Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2018 | Comparison of mesozooplankton mortality impacted by the cooling systems of two nuclear power plants at the northern Taiwan coast, southern East China Sea | Pei-Wen Lee ; Li-Chun Tseng ; Jiang-Shiou Hwang | MAR POLLUT BULL | 14 | |
2021 | Comparison of Primary Production Using in situ and Satellite-Derived Values at the SEATS Station in the South China Sea | Shih, Yung-Yen; Shiah, Fuh-Kwo; Lai, Chao-Chen; Chou, Wen-Chen ; Tai, Jen-Hua; Wu, Yu-Shun; Lai, Cheng-Yang; Ko, Chia-Ying; Hung, Chin-Chang | FRONT MAR SCI | 5 | |
2018 | The congrid eel genus Ariosoma in Taiwan (Anguilliformes: Congridae), with description of a new species | Smith, David G.; Ho, Hsuan-Ching; Huang, Jian-Fu; Chang, Yong-Hsu | ZOOTAXA | 8 | |
2017 | The contrasting behaviors of CO2 systems in river-dominated and ocean dominated continental shelves: A case study in the East China Sea and the Peter the Great Bay of the Japan/East Sea in summer 2014 | Chou, Wen-Chen ; Tishchenko, Pavel Y.; Chuang, Kai-Yung; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Shkirnikova, Elena M.; Tishchenko, Petr P. | MAR CHEM | 9 | |
2020 | Contrasting Changes in Diel Variations of Net Community Calcification Support That Carbonate Dissolution Can Be More Sensitive to Ocean Acidification Than Coral Calcification | Chou, Wen-Chen ; Liu, Pi-Jen; Chen, Ying-Hsuan; Huang, Wei-Jen | FRONT MAR SCI | 8 | |
2016 | Contribution of Viral Lysis and Nanoflagellate Grazing to Bacterial Mortality at Surface Waters and Deeper Depths in the Coastal Ecosystem of Subtropical Western Pacific | Tsai, An-Yi ; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Chao, Chien Fu | ESTUAR COAST | 10 | |
2016 | Contribution to the Themed Section: Advances in Plankton Modelling and Biodiversity Evaluation Comparison of copepod species-based and individual-size-based community structuring | Garcia-Comas, Carmen; Lee, Yu-Ching; Chang, Chun-Yi; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Hsieh, Chih-Hao | J PLANKTON RES | 7 | |
2016 | Control of nanoflagellate abundance by microzooplankton and viruses in a coastal ecosystem of the subtropical western Pacific | Tsai, An-Yi ; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Chang, Wei-Lun | J EXP MAR BIOL ECOL | 2 | |
2016 | Conversion of Biowaste Asian Hard Clam (Meretrix lusoria) Shells into White-Emitting Phosphors for Use in Neutral White LEDs | Chang, Tsung-Yuan; Wang, Chih-Min ; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Lin, Hsiu-Mei | MATERIALS | 3 | |
2017 | CrusTF: a comprehensive resource of transcriptomes for evolutionary and functional studies of crustacean transcription factors | Jing Qin; Yaohua Hu; Ka Yan Ma; Xiaosen Jiang; Ching Hei Ho; Ling Ming Tsang; Lefei Yi; Ricky Wai Tak Leung; Ka Hou Chu | BMC GENOMICS | 4 | |
2022 | Cryptophyte and Photosynthetic Picoeukaryote Abundances in the Bransfield Strait during Austral Summer | Mukhanov, Vladimir; Sakhon, Evgeny; Polukhin, Alexander; Artemiev, Vladimir; Morozov, Eugene; Tsai, An-Yi | WATER-SUI | 1 | |
2018 | Cultivable Fungal Diversity in Deep-Sea Sediment of the East Pacific Ocean | Wei, Xu; Guo, Shuangshuang; Gong, Lin-Feng; He, Gaoyang; Pang, Ka-Lai ; Luo, Zhu-Hua | GEOMICROBIOL J | 7 | |
2021 | Culturable Fungal Community of Pterocladiella capillacea in Keelung, Taiwan: Effects of Surface Sterilization Method and Isolation Medium | Cha, Hyo-Jung; Chiang, Michael W. L.; Guo, Sheng-Yu; Lin, Showe-Mei ; Pang, Ka-Lai | J FUNGI | 2 | |
2020 | Deep-sea shrimps of the genus Glyphocrangon A. Milne-Edwards, 1881 (Decapoda: Caridea: Glyphocrangonidae) collected by the SJADES 2018 expedition off Java, Indonesia, with description of one new species | Komai, Tomoyuki; Yang, Chien-Hui ; Chan, Tin-Yam | RAFFLES B ZOOL | 2 | |
2019 | Deriving a Statistically Reliable Abundance Index from Landings Data: An Application to the Taiwanese Coastal Dolphinfish Fishery with a Multispecies Feature | Chang, Shui-Kai; Yuan, Tzu-Lun; Wang, Sheng-Ping ; Chang, Yi-Jay; DiNardo, Gerard | T AM FISH SOC | 2 | |
2020 | Design of an IoT-Based Mountaineering Team Management Device Using Kalman Filter Algorithm | Zhao, Yu-Xiang; Hsieh, Yi-Zeng ; Lin, Shih-Syun ; Pan, Chin-Ju; Nan, Chi-Wen | J INTERNET TECHNOL | 1 | |
2022 | Detecting the Planform Changes Due to the Seasonal Flow Fluctuation and 2012 Severe Flood in the Amazon River near Iquitos City, Peru Based on Remote Sensing Image Analysis | Garcia Angulo, Karen; Lee, Kwan Tun | WATER-SUI | 0 | |
2021 | Developing payment for ecosystem service schemes for coastal aquaculture in southwestern Taiwan | Chen, Jyun-Long; Hsiao, Yao-Jen ; Chung, Ching-Ta | AQUACULT ENV INTERAC | 1 | |
2019 | Development of Ocean Literacy Inventory for 16- to 18-Year-Old Students | Chang, Cheng-Chieh | SAGE OPEN | 7 | |