522018國際商港安全管制之研究-以臺中港為例曾柏興 ; 林佩瑜; 吳穎萱; 吳菘權; 洪證皓
532018評估港區水污染管制之關鍵因素曾柏興 ; 張瑾宜; 高彤昀; 劉騏甄; 張文馨
542018探討巴拿馬運河發展對全球航運之影響曾柏興 ; 陳渝函; 侯庭雅; 梁育綸
552018臺中港永續發展策略之探討曾柏興 ; 邱于菁; 范家綺; 楊庭雯; 胡育穎
562018港口引水人安全管理之探討曾柏興 ; 陳彥伃; 陳思婷; 許博傑; 賴姵涵
572018探討貨櫃船舶大型化對航運業之影響曾柏興 ; 陳怡璇; 蘇鄉棋
582017Maintaining and researching port safety: a case study of the port of KaohsiungPo-Hsing Tseng ; Pilcher, N.European Transport Research Review
592017Assessing the shipping in the Northern Sea Route: A qualitative approachTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.Maritime Business Review (Emerging SSCI, Scopus)
602017Can we really measure the impact of port governance reform?Tseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.Maritime Policy and Management (SSCI)
612017Electronic toll collection system on Taiwan’s national freeway: Evolution and future issuesTseng, P.H. International Conference on Smart Management of Infrastructures - ICSMI 2017. University of Transport and Communications
622017Estimating the external costs of vehicle emissions on freeways in TaiwanTseng, P.H. The Proceeding of the 12th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
632017Freeway and electronic toll collection: An overviewTseng, P.H. 中華民國運輸學會2017年年會暨學術論文國際研討會,張榮發基金會
642017應用模糊層級分析法評估遊覽車安全管理指標曾柏興 2017年道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學
652016Exploring the viability of an emission tax policy for ships at berth in Taiwanese portsTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.International Journal of Transport and Shipping Logistics (SSCI)
662016Estimation of container ship emissions at berth in TaiwanCullinane, K.; Tseng, P.H. ; Wilmsmeier, G.International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (SSCI)
672016Port governance in Taiwan: How hypocrisy helps meet aspirations of changeTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.Research in Transportation Business & Management (SSCI)
682016各國大客車駕照取得與訓練方式之差異分析艾嘉銘; 林大傑; 曾柏興 ; 劉欣憲; 邱麟; 張開國; 葉祖宏; 吳熙仁; 黃明正; 周文靜2016年道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學
692016Constructing English Medium Instruction indicators in the shipping courses of Taiwan’s higher educationTseng, P.H. ; Richards, K.; Pilcher, N.International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA) 2017
702016What a case study of the port of Kaohsiung reveals about the challenges of maintaining and researching port safetyTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.The 2016 International Association of Maritime Economists Conference (IAME), Hamburg, Germany
712016Key factors influencing implementation of green port policies: A mixed methods case study in TaiwanTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.World Conference on Transport Research – WCTR 2016, China
722015Supply chain integration, information technology, market orientation and firm performance in container shipping firmsTseng, P.H. ; Liao, C.H.International Journal of Logistics Management (SSCI)
732015Pilcher, N. (2015). A study of the potential of shore power for the port of Kaohsiung, Taiwan: to introduce or not to introduce?Tseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.Research in Transportation Business & Management (SSCI)
742015Exploring ship emissions mitigation strategies for the Port of ShanghaiTseng, P.H. China Oceans Law Review
752015Key stakeholder perspective from Shanghai and Taiwan on the viability of the Northern Sea RouteTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.International Conference on Global Integration of Economies and Connectivity Development in collaboration with Asian Logistics Round Table (ALRT), Soochow University
762015Exploring the causes of port accidents: a case study of Kaohsiung port, TaiwanTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.The Proceeding of the 11th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) Conference, Cebu City, Philippines
772015Exhaust Emissions from ships at berth and possible mitigation strategies in the port of TaichungTseng, P.H. Tongji-Feng Chia Symposium on Sustainable Transport, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
782014The Impact of Opening Trade and Direct Shipping across Taiwan Strait to the Growth of Taiwan's Global Container Throughput陳麗瑛; 曾柏興 ; 戴輝煌
792014Investigating the impact of highway electronic toll collection to the external cost: the case study in TaiwanTseng, P.H. ; Lin, D.Y.; Chien, S.Technological Forecasting & Social Change (SSCI)
802014Issues involved when introducing shore power: a critical mixed methods study in the port of Kaohsiung, International Forum on ShippingTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.Ports and Airports (IFSPA) 2014, Hong Kong, China
812014Exploring the viability of an emission tax policy for ships at berth in Taiwanese portsTseng, P.H. ; Pilcher, N.Presentation given at 6th Asian Logistics Round Table (ALRT), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
822013Influential indicators for measuring Kaohsiung port resilienceTai, H.H.; Yang, C.C.; Tseng, P.H. The Proceeding of International Forum on Shipping, Port and Airport (IFSPA) 2013, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
832013A qualitative investigation of low carbon port developmentTseng, P.H. The Proceeding of the 7th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
842013The restoration of direct shipping services across the Taiwan Straits: assessing the impact of container flows in East AsiaTseng, P.H. ; Wang, Y.International Conference on Challenges and Responses of Ports in a Globalized Economy (In collaboration with Asian Logistics Round Table (ALRT) Workshop), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
852013Forecasting container throughput between Taiwan and China- exploring the impact of direct shippingTseng, P.H. ; Chen, L.I.; Tai, H.H.2013 Workshop on International Logistics and Transportation, National Singapore University, Singapore
862012Identifying crucial safety assessment criteria for passenger ferry servicesChin-Shan Lu ; Po-Hsing Tseng Safety Science
872012Estimating the environmental costs of port related emissions: The case of KaohsiungBerechman, J.; Po-Hsing Tseng Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment
882012Supply chain integration, information technology, market orientation and firm performance in container shipping firmsTseng, P.H. ; Liao, C.H.The 2012 International Association of Maritime Economists Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
892012E-supply chain integration: information technology application in container shippingTseng, P.H. 8th e-trade international forum 2012, Seoul, Korea
912011Carbon dioxide emissions and inland container transport in TaiwanLiao, C.H.; Chin-Shan Lu ; Tseng, P.H. Journal of Transport Geography (SSCI)
922010The impact of an emerging port on the carbon dioxide emissions of inland container transport: An empirical study of Taipei portLiao, C. H.; Po-Hsing Tseng ; Cullinane, K.; Chin-Shan Lu Energy Policy
932010Influential factors of VoIP adoption of top 500 export-import enterprises in TaiwanLiao, C.H.; Tseng, P.H. Contemporary Management Research
942009Comparing carbon dioxide emissions of trucking and intermodal container transport in TaiwanLiao, C. H.; Po-Hsing Tseng ; Chin-Shan Lu Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment
952009國內遊覽車客運業之經營績效與供需分析廖俊雄; 曾柏興 ; 張湄萱; 簡佑庭
962007CO2 emission: status, reduction policy and management strategy of Taiwan’s transportation sectorHwang, K.P.; Tseng, P.H. The Proceeding of the 7th EASTS Conference, Dalian, China
972007The implication of vehicle buying and using on fuel consumption policy: a case study of TaiwanHwang, K.P.; Tseng, P.H The Proceeding of the 11th World Conference on Transportation Research, Berkeley, USA
982007An Empirical investigation into factors influencing the adoption of enterprise VoIPLiao, C.H.; Tseng, P.H. International Conference on Business and Information, Tokyo, Japan
992005Energy sustainability: fuel tax policy review and modificationHwang, K.P.; Tseng, P.H. The Proceeding of the 6th Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Thailand
1002004臺灣地區遊覽車客運業市場之供需分析與預測廖俊雄; 許心怡; 曾柏興