Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2015 | A review of chondrichthyan research in Taiwan. | Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou‐Jeng Joung | | | |
2006 | A review of elasmobranch research in Taiwan. | Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; C. T. Chen; Y. Y. Liao | | | |
2014 | A review of shark conservation and management in Taiwan. | Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2015 | Revised CPUE standardization and catch estimate of shortfin mako shark, caught by the Taiwanese large-scale longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean. | Tsai, W. P..; Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2017 | Revised integrated analysis of maturity size of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the North Pacific. | Semba, Y.; Kwang-Ming Liu | ISC/17/SHARK WG-1 | | |
2017 | A revision of the shortfin mako catch-at-size in the Atlantic using observer data. | Coelho, R.; A. Domingo; D. Courtney; E. Cortés; F. Arocha; Kwang-Ming Liu ; K. Yokawa; S. Yasuko; F. Hazin; D. Rosa; P.G. Lino. | | | |
2007 | Satellite tracking of juvenile whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, in the Northwestern Pacific | Hua-Hsun Hsu; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Yih-Yia Liao; Kwang-Ming Liu | Fisheries Research | 37 | |
2005 | Satellite tracking of three young whale sharks in the northwestern Pacific. | Hsu, H. H.; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Y. Y. Liao; Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2010 | Shark bycatch in Taiwanese longline fishery | Kwang-Ming Liu | | | |
2008 | Shark management based on vital parameters analysis. | Kwang-Ming Liu ; C. H. Chen; J. H. Chang | | | |
1993 | Simulation of Population Regulation in Lake Whitefish Coregonus Clupeaformis | 劉光明(Kwang-Ming Liu) ; 詹艾文(Alvin L. Jensen) | 臺灣水產學會刊 | 0 | |
2016 | Size and spatial distribution of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, caught by Taiwanese large-scale longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean. | Kwang-Ming Liu ; K. Y. Su; W. P. Tsai | ISC/16/SHARK WG-1 | | |
2021 | Size and spatial distribution of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, caught by the Taiwanese large-scale longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean | Kwang-Ming Liu ; Kuan-Yu Su; Wen-Pei Tsai; Chien-Pang Chin | ISC/21/SHARK WG-2 | | |
2016 | Size and structure of blue sharks in the North Pacific Ocean. | Sippel, T.; Y. Semba; K. Shiozki; F. Carvalho; J. L. Castillo-Geniz; W. P. Tsai; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Y. Kwon; Y. Chen; S. Kohin | SC/16/SHARK WG-1/ | | |
2017 | Size composition of shortfin mako shark caught by the Taiwanese tuna longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean. | Tsai, W. P.; Y. J. Wang; S. H. Su; Kwang-Ming Liu | ISC/17/SHARK WG-1 | | |
1992 | Some Aspects on the Fishery Biology of Big Eye Priacanthus Macracanthus in the Tungkang Waters,Southwestern Taiwan | 劉光明(Kwang-Ming Liu) ; 陳哲聰(Che-Tsung Chen); 莊守正(Shoou-Jeng Joung) | 臺灣水產學會刊 | 0 | |
1997 | Some aspects on the fishery biology of the pelagic thresher shark, Alopias pelagicus, in the northwestern Pacific. | Kwang-Ming Liu ; C. T. Chen; T. H. Liao | | | |
2021 | Southernmost record of the starry pipefish Halicampus punctatus (Syngnathiformes: Syngnathidae) | Shing-Lai Ng; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou-Jeng Joung | Platax | | |
2015 | Spatial and temporal patterns of shortfin mako shark size and sex in the North Pacific Ocean. | Sippel, T.; S. Ohshimo; K. Yokawa; M. Kai; F. Carvalho; Kwang-Ming Liu ; J. L. Castillo-Geniz; S. Kohin | ISC/15/SHARK WG-1 | | |
2021 | Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Megamouth Shark, Megachasma pelagios, Inferred from over 250 Individuals Recorded in the Three Oceans | Chi-Ju Yu; Shoou-Jeng Joung ; Hua-Hsun Hsu; Chia-Yen Lin; Tzu-Chi Hsieh; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Atsuko Yamaguchi | Animals | 3 | |