Title: | Advanced Development of Grey Mullet Fishery in Taiwan | Other Titles: | 台灣烏魚產業的進展 | Authors: | C.C. Tseng I Chiu Liao |
Issue Date: | Mar-2022 | Publisher: | Mullet and Its Aquaculture. Liao, I C. and Leaño, E.M. (eds.) | Abstract: | 中文摘要烏魚是台灣重要的高經濟價值魚種,冬至前後為天然捕撈的盛漁期,人工養殖則以2~3年的養成烏魚為主要漁獲,是季節性的水產品。其中,雌魚的卵巢(烏魚子)、雄魚的精巢(烏魚膘),以及胃囊(烏魚肫)合稱為烏魚三寶,提供生食及加工使用,又以烏魚子為最主要的加工品,味美而價高,最富經濟價值。隨著環境條件的變化,烏魚的天然捕獲量不甚穩定,市場上供需失衡,以人工養殖烏魚補充越顯重要。1970年代後期,台灣烏魚的人工完全養殖試驗雖已成功,但因人工種苗利潤低,目前養殖仍以天然種苗為其來源,為有效利用空間及增加經濟效益,多與蝦類進行混養,為常見的養殖方式。養殖烏魚子的品質雖以3年生烏魚所採得的卵巢進行加工者較佳,但因養成時間長、風險高,市面上除由國外進口的成品取代部份需求外,2年生的產品亦是目前銷售的主力之一。又各產地的烏魚子加工方式略有差異,但來源不論是天然或養殖,品質仍是決定價格的關鍵因素,本篇中詳細敘述製作過程及技法,讓讀者能進一步了解產品好壞的奧妙之處及價值所在。最後,在論及台灣烏魚產業的未來發展時,參考日本學者所提出,將生產事業的一級產業,加工製造業的二級產業,以及行銷、服務業的三級產業進行串連,以1×2×3的相乘效果,把產業提升為六級產業,這不僅在傳統的養殖、加工技術上升級,更在品牌形象的建立、包裝行銷手法的創新上下足功夫,創造就業機會,讓年輕人回流,投入漁村總體營造,活化漁村經濟,進而促進優良的生活品質。AbstractThe world fisheries capture production has been relatively stable in the past decade while the contribution of aquaculture has been rising continuously, and the total fishery production is estimated to reach 201 million T by 2030. Grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) is an important commercial species for both capture fisheries and aquaculture in Taiwan. For centuries, mullet has been a valuable target fish of the traditional fishery industry. Moreover, the added value of grey mullet processed products is more than their fishery value. There are the three delicacy products from the grey mullet: roe, testes, and stomach (gizzard). Therefore, the balance between exploitation and conservation of the grey mullet resource becomes a key issue for the sustainability of this industry. In this chapter, the 9 steps to process grey mullet roe were described. The whole processing procedures take 10 to 14 d. If the ovary is from cultured grey mullet, it has to be frozen for one week after the third step because it is richer in oil content. The aquaculture and future prospects of the grey mullet industry were also presented. Sustaining balanced production between capture fisheries and aquaculture, technology upgrading and creative marketing are crucial for the development of the mullet industry in Taiwan. |
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Appears in Collections: | 海洋中心 |
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