Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2021 | Assessing Summertime Primary Production Required in Changed Marine Environments in Upwelling Ecosystems Around the Taiwan Bank | Hsiao, Po-Yuan; Shimada, Teruhisa; Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Lee, Ming-An ; Liao, Cheng-Hsin | REMOTE SENS-BASEL | 4 | |
2018 | Assessment of the fecundity, population growth and fatty acid composition of Apocyclops royi (Cyclopoida, Copepoda) fed on different microalgal diets | Kuo-Wei Lan ; Ming-An Lee ; Chin-Pei Chou; Ali Haghi Vayghan | AQUACULT NUTR | 20 | |
2018 | Association between the interannual variation in the oceanic environment and catch rates of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Atlantic Ocean | Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Lee, Ming-An ; Chou, Chin-Pei; Vayghan, Ali Haghi | FISH OCEANOGR | 18 | |
2020 | Association of Environmental Factors in the Taiwan Strait with Distributions and Habitat Characteristics of Three Swimming Crabs | Naimullah, Muhamad; Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Liao, Cheng-Hsin ; Hsiao, Po-Yuan; Liang, Yen-Rong; Chiu, Ting-Chen | REMOTE SENS-BASEL | 12 | |
2016 | Changes in Patterns of Seasonality Shown by Migratory Fish under Global Warming: Evidence from Catch Data of Taiwan's Coastal Fisheries | Ho, Ching-Hsien; Lu, Hsueh-Jung ; He, Jia-Sin; Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Chen, Jyun-Long | SUSTAINABILITY-BASEL | 9 | |
2016 | Climatological features of surface winds blowing through the Taiwan Strait | Shimada, T.; Chang, Y.; Kuo-Wei Lan | International Journal of Climatology | | |
2020 | Determining the effect of multiscale climate indices on the global yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) population using a time series analysis | Wu, Yan-Lun; Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Tian, YongJun | DEEP-SEA RES PT II | 7 | |
2021 | Distribution and Catch Rate Characteristics of Narrow-Barred Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) in Relation to Oceanographic Factors in the Waters Around Taiwan | Chen, Lu-Chi; Weng, Jinn-Shing; Naimullah, Muhamad; Hsiao, Po-Yuan; Tseng, Chen-Te; Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Chuang, Che-Chen | FRONT MAR SCI | 2 | |
2020 | Distribution and habitat characteristics of three important commercial swimming crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Portunidae) related with the environmental factors in Taiwan Strait | Muhamad Naimullah; Kuo-Wei Lan ; Yen-Rong Liang; Po-Yuan Hsiao; Ting-Chen Chiu; Cheng-Hsin Liao | | | |
2014 | Distributions and assemblages of larval fish in the East China Sea during the northeasterly and southwesterly monsoon seasons of 2008 | Chen, W. Y.; Ming-An Lee ; Kuo-Wei Lan ; Gwo-Ching Gong | Biogeosciences | | |
2024/1/1 | Effect of climate change on habitat suitability and recruitment dynamics of swimming crabs in the Taiwan Strait | Naimullah, Muhamad; Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Mammel, Mubarak; Chen, Lu-Chi; Wu, Yan-Lun; Hsiao, Po-Yuan; Liang, Ting-Yu; Fazhan, Hanafiah; Waiho, Khor | MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH | | |
2022 | Effect of soaking time on targets and bycatch species catch rates in fish and crab trap fishery in the southern East China Sea | Naimullah, Muhamad; Lee, Wei-Yu; Wu, Yan-Lun; Chen, Yi-Kai; Huang, Yu-Cih; Liao, Cheng-Hsin ; Lan, Kuo-Wei | FISH RES | 1 | |
2021 | Effect of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Cycle on the Catches and Habitat Patterns of Three Swimming Crabs in the Taiwan Strait | Naimullah, Muhamad; Wu, Yan-Lun; Lee, Ming-An ; Lan, Kuo-Wei | FRONT MAR SCI | 4 | |
2014 | Effects of an Unusual Cold-Water Intrusion in 2008 on the Catch of Coastal Fishing Methods around Penghu Islands, Taiwan | Ming-An Lee ; Yang, Y. C.; Shen, Y. L.; Chang, Y.; Tsai, W. S.; Kuo, Y. C.; Kuo-Wei Lan | Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | | |
2021 | Effects of Climate Change in Marine Ecosystems Based on the Spatiotemporal Age Structure of Top Predators: A Case Study of Bigeye Tuna in the Pacific Ocean | Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Wu, Yan-Lun; Chen, Lu-Chi; Naimullah, Muhamad; Lin, Tzu-Hsiang | FRONT MAR SCI | 2 | |
2014 | Effects of climate variability and climate change on the fishing conditions for grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in the Taiwan Strait | Ming-An Lee ; Zhang, C. I.; Wang, P. Y.; Wu, L. J.; Lee, K. T.; Kuo-Wei Lan | Climatic Change | | |
2013 | Effects of climate variability on the distribution and fishing conditions of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the western Indian Ocean | Evans, K.; Ming-An Lee ; Kuo-Wei Lan | Climatic Change | | |
2022 | Effects of decadal climate variability on spatiotemporal distribution of Indo-Pacific yellowfin tuna population | Wu, Yan-Lun; Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Evans, Karen; Chang, Yi-Jay; Chan, Jui-Wen | SCI REP-UK | 0 | |
2023/1/1 | Effects of spatial-temporal conditions and fishing-vessel capacity on the capture of swimming crabs by using different fishing gear around the waters of Taiwan | Naimullah, Muhamad; Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Liao, Cheng-Hsin ; Yang, Yu-Jhen; Chen, Chao-Ching; Liew, Hon Jung; Ikhwanuddin, Mhd | MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH | | |
2020 | Empirical habitat suitability model for immature albacore tuna in the North Pacific Ocean obtained using multisatellite remote sensing data | Lee, Ming-An ; Weng, Jinn-Shing; Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Vayghan, Ali Haghi; Yi-Chen Wang ; Chan, Jui-Wen | INT J REMOTE SENS | 10 | |