(Principal Investigator)

Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Start DateTitleP-InvestigatorFunding Organization/經費來源
2022Development of the Earth-Abundant Kesterite-Inspired Materials for Solar Energy Applications by Using High-Throughput Combinatorial ExperimentationsCheng-Ying Chen
2019A Study on the Electronic Energy-Band Structures near Grain Boundaries/Within Grain Interiors of Novel Earth-Abundant Thin-Film Metal Chalcogenide Semiconductors and Their Photovoltaic PropertiesCheng-Ying ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2018A Study on the Electronic Energy-Band Structures near Grain Boundaries/Within Grain Interiors of Novel Earth-Abundant Thin-Film Metal Chalcogenide Semiconductors and Their Photovoltaic PropertiesCheng-Ying ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2017A Study on the Defects and Bandgap/ Electrostatic Potential Fluctuations on the Performance of Cztsse Thin-Film Solar Cells with Sub-Millimeter-Scale GrainsCheng-Ying ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2016A Study on the Defects and Bandgap/ Electrostatic Potential Fluctuations on the Performance of Cztsse Thin-Film Solar Cells with Sub-Millimeter-Scale GrainsCheng-Ying ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015A Study on the Defects and Bandgap/ Electrostatic Potential Fluctuations on the Performance of Cztsse Thin-Film Solar Cells with Sub-Millimeter-Scale GrainsCheng-Ying ChenNational Science and Technology Council
-利用奈米結構氧化物製作高效率軟性太陽能透明電極Cheng-Ying Chen
-材料研究協會Cheng-Ying Chen
-材料研究協會秋季會議Cheng-Ying Chen
-材料研究協會春季會議Cheng-Ying Chen
-利用強載子與光子捕獲能力的一維奈米結構陣列製作高效率、低成本、且可撓式的太陽能電池Cheng-Ying Chen