Title: | The Deepwater Geryonid Crab, Chaceon Granulatus (Sakai) in Taiwan (Decapoda, Brachyura) | Authors: | Peter K. L. Ng Tin-Yam Chan S. H. Tan |
Issue Date: | 1-Jan-1998 | Publisher: | Brill | Journal Volume: | 71 | Journal Issue: | 10 | Start page/Pages: | 73-80 | Source: | Crustaceana | Abstract: | The deepwater geryonid crab, Chaceon granulatus (Sakai, 1978) is reported from Taiwan for the first time. This is also the first record of the family Geryonidae from Taiwan. Sexual dimorphism between the sexes is reported. Additional notes on the differences between this species and the closely allied C. manningi Ng, Lee & Yu, 1994, from the South China Sea are also provided. |
URI: | | ISSN: | 0011-216x | DOI: | 10.1163/156854098X00789 |
Appears in Collections: | 海洋生物研究所 |
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